The Official Anabolic Thread


Warrior Lifestyle
Dec 28, 2012
How long into the cycle does it take to see results?
It all depends how much Test you injecting, 10-16 weeks should be how long,

You will notice the strength gainz in the second week, spike in libido in the first week, Size around week 5 for most, but the size keep coming every week when it kicks in.

Remember if you ain't eating right and lifting heavy and training hard then it's a waste of money and time. You will be just walking around with a hard dikk all day


Warrior Lifestyle
Dec 28, 2012

Post-Cycle Therapy (PCT)

  • 07_hpganorm2010.jpg

Understanding Post-Cycle Therapy
Post-Cycle Therapy, or PCT for short, refers to the practice of using certain medications to assistant in the discontinuance of anabolic steroids. While steroids are not addictive drugs in a classical sense, they do suppress your own hormone production, at least temporarily. This is an issue that should be addressed at the conclusion of use. If the steroids are discontinued abruptly without addressing internal hormone production, the result could be a prolonged state of hypogonadism (low androgen levels) characterized by a substantial loss of muscle mass, reduced energy levels, depression, and impaired libido/sexual functioning. Steroid-using bodybuilders refer to this as the “post cycle crash”. In this section, we will examine the natural control of hormone production as it relates to this crash. We will also discuss certain medications that are commonly used during the postcycle window to help stimulate natural testosterone production and correct the hormonal imbalance.

The HPTA Axis

In the human body, the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Testicular Axis (HPTA) controls testosterone biosynthesis. The HPTA is a tightly regulated system of checks and balances that works to assure the correct level of testosterone is maintained. We can look at this regulating process as having three levels. At the top is the hypothalamic region of the brain, which releases GnRH (Gonadotropin- Releasing Hormone) when it senses a need for more testosterone. GnRH sends a signal to the second level of the axis, the pituitary, to produce Luteinizing Hormone (LH). LH in turn sends a message to the Leydig’s cells in the testes (level three) to secrete testosterone. Given this role, LH is regarded as the primary direct messenger controlling testosterone synthesis. Testosterone and other sex steroids that are produced as a result of this LH stimulation serve as a counterbalance. They provide negative feedback to lower the secretion of LH and testosterone, preventing overproduction. Synthetic anabolic steroids, of course, send the same negative feedback. The serum level of testosterone is, therefore, a reflection of both positive and negative stimulation fighting each other for hormonal control.

The Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Testicular Axis: The hypothalamus releases Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone (GnRH), which stimulates the pituitary to release luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH). This (primarily LH) promotes the release of testosterone from the testes. Androgens, as well as estrogens and progestins, in turn cause negative feedback inhibition at the hypothalamus and pituitary, lowering the output of gonadotropins and testosterone when too much hormone is present.

Unaided HPTA Recovery

The suppression of natural testosterone synthesis by steroid use is typically a temporary phenomenon. Even if you do nothing, your body’s normal androgen synthesis will usually return a few to several months after the cycle is concluded. The problem is, this can be a very long time when you are relying on testosterone for so many things, including the maintenance of muscle tissue. In fact, much of the muscle mass achieved during AAS administration can be lost in the weeks and months to follow if low androgen levels are left unchecked. Post-Cycle Therapy is widely used by bodybuilders and athletes to stimulate the HPTA, so normal hormone production levels may come back more quickly. In order to accomplish this effectively, however, we need to first understand what HTPA recovery normally looks like without assistance. Only then can we identify the levels of the HPTA that are most open to manipulation with support medications.

Studies on the post-cessation aspect of anabolic steroid use, especially in AAS abusers, are lacking. In most cases we must refer to single-agent studies, usually of hormone replacement patients. One of the most detailed views of what a post-cycle crash probably looks like comes from an investigation into testosterone enanthate.354 It involves a group of men that were given weekly injections (250 mg) for 21 weeks, a dose that admittedly does go beyond normal HRT use. Various hormones were measured each week during the study, and for more than 4 months after the medication was discontinued. A review of the data shows that at the start of the study, LH levels were suppressed in direct relation to the rise in testosterone (see Figure I). Once the steroid was withdrawn, however, there was a delay between the return towards normal LH production (which began to correct by the 3rd week) and testosterone (which took more than 10 weeks before noticeable correction).

The above study suggests that one of the first things to happen after steroid cessation is that the brain recognizes testosterone levels are low again. This will cause GnRH and LH levels begin correcting fairly quickly. The substantial delay between this and an increase in testosterone levels is caused largely by testicular unresponsiveness to luteinizing hormone. After months of receiving extremely weak stimulation, they will have lost a substantial amount of mass (atrophied). This is a well-documented side effect of anabolic steroid use, even if a size difference may not be immediately visible in all cases. When LH levels begin surging back, the testes will initially be unable to handle the workload. This is expected to correct itself in time, but it may take many weeks for the testes to slowly restore to their original mass. With a good portion of the post-cycle recovery period actually being characterized by normal (even high) levels of LH, we must address recovery broadly if we expect it to be effective.

Figure I. LH and Testosterone measurements starting 1 week after the last injection of 250mg of testosterone enanthate (pretreated measures were 5 mU/ml and 4.5 ng/ml respectively).Note that between weeks 1 and 5, as testosterone levels are declining due to the cessation of exogenous androgen administration, LH levels are beginning to correct. From weeks 5 to 10, testosterone levels remain at or very near baseline, although LH is increasing by this point.No notable correction in testosterone occurs until after the 10-week mark.

hCG in Post-Cycle Therapy

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) is a fertility drug that mimics the actions of luteinizing hormone. It is commonly used during the post-cycle period to address testicular atrophy, which as we have seen is one of the fundamental roadblocks to hormonal recovery. The hCG is typically taken at a substantial dosage for a period of 2-3 weeks. Testicular atrophy is caused by a lack of LH stimulation, and likewise recovery is function of increased LH. The objective with hCG is to maximize stimulation of the testes so their original mass is recovered more quickly than if we relied solely on physiological LH production. It is important that hCG not be overused. Testicular sensitization to this hormone is a delicately regulated mechanism. When hCG is taken for too long or at too high a dosage, the LH receptor can become desensitized.355 This can actually interfere with recovery of hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis. A detailed program utilizing hCG is outlined later in this section. For additional information, please refer to the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin drug profile in this book.

Anti-Estrogens in PCT

The anti-estrogenic drugs Clomid (clomiphene citrate) and Nolvadex (tamoxifen citrate) are also commonly used during the post-cycle period. These drugs are used to block the negative feedback inhibition of estrogen, which occurs primarily at the hypothalamus.356This may foster the heightened release of GnRH, and subsequently LH and testosterone. While estrogen levels are not especially high in men, it is still a very strong inhibitor of testosterone release.357 Since it is also formed from the aromatization of testosterone in peripheral tissues, its role in the regulation of androgen biosynthesis is regarded as a fairly direct one. The purpose of using anti-estrogens is to both trigger correction in LH levels more quickly, and to augment total LH. They may also be necessary to combat gynecomastia in some individuals, which can occur even with low estrogen levels (it is partly a function of the androgen to estrogen balance in the breast).

It is important to note that the use of anti-estrogens alone is generally not regarded as an effectively strategy for addressing hormone recovery at the conclusion of a steroid cycle. This is because these drugs only work by fostering the heightened release of luteinizing hormone. We expect that the post-cycle window is already partly characterized by normal/high LH levels. Thus, while anti-estrogens may have an additive effect in this regard, they do not effectively and directly address the main roadblock to hormonal recovery after steroid use, namely testicular atrophy. Because of this, it is also generally advised to directly target the testes with hCG. This usually means the initiation of a traditional PCT program after every formidable period of AAS use, which utilizes all three of the medications discussed in this section. There are some exceptions when an abbreviated PCT program may be desirable, which we will discuss later on.

Traditional PCT Program

The following post-cycle therapy program was developed by Dr. Michael Scally, one of the most well known and accomplished individuals in the field of anabolic steroids and male hormone replacement medicine. Scally has been a particularly strong force lobbying the medical community and government to recognize the hormonal imbalance that follows steroid use, something he has dubbed anabolic steroid induced hypogonadism (ASIH). He has also treated and done blood work on hundreds of patients, and while doing so developed the following PCT program. A slightly modified form of this program was outlined in a clinical report involving 19 healthy male subjects taking supraphysiological (highly suppressive) doses of testosterone cypionate and nandrolone decanoate for 12 weeks. Scally’s “HPGA Normalization Protocol” focuses on the combined use of hCG, Nolvadex, and Clomid, and is perhaps the most trusted and clinically supported post-cycle therapy program presently available.

This post-cycle therapy program begins with a substantial dose of hCG (2000 IU every other day for 20 days). Anti-estrogens are also used during this period. This is potentially important because hCG may up-regulate testicular aromatase activity.358 Thus, their use can minimize both estrogenic side effects and reduce negative feedback inhibition of testosterone release. The anti-estrogens taken are tamoxifen citrate (20 mg twice per day) and clomiphene citrate (50 mg twice per day). Clomid is used for a shorter period of time, in a stepping down of the program’s medications. While in the first couple of weeks the anti- estrogens may not be highly effective, they should prove more critical towards the middle and end of the program. In the published version of Scally’s program (which is slightly modified from the above), normal hormonal function returned in all subjects within 45 days. This is a definite success, far more favorable than the protracted recovery window reported in the study with 250 mg/week of testosterone enanthate.

Protocols: Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is taken at 2000IU every other day for 20 days. Clomiphene citrate 50 mg is taken twice per day for 30 days.Tamoxifen citrate is taken 20 mg twice per day for 45 days.

The timing for a Post-Cycle Therapy program can be as important as its composition. If it is initiated too late, valuable days of normal hormone levels (and also some muscle mass) may be lost. If you start the program too early, you may miss the optimal window of effectiveness. The 20-day period of time in which hCG is used is the most critical, and thus we time the PCT program around this medication. In particular, we want to make sure that hCG is being applied right around the time that exogenous steroids are dropping below the threshold of physiological androgen stimulation. In the case of testosterone (the easiest drug to understand and explain), this would be right before blood levels drop below the normal level (350 ng/dL). There should be a small overlap with the on-cycle period, so that hCG has a little time to work before AAS levels are completely diminished.

The exact timing for PCT program is determined by the elimination half-life of the drug(s) used. We will use testosterone cypionate/enanthate as an example. We know each injection has an elimination half-life of approximately 8 days. A dose of 200 mg/week should produce blood levels of around 2000-2400 ng/dL after several weeks of use. It would take about 3 half lives (24 days) for testosterone levels to drop to approximately 250-300 ng/dL at that dose. Thus, the PCT program would be initiated a few days to one week after the last testosterone injection. The program would be delayed with higher doses. For example, at 500 mg per week of TC/TE it should take approximately 4 half lives (32 days) for testosterone to drop below the normal range. In this case, PCT would be initiated about two weeks after the last testosterone injection. With an orals-only cycle (with no extended half-life due to an injection site reservoir), PCT is initiated 7-10 days before the last steroid pills are taken.

Timing The Start of PCT

Type of AAS used : PCT Initiation

Cypionate/Enanthate : 3-7 days after last injection (200 mg/week)

Cypionate/Enanthate : 10-14 days (500 mg/week)

Decanoate : 10-14 daysn (200 mg/week)

Decanoate : 18-21 days (500 mg/week)



Warrior Lifestyle
Dec 28, 2012
Colonial High School Weightlifting Coach Arrested After Being Accused of Selling Steroids to Students
Colonial High School Weightlifting Coach Arrested After Being Accused of Selling Steroids to Students
Sean Grove, a popular Colonial High School physical education teacher and weightlifting coach who has been employed by the Orange County Public Schools (OCPS) for over 20 years, was arrested on charges of possession of a controlled substance (anabolic steroids) and possession of a prescription drug without a prescription on February 27, 2018. Grove was booked at the Orange County Jail and subsequently released on bond.

Grove’s arrest comes after school administrators received an anonymous tip in May 2017 that the weightlifting coach was selling anabolic steroidsalong with Viagra and Cialis to high school students. It was the second time that someone reported Grove for steroid dealing.

An internal investigation cleared Grove after the first tip was received during the 2015-2016 school year. OCPS never reported the incident to the Orannge County Sheriff’s Office (OCSO).

OCPS reported Grove after the second tip. The OCSO responding by sending a School Resource Officer (SRO) to investigate in February 2018. Grove gave the SRO permission to search his pickup truck. The SRO found two vials of injectable steroids.

Grove acted surprised to hear that the SRO found steroids in his vehicle. Grove eventually admitted that he had used steroids in the past for bodybuilding competitions. Grove had previously competed in physique competitions such as the 2011 NPC Florida State, 2013 NPC Orlando Metropolitan and the 2013 NPC Teen, Collegiate and Masters Nationals.

However, Grove adamantly denied ever selling anabolic steroids, Viagra, Cialis or any other illegal performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs) to any student at Colonial High School or elsewhere. Grove told police investigators that he must have been "set up by an ex-wife, an ex-girlfriend or a competing weightlifting coach.”

Eric Pagan, a 17-year old high school weightlifter, defended his coach against the charges. Pagan stated that Grove never sold steroids to students and, in fact, consistently discouraged Colonial High weightlifters from getting involved with steroids.

"He was normally the one to be responsible and stay away from that stuff," Pagan said.

OCPS officials placed Grove on administrative leave pending their own internal investigation and the result of the criminal investigation.


Putman, C. & Kelly, J. (March 6, 2018). Deputies: Colonial High School weightlifting coach caught with steroids. Retrieved from


Warrior Lifestyle
Dec 28, 2012
Testosterone Suspension
Testosterone Suspension Profile:
  • Formula: C27 H40 O3
  • Molecular Weight: 412.6112
  • Molecular Weight: 288.429
  • Formula: C19 H28 O2
  • Melting Point: 155
  • Manufacturer: Various
  • Effective Dose (Men): 25-100mg every other to every day
  • Effective Dose (Women): Not recommended
  • Active life:+/- 24 hours
  • Detection Time: +/- 24-48 hours
  • Anabolic/Androgenic ratio:100/10
Androgenic 100
Anabolic 100
Standard Testosterone (Standard)
Chemical Names 4-androsten-3-one-17beta-ol, 17beta-hydroxy-androst-4-en-3-one
Estrogenic Activitymoderate
Progestational Activitylow

Testosterone suspension is an injectable preparation containing testosterone (no ester), usually in a water base. Among bodybuilders, “suspension” is known to be an extremely potent mass agent. It is often said to be the most powerful injectable steroid available, producing very rapid gains in muscle mass and strength. This is largely due to the very fast action of the drug. When using a slow-acting oil-based steroid like Sustanon® 250, it can take weeks before a peak testosterone level is reached. With suspension, it is just a matter of hours. This will usually result in the athlete starting to notice size and strength gains by the end of the first week. By the time the athlete is 30 days into a cycle of suspension, the length it will usually take for Sustanon® 250 to really begin working consistently, the mass gains are already (generally) very extreme.

Testosterone suspension is one of the oldest anabolic/androgenic steroids, dating all the way back to the 1930’s. Used generically to describe any injectable form of free testosterone, testosterone suspension predates the development of slow-acting (depot) injections of esterified testosterone by several years. Even after the development of esterified derivates, testosterone suspension remained on the U.S. and other select drug markets. For example, testosterone propionate and testosterone enanthate were both commercially available by the 1950’s, yet testosterone suspension remained a regularly produced item in the U.S. for decades more. Previous American trade names for the drug have include Sterotate (Ulmer), Andronaq (Central), Aquaspension Testosterone (Pitman-Moore), Injectable Aqueous Testosterone (Arlington-Funk), Virosterone (Endo), and Testosterone Aqueous (National Drug). A full accounting of the former generic manufacturers and brand names for this drug would be too numerous to list.

Testosterone suspension shares a clinical application history similar to that of other testosterone products. Early prescribing guidelines called for its use to ameliorate a loss of sex drive, impotence, and general loss of vitality in aging males with declining hormone levels. Testosterone was/is also used to treat pubertal adolescents with undescended testicles. With women, the drug was commonly prescribed for the treatment of excessive or painful lactation following childbirth, as well as inoperable mammary cancer. By the 1990’s, however, the FDA had refined the approved uses for testosterone suspension slightly, which began to focus more tightly on the treatment of male androgen insufficiency. The drug may, however, still be used as a secondary therapy in inoperable breast cancer, although its high tendency to produce virilization makes it an uncommon choice.

Although the number of products containing testosterone suspension steadily dwindled over the years, the drug enjoyed uninterrupted availability on the U.S. prescription drug market all the way up to 1998. That year, the FDA had taken action against Steris Laboratories (a subsidiary of Henry Schein), which at the time was the principal U.S. supplier for testosterone products (manufacturing them for their label and several other brands). The firm was also the last remaining producer of testosterone suspension. The dispute arose over Steris’ inventory reports for their Class III drugs. The FDA forced the company to suspend production of all C-III pharmaceuticals until certain “discrepancies” could be addressed. Years later, Steris was able to resume producing testosterone drugs again, but by this time had made the decision not to resume making testosterone suspension. Currently, testosterone suspension is still available in the U.S., but only through private compounding pharmacies, which may produce the drug on special order from a licensed doctor.


Warrior Lifestyle
Dec 28, 2012
Testosterone Suspension Functions & Traits:
Testosterone Suspension is a pure ester free synthetic testosterone compound that is normally suspended in water. Most injectable anabolic steroids are suspended in oil and oil based Suspension can be found but water base is far more common. As there is no ester attached to Testosterone Suspension, this means there is no ester to take up any mass in the compound, thereby increasing its potency on a per milligram basis. When we examine an anabolic steroid on the basis of its concentrated potency, we commonly have to take into consideration the mass of the ester. For example, Testosterone Propionate will carry more active testosterone on a per milligram basis than Testosterone Cypionate due to the Cypionate ester taking up more mass in the compound than the Propionate ester. This is why you will commonly see Propionate doses to be a little lower than Cypionate doses. But with Testosterone Suspension, as there’s no ester there’s no interference with the concentration. The following chart should help you understand this principle:

Compound Dosing Active Testosterone
Testosterone Suspension


100mg per 100mg

Testosterone Propionate


83.72mg per 100mg

Testosterone Cypionate


69.90mg per 100mg

As a pure testosterone compound Testosterone Suspension like all testosterone compounds carries an anabolic rating of 100 and an androgenicrating of 100 as well. It is this rating system, that of testosterone which all ratings of all anabolic steroids are measured. While carrying a 100 rating in both categories on a structural basis, its translating functional nature matches up perfectly. This is important as it’s not always the case with all anabolic steroids. For example, the anabolic steroid Halotestin (Fluoxymesterone) carries a massive anabolic rating of 1,900 but displays almost no anabolic effects. Then there are steroids like Deca Durabolin(Nandrolone Decanoate) that carries an androgenic rating of only 37 but commonly results in androgenic characteristics far beyond what its rating implies. This discrepancy issue does not exist with Testosterone Suspension. The hormone will be powerfully anabolic and androgenic just as its ratings imply.

As a raw testosterone this makes Testosterone Suspension suitable for treating androgen deficiencies like low testosterone. It will not do a better job than other testosterone compounds and can actually be a little annoying on the basis of frequent injection; however, it can improve related low level symptoms faster than any other testosterone form. If you’re wondering how Testosterone Suspension can fix low testosterone it’s really rather simple. Testosterone represents the primary male androgen and is essential to our health and wellbeing. Women also need testosterone and essentially so but not near the amount of their male counterparts. Regardless, man or woman when testosterone levels fall the only thing that will remedy the problem is testosterone, and that’s exactly what Testosterone Suspension is. This is not to say women should use this anabolic steroid to treat this condition, in fact they should not due to strong virilization effects. There are other testosterone compounds that will be far easier for women to control.


Warrior Lifestyle
Dec 28, 2012
If you suffer from low testosterone, the condition can come with numerous symptoms. Normally the individual will only display a few symptoms, normally 2-3 but if ignored symptoms will commonly begin to slowly mount up. They will not be life threatening but they can severely diminish your overall quality of life. Further, if continually ignored this very unhealthy condition can contribute to numerous far more serious conditions in a somewhat of a gateway capacity. Common symptoms of low testosterone include.

  • Loss of Libido (can refer to partial or total loss)
  • Erectile Dysfunction (inability to maintain or obtain and erection)
  • Loss of Muscle Mass (despite diet & exercise)
    • Loss of Strength (despite diet & exercise)
    • Increased Body Fat (despite diet & exercise)
    • Loss of Mental Clarity
    • Decreased Ability to Focus
    • Lethargy
    • Insomnia
    • Irritability
    • Decreased Energy
    • Depression
    • Weakened Immune System
If the condition is ignored, low testosterone can aid in the promotion of the following conditions:

  • Alzheimer’s Disease
  • Diabetes
  • Osteoporosis
  • Infertility
  • Polyuria
  • Anxiety
  • Heart Disease
Although it can be used to treat low testosterone, Testosterone Suspension is rarely used for that purpose any longer, especially in the U.S. However, some doctors will initiate therapy with this version on a specific patient-by-patient basis.

Treating low testosterone represents the primary general functioning trait of Testosterone Suspension but it is the traits and functions provided by high levels of the hormone that are of a particular interest to most. Here we’re referring to supraphysiological doses of testosterone. Here we are referring to performance enhancement. With supraphysiological doses the individual will notice improvements in all the areas of his life that improved for a low level patient. However, high levels of testosterone will provide enhancements in five key areas of performance and represent five primary anabolic steroid traits. By supplementing with supraphysiological doses of Testosterone Suspension, the following can be obtained:

[1] Enhanced Protein Synthesis:

Protein is the building block of muscle and synthesis refers to the rate by which cells build proteins. With this enhancement the anabolic atmosphere is enhanced, recovery is improved and more progress is made.

[2] Enhanced Nitrogen Retention:

All lean muscle tissue is comprised of approximately 16% nitrogen. When nitrogen levels fall this can lead to a catabolic (muscle wasting) state. Conversely, the more nitrogen we retain the greater our anabolic atmosphere remains. This can be invaluable not only in periods of growth but preservation as well.

[3] Increased Red Blood Cell Count:

Red blood cells carry oxygen to and through the blood. An increased red blood cell count results in greater blood oxygenation in turn resulting in enhanced muscular endurance. It will also play an intrinsic role in recovery.

[4] Increased IGF-1 Output:

Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1 (IGF-1) is a powerful protein based hormone naturally produced by all human beings that is closely tied to another naturally produced hormone in Human Growth Hormone(HGH). IGF-1 is extremely anabolic, imperative to recovery, repair and physical rejuvenation and affects nearly every last cell in the human body. It’s not too hard to see how increased levels of IGF-1 would benefit the individual.

[5] Inhibition of Glucocorticoid Hormones:

Glucocorticoids are in many ways the exact opposite of anabolic steroids. These hormones often referred to as stress hormones are essential to our health but in very minimal amounts. These hormones can destroy muscle tissue and promote fat gain. The most well known glucocorticoid is cortisol. High testosterone levels, such as through Testosterone Suspension will ensure glucocorticoid hormones do not become dominant in the body.


Warrior Lifestyle
Dec 28, 2012
Side Effects of Testosterone Suspension:
There are possible side effects of Testosterone Suspension use; however, keep in mind it’s just testosterone, a hormone your body is well accustomed to. For the low testosterone patient, the probability of incurring side effects of Testosterone Suspension use will be the lowest. In this case the individual is simply replacing what he is lacking and nothing more. However, side effects are still possible and must be taken into consideration. For the performance enhancing athlete, the side effects of Testosterone Suspension will greatly increase in probability. Such an individual will be increasing his total testosterone levels above and beyond what the human body could ever naturally produce. However, while there is an increased probability it is very possible to control the side effects of Testosterone Suspension. But due to the rapid nature of the compound some will have a more difficult time controlling testosterone related side effects with this version than the more popular testosterone compounds. In order to help you understand the possible side effects of Testosterone Suspension we have broken them down into their separate categories along with all the information you’ll need.

[1] Estrogenic:
The primary possible side effects of Testosterone Suspension will surround the hormone’s estrogenic activity. The testosterone hormone has the ability to convert to estrogen through the aromatase process. This is due to its interaction with the aromatase enzyme. As estrogen levels increase this can lead to gynecomastia and excess water retention. Severe excess water retention can also promote high blood pressure. Some will also find that high estrogen levels, which are very possible with this compound can promote body fat gain.

Due to the estrogenic nature of Testosterone Suspension anti-estrogen medications are commonly recommended. You have two choices in classes of anti-estrogens, Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators (SERM’s) like Nolvadex(Tamoxifen Citrate) and Aromatase Inhibitors (AI’s) like Arimidex (Anastrozole). SERM’s provide protection by binding to the estrogen receptor, thereby preventing the estrogen hormone from binding in an active manner. AI’s will function by inhibiting the aromatase process and will actually lower total estrogen levels in the body. AI’s are by far the most effective way to prevent the estrogenic side effects of Testosterone Suspension.

While AI’s are the most effective, they can also have a negative impact on cholesterol. We’ll go over this more in the cardiovascular section. SERM’s while not as effective appear to have a positive impact on cholesterol. Although anti-estrogenic, SERM’s actually act as estrogen on the liver promoting healthier cholesterol levels. SERM’s should be your first choice any time an anti-estrogen is needed; however, they won’t always be enough.

[2] Androgenic:
The side effects of Testosterone Suspension can include those of an androgenic nature. The androgenic side effects of Testosterone Suspension include acne, accelerated hair loss in those predisposed to male pattern baldness and body hair growth. Such effects are highly dependent on genetic predispositions but can prove problematic in some individuals.

The androgenic side effects of Testosterone Suspension are due to the hormone being metabolized by the 5-alpha reductase enzyme, which in turn reduces the testosterone hormone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT). This can be combated by the use of a 5-alpha reductase inhibitor like Finasteride. Such related inhibitors will not completely reduce the androgenicity of testosterone but will have a significant effect. If the androgenic side effects of Testosterone Suspension prove to be problematic, such an inhibitor may be worth consideration.

[3] Cardiovascular:
The cardiovascular related side effects of Testosterone Suspension can include high blood pressure as well as cholesterol issues. The issue of high blood pressure will most commonly be tied to water retention, which can be controlled with the use of an anti-estrogen. It’s also important to keep your diet clean and well planned. Overeating will cause you to hold water, especially excess carbohydrates on a regular basis. With the inclusion of exogenous testosterone this problem can be exasperated. Control your diet and control water retention and you will largely control blood pressure.

The testosterone hormone also has the ability to negatively affect cholesterol, especially HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol) in suppressing/reducing HDL levels. Alone testosterone does not appear to have a strong affect. Higher doses will often promote more HDL suppression but it should still be controllable. As mentioned, AI’s can also negatively affect cholesterol, but alone they do not appear to have a strong affect. However, when the use of an AI and exogenous testosterone are coupled together, this appears to create a much stronger suppression in HDL cholesterol. This can also have a negative affect on LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) as HDL cholesterol largely regulates LDL cholesterol.

Due to the possible issues surrounding cholesterol, a cholesterol friendly lifestyle will be very important. A healthy lifestyle should include a cholesterol friendly diet rich in omega fatty acids, low in saturated fats and very limited in simple sugars. It should also include plenty of regular cardiovascular activity. This not only applies to periods of dieting but off-season growth phases as well. Do not be afraid to incorporate cardiovascular training when bulking. It will actually help you make better, cleaner gains. True, you may not gain as much weight, but remember weight is meaningless, lean tissue is all that matters and is the only weight you want.

[4] Testosterone:
The use of Testosterone Suspension will suppress natural testosterone production. It does not matter who you are or why you’re using it, natural testosterone production will be severely suppressed. For the low testosterone patient, this is of no concern. Such an individual isn’t producing enough testosterone to begin with. For the performance athlete, during supplementation there is also no concern as the exogenous testosterone will be providing all the testosterone you need.

Once use is discontinued, this is where a concern may arise. Once you discontinue use, natural testosterone production will begin again but it will be at a very minimal state. It will continue to build over time but it will take an enormous amount of time for your natural levels to reach their normal state. For this reason, most men are strongly encouraged to implement a Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) plan after the discontinuation of their anabolic steroid cycle. This will greatly speed up the recovery process. It will not return you to normal on its own but it will ensure you have enough testosterone for proper bodily function while your levels continue to naturally rise. This will also greatly protect your hard earned muscle tissue. With a low level of testosterone for an extended period of time glucocorticoids will become dominant and destroy your lean tissue. If you’re going to be off cycle for a decent length of time there is no logical reason for forgoing a PCT plan.

Important notes on natural testosterone recovery; natural recovery assumes there was no prior existing low testosterone condition. A low level patient, while his levels will be proper while using testosterone will bottom out again without it. Most low level patients require continuous therapy. Natural recovery also assumes no severe damage was done to the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Testicular-Axis (HPTA) through improper steroidal supplementation practices.

[5] Hepatotoxicity:
Testosterone Suspension is not hepatotoxic and cannot cause any stress or damage to the liver.


Warrior Lifestyle
Dec 28, 2012
Testosterone Suspension Administration:
In a therapeutic setting, standard Testosterone Suspension doses will fall in the 25-50mg per injection range. Normally a dose of 25-50mg will be administered 2-3 times per week. In a performance capacity, Testosterone Suspension doses will most commonly fall in the 50-100mg per injection range on an every other day to daily basis. Some will even choose to split their total daily dosing into two smaller daily injections but there’s really no benefit in this protocol with the total active half-life of the compound being around 24 hours. Higher doses can be used, 200mg every other day to even daily are not unheard of, but very few men will ever need more than 100mg every day. Always remember the more you use the greater the potential for adverse effects. Further, many will be including a standard ester base testosterone like Cypionate or Enanthate in their cycle and will only be using Suspension for short periods of time.

You can use Testosterone Suspension for an entire cycle, but many find 4-6 week burst of the hormone as part of a larger cycle to be very beneficial. This will be especially true in kick starting a cycle or using the compound to break through a sticking point. As for stacking, Testosterone Suspension stacks well with any and all anabolic steroids.

Female Testosterone Suspension use has not been discussed due to its very limited and rare use. Female athletes are strongly cautioned against using this compound due to a high and pronounced rate of virilization. In a clinical setting it is sometimes used to treat specific forms of breast cancer, but this is extremely rare


Warrior Lifestyle
Dec 28, 2012
Testosterone Suspension Reviews:
Testosterone Suspension is the most powerful testosterone compound on the market. While powerful, we cannot call it a superior form of testosterone. When it comes to rapid gains and breaking through a sticking point, absolutely it is superior but overall it provides the same benefits of any testosterone compound.

Testosterone Suspension is also tremendously beneficial to tested athletes looking for a boost. In fact, this is beyond a common anabolic steroid in many athletic circles. Sometimes it is used for a direct boost but it’s often also used to simply combat suppression that is caused due to other fast acting anabolic steroids the individual may be using.

While it has its benefits, this really isn’t an anabolic steroid most will ever need. When we consider the potential pain that can be associated with a Suspension injection it’s often not worth using. However, if needed it is imperative you only buy human grade versions. Remember, this product is notorious for bacteria in the underground market and that can make an injection even more painful than it has to be. And although pain is a potential issue with this steroid, as with so many things in life it will largely be of an individualistic nature. Some will be able to use all the Testosterone Suspension they want with no pain at all