The Official Anabolic Thread


All Star
Nov 19, 2016
Diet/macros on point. I’m on a push, pull, legs routine. Current sups are pre jymm, on whey, on creatine, on fish oil, and controlled labs vitamins. Looking at adding some size and strength.

Just kicking around the idea at this point. Had a coworker go on the gear stack I mentioned. Was telling me nolvadex and clomid all you need.

Word. Pct was the main thing I’m looking into. Good to know on the on cycle stuff. Gonna do some reading up on it. Thanks breh :salute:


Warrior Lifestyle
Dec 28, 2012
Diet/macros on point. I’m on a push, pull, legs routine. Current sups are pre jymm, on whey, on creatine, on fish oil, and controlled labs vitamins. Looking at adding some size and strength.

Just kicking around the idea at this point. Had a coworker go on the gear stack I mentioned. Was telling me nolvadex and clomid all you need.

Word. Pct was the main thing I’m looking into. Good to know on the on cycle stuff. Gonna do some reading up on it. Thanks breh :salute:

500 mg of Test E for 12 Weeks will get you the size and strength especially for your first cycle, you will not be disappointed

Nolvadex and Clomid are great you need those two, now we want to keep those GAINZ after the cycle right? Creatine, BCAA's, with Clomid and Nolvadex will help you keep the Gainz. Nolvadex is an estro blocker, Clomid is for to help kickstart your natural test production, after the cycle The Test E will still be in your system so the Gainz will still come while you start the Post Cycle, even Clomid will aid in Gainz


Warrior Lifestyle
Dec 28, 2012
Testosterone Propionate
  • 4-androstene-3-one, 17beta-ol
  • Testosterone base + Propionate ester
  • Molecular Weight (base): 288.429
  • Molecular Weight (ester): 74.0792
  • Formula (base): C19 H28 O2
  • Formula (ester): C3H6O2
  • Melting Point (base): 155
  • Melting Point (ester): 21C
  • Manufacturer: Various
  • Effective Dose (Men): TRT – 25-50mg/2-3x/week – Performance: 100-200mg/every other day
  • Effective Dose (Women): Not Recommended
  • Active life: <2 days
  • Detection Time: 2-3 weeks
  • Anabolic/Androgenic ratio:100/100.

Androgenic 100
Anabolic 100
Standard Testosterone (Standard)
Chemical Names 4-androsten-3-one-17beta-ol, 17beta-hydroxy-androst-4-en-3-one
Estrogenic Activitymoderate
Progestational Activitylow


Warrior Lifestyle
Dec 28, 2012
Testosterone propionate was first described in 1935, during a series of experiments that set out to increase the therapeutic usefulness of testosterone by slowing its release into the bloodstream.566 Two years later, Schering AG in Germany would introduce the first testosterone propionate product under the brand name Testoviron®. Propionate was also the first commercially available injectable ester of testosterone on the U.S. prescription drug market, and remained the dominant form of testosterone globally before 1960. Back during the early 1950’s, for example, when steroids were first being experimented with by small numbers of American athletes, the only readily available anabolic/androgenic steroids were methyltestosterone, testosterone propionate, and testosterone suspension. Interesting enough, during this time testosterone propionate was also available in orally administered (Buccal) preparations, but they disappeared from the U.S. market during the 1980’s.

Early prescribing guidelines for testosterone propionate called for a number of therapeutic uses. It was mainly applied to cases of male androgen insufficiency, and those issues normally surrounding low testosterone levels such as reduced sex drive and impotence in adults, and cryptorchidism (undescended testicles) in teenagers and young adults. But it also had such other uses as treating menopause, menorrhagia (heavy menstrual bleeding), menstrual tension, chronic cystic mastitis (fibrocystic breasts), endometriosis, and excessive lactation, covering a wide range of situations in which the male hormone testosterone was being applied to female patients. Over the years these wide guidelines were narrowed by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration, however, and by the 1980’s, testosterone propionate was being largely applied only to male patients.

Testosterone propionate has a long history of availability in the U.S. and abroad, and remains a very common form of testosterone on the global market to this day. It must be emphasized, however, that its ability to remain on the market is more a product of history than unique application. Testosterone propionate was the first acceptable ester of testosterone, and consequently has many decades of history as a useable therapeutic agent. Many companies have sold it for decades now, and so long as it is still in demand will continue to do so. But other (more modern) forms of testosterone such as enanthate and cypionate are much more popular today, as they are much slower-acting still, and allow for far more comfortable administration schedules. Testosterone propionate is still approved for sale in the United States, although its ultimate market future here remains questionable.

Bodybuilders commonly consider propionate to be the mildest testosterone ester, and the preferred form of this hormone for dieting/cutting phases of training. Some will go so far as to say that propionate will harden the physique, while giving the user less water and fat retention than one typically expects to see with a testosterone like enanthate, cypionate or Sustanon. Realistically, however, these advantages do not hold up to close scrutiny. The propionate ester is actually removed before the testosterone it carries is active in the body, and ultimately has little effect outside of slowing steroid release. It all really boils down to how much testosterone you are getting into your blood with each particular esterified compound. Otherwise, there are no real functional differences between them.


Warrior Lifestyle
Dec 28, 2012
Testosterone Propionate Functions & Traits:
Testosterone Propionate is a pure testosterone hormone. Although synthetic it is a perfect replica of the primary naturally produced male androgen testosterone. By design, the hormone is attached to the Propionate (propionic acid) ester, a small/short ester that enables the hormone’s release time to be controlled. Without an ester, the hormone would disperse and dissipate rapidly post administration. By attaching the ester, this promotes a controlled release and allows the individual to inject the hormone less frequently. Once Testosterone Propionate is injected, the ester slowly begins to detach from the hormone. As the ester is detached the testosterone hormone begins to release into the blood. The half-life of Testosterone Propionate is approximately two days, which is substantially longer than ester free testosterone, which carries a half-life a little less than 24 hours.

As a pure testosterone, Testosterone Propionate carries an anabolic rating of 100 and an androgenic rating of 100 as well. The testosterone hormone itself represents the basis by which all anabolic and androgenic ratings are measured in all anabolic steroids. More importantly, while carrying these structural ratings, its translating rating matches up perfectly. Testosterone Propionate will yield a notable amount of anabolic and androgenic activity. This is important as not all steroids match their structural ratings in a translating capacity.

Although synthetic in nature, Testosterone Propionate is an efficient hormone for the treatment of low testosterone. Testosterone is an essential hormone produced by men and women that affects our physical, mental and sexual wellbeing. While produced and essential for both sexes, men require approximately ten times that of women. If you suffer from low testosterone and more than 20 million men in the U.S. suffer from some type of androgen deficiency, Testosterone Propionate will remedy the problem. However, while effective, after all, it is testosterone, it is not a preferred form of treatment as it will require frequent injections. Testosterone Cypionate and Testosterone Enanthate remain the dominant forms in treatment plans. However, if you suffer and Testosterone Propionate is what’s available it is a suitable option.

There are numerous symptoms associated with low testosterone. The symptoms themselves are not life threatening but they severally diminish your quality of life. More importantly, when the condition is ignored it can be an open doorway to many far more serious conditions, some of which are life threatening. The symptoms of low testosterone include:

  • Loss of Libido (can refer to partial or total loss)
  • Erectile Dysfunction (inability to maintain or obtain and erection)
  • Loss of Muscle Mass (despite diet & exercise)
    • Loss of Strength (despite diet & exercise)
    • Increased Body Fat (despite diet & exercise)
    • Loss of Mental Clarity
    • Decreased Ability to Focus
    • Lethargy
    • Insomnia
    • Irritability
    • Decreased Energy
    • Depression
    • Weakened Immune System


Warrior Lifestyle
Dec 28, 2012
Regular administration of Testosterone Propionate will remedy every last symptom on this list if it is due to low testosterone. In the early stages of low testosterone you may not display too many symptoms. Many men initially display one of the sexually related most commonly and perhaps one more from the list. However, while the sexually related symptoms are the most common it is possible to suffer from low testosterone without such symptoms initially. As time goes by, if ignored the symptoms will begin to mount. If continually ignored low testosterone can in part promote several far more concerning conditions including:

  • Alzheimer’s Disease
  • Diabetes
  • Osteoporosis
  • Infertility
  • Polyuria
  • Anxiety
  • Heart Disease
When compounds like Testosterone Propionate can so easily remedy a low testosterone condition, there really is no excuse for living with the problem. There are possible side effects to use, but keep in mind this is merely testosterone a hormone your body is well accustomed to. For the low level patient, while there are possible side effects of Testosterone Propionate very few men will have a problem.

While a perfect replica of the primary male androgen, treating low testosterone is not the only functional trait provided by Testosterone Propionate. This is a highly versatile anabolic steroid and high levels of the hormone will enhance several primary anabolic characteristics. When we refer to high levels, this is the realm of performance enhancement. With this type of use, the individual will be taking his testosterone levels far above and beyond what could ever be naturally produced. Through this action, Testosterone Propionate will promote five key steroidal enhancement traits that will serve most any man tremendously well. With this type of use, every man who supplements will enjoy improvements in his life in the same areas as a low level patient. However, it is the tremendous enhancement provided by the five traits that separate and distinguish this type of use. The five primary anabolic traits of Testosterone Propionate include:

  • Enhanced Protein Synthesis
  • Enhanced Nitrogen Retention
  • Increased Red Blood Cell Count
  • Increased IGF-1 Output
  • Inhibition of Glucocorticoid Hormones
By enhancing protein synthesis, this simply means we enhance the rate by which cells build proteins. Protein representing the primary building block of muscle tissue; this is essential to repair and recovery, which is where anabolic growth is promoted. The promotion of nitrogen will also enhance the anabolic atmosphere as all lean tissue is comprised of approximately 16% nitrogen. When nitrogen levels fall this can lead to a catabolic (muscle wasting) state. Conversely, the more nitrogen we retain the more anabolic we remain.

Then we have the promotion of red blood cells. Red blood cells are responsible for carrying oxygen to and through the blood. Greater blood oxygenation results in greater muscular endurance, enhanced recovery and again promotes the anabolic atmosphere. From here we have the promotion of Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1 (IGF-1). IGF-1 is a naturally produced protein hormone that is highly anabolic and essential to the body’s recovery and rejuvenation abilities. This is a hormone that affects nearly every cell in the human body and will have a positive impact on muscle tissue, ligaments and tendons, cartilage, and even the central nervous system.

Finally we’re left with inhibition of glucocorticoid or stress hormones. These hormones are necessary to the body’s wellbeing to a degree but they are muscle wasting and fat promoting hormones. Cortisol is the most well-known glucocorticoid and it is very easy for these hormones to become dominant in the body. A dominant atmosphere will lead to the opposite of an anabolic atmosphere. Thankfully compounds like Testosterone Propionate will ensure this doesn’t happen


Warrior Lifestyle
Dec 28, 2012
Effects of Testosterone Propionate:
For the low testosterone patient, if you supplement with Testosterone Propionate you will suffer no more. This is the primary effect of Testosterone in this regard. Levels were low and now they’re not. Then we have the performance enhancing athlete, and as a versatile anabolic steroid the effects of Testosterone Propionate will cover a wide breadth in this category.

For the off-season athlete there is no anabolic steroid more important or beneficial than testosterone. High levels of testosterone will promote significant increases in lean muscle mass and strength. This is assuming that the individual is consuming adequate calories. Compounds like Testosterone Propionate are not magical, you will still need to feed your body enough calories. During an off-season period of growth, this means total caloric intake will need to be slightly above maintenance. This will, unfortunately, promote body fat gain. However, the key to a successful off-season is gaining lean tissue while minimizing body fat gain to the fullest extent possible. By supplementing with Testosterone Propionate you will be able to achieve this more efficiently. High testosterone levels will promote a stronger metabolic rate. This is not a license to eat like there’s no end in sight, but you should be able to make better use of your calories.

Then we have the cutting phase, and Testosterone Propionate can be invaluable here. In order to lose body fat we must burn more calories than we consume. You can follow the healthiest diet in the world and exercise yourself into the ground but if you are not in a caloric deficit you will not lose body fat. Unfortunately, this necessary caloric deficit puts our lean muscle tissue at risk, especially as we become leaner. The human body does not want to lose body fat due to its survival instinct. As energy demands increase during dieting the body will take what it needs from wherever it wants, and this is often from your muscle tissue. The key to successful dieting is not only losing fat but minimizing muscle tissue low. High testosterone levels will enable you to achieve this efficiently. Without an anabolic protectant like Testosterone Propionate, some lean muscle tissue loss will occur, this is a given. Due to the metabolic enhancement provided by high testosterone levels, the individual will also burn fat at a more efficient rate.

Regardless of your purpose of use, all who supplement with Testosterone Propionate will find their muscular endurance is greatly enhanced. You will not tire out as fast. You will also find your overall rate of recovery is greatly improved, and it is through recovery that progress is made. This makes Testosterone Propionate an excellent steroid for athletes who may not have any bulking or cutting in mind. The increases in endurance and recovery along with improved strength will simply lead to more effective athletic performance.


Warrior Lifestyle
Dec 28, 2012
Side Effects of Testosterone Propionate:
Testosterone Propionate is a very well-tolerated anabolic steroid for most healthy adult men. Healthy is excluding a low testosterone condition. While carrying a high threshold of toleration, there are possible side effects of Testosterone Propionate use. For the low level patient, the side effects of Testosterone Propionate will rarely be a problem. Side effects are possible, but keep in mind you’re merely replacing what your body is lacking. For the performance athlete, this will require supraphysiological doses of the hormone and this is where the side effects of Testosterone Propionate will be most common. However, most men can tolerate high testosterone levels very well. There is a cutoff point and it will vary from one man to the next, but most men can enjoy and control relatively high levels of the hormone. In order to help you understand the possible side effects of Testosterone Propionate, we have broken them down into their separate categories along with all the information you’ll need.

[1] Estrogenic:
The side effects of Testosterone Propionate will predominantly surround its estrogenic nature. The testosterone hormone has the ability to convert to estrogen through its interaction with the aromatase enzyme. As aromatization occurs, if estrogen levels become high this can lead to gynecomastiaand excess water retention. Severe excess water retention can also lead to high blood pressure. Fortunately, it is very easy to control and avoid the estrogenic side effects of Testosterone Propionate.

Many men are commonly encouraged to use an anti-estrogen when supplementing with exogenous testosterone. You have two choices in anti-estrogens, Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators (SERM’s) like Nolvadex (Tamoxifen Citrate) and Aromatase Inhibitors (AI’s) like Arimidex(Anastrozole). AI’s will be the most effective as they inhibit aromatization and lower serum estrogen levels. SERM’s will not inhibit or reduce estrogen, but rather bind to the estrogen receptor preventing the estrogen hormone from binding.

While AI’s are the most effective, they can also be harsh on cholesterol. They do not appear to be too harsh on their own, but when combined with an aromatizing steroid like Testosterone Propionate the problem is enhanced. SERM’s will not promote any negative cholesterol activity. In fact, while anti-estrogenic SERM’s actually act as estrogen in the liver and will promote healthy cholesterol. SERM’s should always be your first choice if they can get the job done. However, some will need an AI and if so they will need to put more effort into controlling their cholesterol.

[2] Androgenic:
Testosterone Propionate is a potent androgenic hormone and as a result androgenic side effects are possible. The possible androgenic side effects of Testosterone Propionate include acne, accelerated hair loss in those predisposed to male pattern baldness and body hair growth. While these side effects of Testosterone Propionate are possible, they are highly dependent on genetic predispositions. Many men will not have an issue at all, while others may need to exercise a little caution.

The testosterone hormone has the ability to reduce to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) due to it being metabolized by the 5-alpha reductase enzyme. This is what promotes the androgenic activity in the target areas of the skin and scalp. Some men may find a 5-alpha reductase inhibitor like Finasterideto be useful as it will reduce the hormones relative androgenicity. It will not completely reduce this activity but it will have a pronounced effect.

[3] Cardiovascular:
Testosterone Propionate can have a negative impact on cholesterol, particularly HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol) in suppressing total HDL levels. A therapeutic dose should not support a strong statistical decrease, however, the same dose could promote HDL suppression when conjoined with an AI. With a supraphysiological dose, total HDL suppression by as much as 20% is very possible. If conjoined with an AI it will more than likely be exasperated.

If you’re going to supplement with Testosterone Propionate, especially if you’re going to include an AI a cholesterol friendly lifestyle will be important. The individuals diet should be rich in omega fatty acids, low in saturated fats and simple sugars, and plenty of cardiovascular activity should be part of your normal routine. Those who ensure a cholesterol friendly lifestyle will rarely have an issue unless some underlying condition exists.

[4] Testosterone:
Regardless of who you are or why you’re using it, the side effects of Testosterone Propionate will always include the suppression of natural testosterone production. For the low level patient this is of no concern. Such an individual is not producing enough testosterone to begin with. For the performance athlete, during use this is also no concern as the exogenous testosterone will provide your body all it needs.

Once use is discontinued, natural testosterone production will begin again. This, however, does not apply to the low testosterone patient. A low level patient will more than likely always need exogenous testosterone therapy.

For the performance athlete, although production will begin again on its own more are encouraged to implement a Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) plan. This will cut down the total recovery time and ensure you have enough testosterone for proper bodily function while your levels continue to naturally rise. No, a PCT plan will not return you to normal on its own, there’s no PCT plan that can do this, but it will ensure a more efficient and comfortable recovery. It will also greatly protect your lean muscle tissue. Once a cycle is discontinued and natural testosterone levels are low, it is very easy for cortisol to become the dominant hormone, and this will put your lean tissue at risk. Implement a PCT plan and this problem is solved.

An important note on natural testosterone recovery; this assumes severe damage was not done to the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Testicular-Axis (HPTA) due to improper steroidal supplementation. It also assumes no prior low testosterone condition existed.

[5] Hepatotoxicity:
Testosterone Propionate is not hepatotoxic. This anabolic steroid will present no stress or damage to the liver.


Warrior Lifestyle
Dec 28, 2012
Testosterone Propionate Administration:
For low testosterone treatment standard Testosterone Propionate doses will normally fall in the 25-50mg per injection range and are normally given 2-3 times per week. However, keep in mind in the modern age it is rarely used when compounds like Cypionate or Enanthate are available.

For performance enhancing athletes, 25-50mg every other day is generally a solid dose of Testosterone Propionate to combat suppression caused by the use of other anabolic steroids. For a true anabolic benefit, doses will normally fall in the 100mg every other day range. This is a very safe dose, easy to control and should be well-tolerated by most adult men. Higher doses can be used, most men can tolerate 150mg every other day very well. Many men will be able to tolerate 200mg every other day with relative ease. However, always keep in mind that the higher the dose the greater the probability of adverse effects. Higher doses will require more caution and effort in controlling side effects but it is more than possible to control them.

Testosterone Propionate will stack well with any and all anabolic steroids. Off-season bulking plans will often include compounds like Deca Durabolin (Nandrolone Decanoate), Anadrol (Oxymetholone) or Dianabol (Methandrostenolone). During the cutting phase, you will find Test-P as it’s often known stacks well with Anavar(Oxandrolone), Masteron (Drostanolone), Primobolan (Methenolone), Trenbolone and Winstrol (Stanozolol). The Trenbolone hormone can also be very beneficial during periods of off-season growth.


Warrior Lifestyle
Dec 28, 2012
Testosterone Propionate Reviews:
Testosterone Propionate is an excellent anabolic steroid. As a testosterone compound it is highly versatile, tremendously beneficial and well-tolerated by most all adult men. When we consider the affordable price of Testosterone Propionate, this only enhances its appeal even more.

While tremendously beneficial, there is no advantage in using Testosterone Propionate over other testosterone forms in terms of specific benefits. This testosterone compound is no more or less side effect friendly than any testosterone form. However, some will find it is a little easier to maintain stable and peaked blood levels with this form when the injection frequency is on an every other day basis. This can be an advantage for some but you truly can obtain the same results with Testosterone Propionate as all testosterone forms.


Warrior Lifestyle
Dec 28, 2012
Canelo Tests Positive For Clenbuterol Ahead of Golovkin Fight

Official Statement By Golden Boy Promotions, Promoter For Canelo

As part of the voluntary testing program that Canelo Alvarez insisted on ahead of his May 5 fight, one of his results came back positive for trace levels of Clenbuterol, consistent with meat contamination that has impacted dozens of athletes in Mexico over the last years.

As Daniel Eichner, Director of SMRTL, the WADA-accredited lab that conducted the tests stated in his letter today, "These values are all within the range of what is expected from meat contamination."

Upon receiving this information, Golden Boy immediately notified the Nevada State Athletic Commission and Gennady Golovkin's promoter, Tom Loeffler.

As has been planned, Canelo will immediately move his training camp from Mexico to the United States and will submit to any number and variety of additional tests that VADA deems necessary ahead of and after May 5.

Added Canelo: "I am an athlete who respects the sport and this surprises me and bothers me because it had never happened to me. I will submit to all the tests that require me to clarify this embarrassing situation and I trust that at the end the truth will prevail."

Canelo has tested clean dozens of times over the course of his previous 12 fights


Apr 30, 2012
I’ve pinned quad also especially when I’m on an EOD cycle but with a long acting like sus I’m curious why you don’t go with glutes as the injection site that’s this easiest site for me.

Just pinned another 1/2 cc of Test Sus in my right quad. Just doing a little blast to get a little test in my system
Last edited:


Bang Bang Packers gang!
May 2, 2012
So. Cal
I’ve pinnes quad also especially when I’m on an EOD cycle but with a long acting like sus I’m curious why you don’t go with glutes as the injection site that’s this easiest site for me.

The irony of your screen name:heh:


Warrior Lifestyle
Dec 28, 2012
I’ve pinnes quad also especially when I’m on an EOD cycle but with a long acting like sus I’m curious why you don’t go with glutes as the injection site that’s this easiest site for me.

Quads and Delts for me :russ:

Brother get shaky around the glutes:mjcry:

I don't know why :mjlol:

I got 3 bottles of Test Sus 300, might get an extra one to run it for 4 months, thinking about getting 2 bottles of Tren to run for 8 Weeks, or just take this Tren Pro Hormone oral I got laying around that converts to Tren and run it for 4, might get the Oil of Tren since I got some Anavar coming in and I'm going to run it for 6 Weeks

So my upcoming Cycle that I'm going to start next week or the week after will be


TREN E - 8 Weeks 200 MG A WEEK

Anavar - 6 WEEKS