The Official Anabolic Thread


Warrior Lifestyle
Dec 28, 2012

:banderas: bout to start this cycle 600mg test sus 16 weeks

400mg of Tren 10 weeks

Anavar 6 Weeks


Warrior Lifestyle
Dec 28, 2012
Tomorrow is going to be my first pin, I'm pinning 300mg on Mondays and Thursdays = 600mg of Test Sus a Week

I'm going to run the test for 3 weeks on it's on before I add the Tren

Will be giving updates

I'm expecting strength, size and lost of body fat for this cycle


KPJ Gonna Save Us
Mar 31, 2015
I wanted to see what all this was about a few years back and I ended up researching a ton and then deciding to go with ostarine. Was perfect entry level for me I ran it for 6 weeks to recomp my body and then I was done.

I also had a back injury from college track that I was curious to see if the healing properties of ostarine would help out with at all.

It ended up helping significantly and I was focused on rehabbing that+glute strengthening to make sure it didn’t happen again.

Fast forward a year and I fucced up my shoulder playing basketball and I got back on ostarine for 4 weeks to rehab that.

I was able to dose fairly low and still get the results I wanted, as I wasn’t trying to get big or ripped. I was focused more on fixing posture issues and old injuries and it was enough for what I was looking for. I was able to sustain the gains I had made cause they were mostly due to efficiency increases from fixing posture rather than the hormonal increases.



Warrior Lifestyle
Dec 28, 2012
I wanted to see what all this was about a few years back and I ended up researching a ton and then deciding to go with ostarine. Was perfect entry level for me I ran it for 6 weeks to recomp my body and then I was done.

I also had a back injury from college track that I was curious to see if the healing properties of ostarine would help out with at all.

It ended up helping significantly and I was focused on rehabbing that+glute strengthening to make sure it didn’t happen again.

Fast forward a year and I fucced up my shoulder playing basketball and I got back on ostarine for 4 weeks to rehab that.

I was able to dose fairly low and still get the results I wanted, as I wasn’t trying to get big or ripped. I was focused more on fixing posture issues and old injuries and it was enough for what I was looking for. I was able to sustain the gains I had made cause they were mostly due to efficiency increases from fixing posture rather than the hormonal increases.

Ostarine is a great, I ran it last year, dropped body fat, add some lean mass

Will run it again soon


Warrior Lifestyle
Dec 28, 2012
Doing cardio on it was amazing. Felt like the shyt Lance Armstrong must’ve been on:pachaha:
:russ: i bet you was setting all types of PR's with your cardio. I was using OSTRA Shred and man when it kicked in, the fat was dropping like I was on Epherda or Tren, the muscle hardness and gainz was impressive

Punk Ass FDA banned the supplement, but I know a few peptides companies that got it in liquid form


Warrior Lifestyle
Dec 28, 2012
UFC Strawweight Amanda Ribas Suspended for Two Year After Testing Positive for SARM Ostarine
UFC Strawweight Amanda Ribas Suspended for Two Year After Testing Positive for SARM Ostarine
UFC Strawweight Amanda Ribas Suspended for Two Year After Testing Positive for SARM Ostarine
Amanda Ribas, a Brazilian mixed martial arts (MMA) athlete who competes in the strawweight category for Ultimate Fight Championships (UFC), has been suspended for two years after testing positive for the selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM) known as Ostarine.

The United States Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) announced the anti-doping rule violation (ADRV) in a press released published via its website on January 10, 2018. The Ostarine positive resulted from an out-of-competition urine sample collected on June 7, 2017. The SARM Ostaine is also known by alternate names such as MK-2866 and Enobosarm.

Ribas had just been signed by UFC when she tested positive. She had been scheduled to make her UFC debut against Juliana Lima at The Ultimate Fighter 25 Finale (TUF-25) in Las Vegas on July 7, 2017. The potential ADRV resulted in the removal of Ribas from the fight card. She was replaced by Tecia Torres.

Ribas has consistently denied intentionally using Ostarine or any other prohibited substance. Ribas believed the only possible way that Ostarine ended up in her body was through a contaminated dietary supplement.

In a statement sent to MMAJunkie, Ribas revealed that she immediately collected all of the dietary supplements she was using after she was notified of a potential ADRV in June 2017. Ribas then sent the supplements to USADA for analytical testing. Ribas noted that all such testing must be done at the athlete’s expense.

“After spending a lot of money on the testing of the supplements (which is paid for by the athlete),” Ribas wrote, “we were unable to find Ostarine in any of the products. However, we did find clumbeterol (sic), which also is a forbidden substance, but oddly enough, never showed up in my tests.”

Unfortunately, none of the dietary supplements contained any traces of Ostarine. Interestingly, one of the supplements was contaminated with traces of clenbuterol although the fat-burning drug never showed up in Ribas urine samples.

Since Ribas was unable to prove that her Ostarine positive test resulted from a contaminated supplement product, USADA was unable to offer Ribas a reduced sanction. Consequently, Ribas was forced to accept the standard two-year period of ineligibility for a first-time anti-doping violation.

Ribas reported feeling “humiliated and victimized” by the punishment given that she never intentionally used any banned PED. She warned fellow MMA athletes to be extremely careful regarding any dietary supplement they consider using.

“I have never used anything like this in my life, and I feel extremely humiliated and victimized at being punished for something I did not do. The fact that clumbeterol appeared in one of my supplements shows the poor quality and low standards of many of the supplement products on sale in Brazil and worldwide. For sure, I used a supplement that contained traces of Ostarine, but since it never occurred to me that things like this could happen, I must have used it up and thrown it away.”


Stupp, D. & Morgan, J. (January 11, 2018). UFC's Amanda Ribas 'humiliated and victimized,' warns fellow fighters after two-year suspension. Retrieved from


KPJ Gonna Save Us
Mar 31, 2015
:russ: i bet you was setting all types of PR's with your cardio. I was using OSTRA Shred and man when it kicked in, the fat was dropping like I was on Epherda or Tren, the muscle hardness and gainz was impressive

Punk Ass FDA banned the supplement, but I know a few peptides companies that got it in liquid form

Yea I’ve always used the liquid form. I had read that pills were riskier especially if you weren’t familiar with the supplier.

Towards the end of rehabbing my shoulder I would be playing pick up, 5+ games in, zooming around like I had just checked in:lolbron:

MF budz

All Star
May 26, 2015
How long does most of that shyt take to get out of your body? Ive heard if you do it once or twice and stop you will always have that muscle memory of when you did so it will help you get bigger, still? Is that true? Hence why someone like cyborg in the ufc did im when she was younger amd is still huge even though shes most likely clean due to usada


Warrior Lifestyle
Dec 28, 2012
How long does most of that shyt take to get out of your body? Ive heard if you do it once or twice and stop you will always have that muscle memory of when you did so it will help you get bigger, still? Is that true? Hence why someone like cyborg in the ufc did im when she was younger amd is still huge even though shes most likely clean due to usada

A steroid’s half-life is the amount of time it takes before half of the steroid introduced into your body is gone. This can provide some insight into the amount of time that a particular compound will stay in your system, as well. Different steroids have different half-lives, and the longer the half-life, the longer it will take for the compound to exit your system completely.

  • Anadrol – 16 hours or less
  • Andriol (testosterone undecanoate) – 8 hours or less
  • Dianabol – 6 to 8 hours for oral; 60-72 hours for injectable
  • Halotestin – 6 to 8 hours
  • Anavar – 8 to 12 hours
  • Primobolan (tablets)– 4 to 6 hours
  • Winstrol (tablets) – 8 hours
  • Equipoise – 7 to 9 days
  • Masteron (enanthate) – 8 days
  • Masteron (propionate) – 2 to 3 days
  • Primobolan Depot (injectable) – 10 to 14 days
  • Winstrol Depot (injectable) – 48 hours
  • Deca Durabolin – 14 to 16 days
  • Trenbolone – 2 to 3 days
Most athletes pair their anabolic steroids with a testosterone base, and just like steroids, different testosterone esters have different half-lives, as well.

  • Testosterone acetate – 48 hours
  • Testosterone propionate – 72 hours
  • Testosterone cypionate – 16 days
  • Testosterone enanthate – 8 days
  • Testosterone suspension – about 24 hours
As such, athletes who are concerned with steroid testing and detection often avoid testosterone esters with longer half-lives, such as testosterone cypionate and testosterone enanthate, and instead stick to those that leave the system much more quickly.

Of course, to answer the question “how long do steroids stay in your system”, it is important to understand that a compound’s half-life is not the same as its detection time. Remember that a half-life is the length of time at which half of the active compound has left the body. Detection time, on the other hand, describes the length of time between when a substance is introduced into the body and when it could show up on a steroid test. Although there are some very complicated equations that you could use to calculate the detection times associated with just about any exogenous compound you use

2) Your body will have muscle memory on anything you do, like riding a bike, if you stop lifting for some time, lose size and come back, yes you will get to or near your original size with proper eating, diet, sleeping and lifting

3) Cyborg still lift weights that's why and she probably still use steroids


Warrior Lifestyle
Dec 28, 2012
Day 1/Week 1

First Pin, I like pinning in the Quads and Delts, pinned 300mg of Test Sust. The pinning was fine little pain, Pinned in the Left Quad. I like Pinning in the Quads because is the biggest muscle and more absorption rate.

Tasted the gear, it passed the taste test


Warrior Lifestyle
Dec 28, 2012
I'm also using Androvar nearing the end, I got like 2 weeks left

Androvar by Hard Rock Supplements
More Gains! More Muscle! More Hardness! More Strength! More Fat Loss! More Value! More Everything!

From the first day you picked up a weight, you always wanted more. Why?

More is Better! We demand more!

Hard Rock Supplements presents the answer to your demands with Androvar - The Anabolic Agent that is designed to give you more in every way, from more muscle and strength, to more options for your cycle! And it's exclusively available at Strong Supplement Shop!

The need for effective anabolic agents has been greater than ever.

The team at Hard Rock Supplements researched and analyzed multiple ingredients, but one stood out from the pack due to how versatile it could be and how much more it offered.

User feedback on the compound was impressive, with some loggers packing on pounds of solid lean mass, and others maintaining muscle mass while getting shredded to the bone!

That ingredient is Epiandrosterone, which once in the body it converts into Stanolone - a compound that is up to 10 times stronger and more androgenic than testosterone!

Stanolone is known as the king of all male hormones due to how much stronger it is than testosterone. What does that mean for you? More Lean, Dry, and Hard Gains!

But Androvar hits our needs in more than one way. The evidence exists that Epiandrosterone works, the problem is that there is nothing out there that allows you to run it properly or cost effectively. This unfortunately leads to many people not experiencing its true effectiveness, simply because they were running it at an extremely low dosage.

There was and is no product out there that allows you to use Epiandrosterone at the proper dosage for the proper amount of time. Until Now with Androvar!

More is better! More is what you need! Androvar provides you with the proper dosage (300-400 mg daily), and 180 servings so that you can run it for a full 6 weeks!

Up to 6 times MORE product than competing supplements! Without paying 6 times the price!

It doesn't stop at dry gains, Epiandrosterone does not convert to estrogen, and in fact helps to reduce estrogen in the body. This helps shed stubborn body fat and undesirable water weight! It can even help to reduce gyno!

One of the most profound effects of Epiandrosterone is its ability to help increase muscle density and super-charge your strength, allowing your muscles to become much MORE full and rock solid!

Depending on how you structure your cycle and diet, you can run Androvar to help add on lean mass or you can use it as a straight cutter, giving you MORE options!

For those running anabolic cycles, Androvar is the perfect stacker as it will not only help improve your gains and fat loss, but it will also help to keep your energy levels and libdio high!

Get Androvar and get More Value, get More Size, get More Strength and More Density! So ask yourself not if you want more, but how much more! Get Androvar Now!

Key Benefits of Androvar by Hard Rock Supplements
  • Supports Increases in Lean Mass*
  • Helps Increase Muscle Hardness*
  • Helps Increase Strength*
  • Supports Increases in Fat Loss*
  • Helps Improve Muscle Definition*
  • Helps Reduce Water Retention*
  • Aids in Increasing Vascularity*
  • Boosts Sex Drive*
  • Improves Intensity During Workouts*
  • Helps Increase Muscle Pumps*
  • Increases Protein Synthesis*
  • Perfect Base Supplement*
  • Non Liver Toxic*
  • Promotes Improved Sense of Well Being*
About Androvar's Main Ingredient
Epiandrosterone: This ingredient is a derivative of DHEA, and can be found naturally occurring in pine pollen. Epiandrosterone is a precursor to Stanolone, also known as Dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Low levels of DHT causes a decreased sex drive and compromises the muscle building process. Proper and high levels of DHT promote an improved sex life, better overall mood, improvements in strength, muscle mass, and decreases in body fat and water retention.
Last edited:


Warrior Lifestyle
Dec 28, 2012
And I'm also using 11-X Prohormome on 2nd and last bottle

11-X has the power to help reduce your cortisol levels. Cortisol is a hormone that causes your testosterone levels to drop, your muscles to breakdown and promotes fat gain.

Lower your cortisol and you get the complete opposite! More Testosterone! More Muscle! Less Fat!

Get your hammer and chisel out and start sculpting your body into a masterpiece with 11-X! Get it now!

Key Benefits of 11-X:

- Helps Increase Muscle Hardness*

- Helps Reduce Cortisol*

- Helps Burn Body Fat*

- Helps Reduce Fat Storage*

- Helps Increase Muscle Mass*

- Helps Prevent Muscle Wasting*

- Helps Increase Testosterone*

- Helps Boost Libido*

- Helps Increase Vascularity*

- Helps Increase Strength*

- Helps Accelerate Recovery*

11-X Key Ingredient Explained:

11-Ketotestosterone (11-KT): also known as “Adrenosterone” is a naturally-occurring metabolite of the adrenal hormone in humans. 11-KT is a dry compound; it does not aromatize and won’t convert to Estrogen, thus no risk of water retention, bloating or gyno. What makes this compound unique is its ability to block “cortisone reductase,” which an enzyme that converts harmless cortisone to the muscle wasting and fat gaining stress hormone cortisol. With lower cortisol results in less fat storage. Adrenosterone is also mildly anabolic therefore promoting muscle and strength gains.