Det. Lance hitting Roy with the

when he tried to maintain his "secret" identity was hilarious.
I am not a fan of the way this show has handled Ollie's 'death" and "resurrection".
I know I am hoping against hope but I would be so happy if this was truly the end of Oliver/Felicity as a couple. Caving into the douchebag fandom that is obsessed with making them a couple is the biggest mistake the show has made. Felicity having a mild crush on Olvier was fine but anything more was stupid and completely fukks over the dynamic of Team Arrow. Felicity is supposed to be the snarky, comic relief that lightens up the grim and gritty in the Arrow Cave. Tossing in all of this romantic drama between these two characters ruins the flow of the show and never really feels genuine anyway.
I am also gong to need Malcolm to secretly kill Brick because I am not here for a kinder gentler Malcolm Merlyn.
And Oliver needs to invite Laurel to his training sessions with Malcolm because if she is getting trained by Ted Grant exclusively then she is in for a painful future of constant beatdowns.