
All Star
Jun 16, 2014
Dam what hoe hasn't PBR fukked.

Jello Biafra

A true friend stabs you in the front
May 16, 2012
Behind You
John Diggle, Green Lantern?

Theres been a lot of talk recently on whether or not Diggle needs a mask. Some have gone as far to say they’d want you to be the Green Lantern, John Stewart. What are your thoughts on that? Does Diggle need a mask? Would you want to become the Green Lantern?

David Ramsey: Diggle can be a husband, a father, and a hero. He didn’t go through some type of tragic event. He’s a guy who grew up in the Glades, which is the hood, he did four tours, and he joined the special forces. This is a guy that I can be, that you can be, that any of the viewers can be, unlike the others who went through some tragic event and compelled them to become these characters. Diggle did through simple sheer force of will. That’s survival with regular folks. I think that’s part of the power this character has. When you cover it with a mask, he becomes something. That’s why in general we’ve been struggling with, “How do we give Diggle a mask of any sort?” Obviously, he’s out in the open, he has a wife and a child to protect, there’s a fair question about how we protect that identity and still keep him out in the field. That’s a very fair question and we’re working on it.

Now, John Stewart… Is John Diggle John Stewart? I cannot say “yes,” and cannot say, “no.”

Oh, come on!

DR: I’m serious! I do know that there is serious discussion about whether or not this guy becomes John Stewart. But, I mean, I’ll say this: it is top secret. David Ramsey has asked them, and they’re like, “we’re working on some stuff.” If that’s the case, it’s gonna be huge. This is the stuff they want to avoid. I think they don’t want anybody to know yet and they haven’t even told me. They have told me that they are thinking about it and they are considering it. Greg Berlanti told me that. Andrew and Marc have told me that. I haven’t spoken to Geoff Johns about it, yet. But that’s the word from people directly involved in Arrow- that they’re working on something.

Here’s the truth of it: if I knew, I would tell you I knew and I’m not at liberty to tell you that. I probably wouldn’t tell you anyway! I would at least tell you that I know. But I honestly do not know.

Would you want to see them go that route and see Diggle become a super-powered Green Lantern?

DR: I love John Stewart. At one of the comic cons I met the original creator of John Stewart and he is just an awesome, awesome character. To answer your question: if Diggle becomes John Stewart, I would be honored to be play that character. Honored. The same way that I am honored that John Diggle is now a part of the DC canon. That’s just an incredible honor to me. I would love it because I think that he’s an awesome character. I would love to sink my teeth into it. I don’t know how would fit into the Arrow Universe because the Arrow Universe is so rooted in kind of grounded reality, if you will, however real people with a bow and arrow can be. I don’t know how a thought-based weapon fits into that world. I don’t know how that fits into Arrow, but yes, to answer that question I would love to play the character.
