Pound is not even the worst case. Kinemon got bashed in the head by an attack from Kaido himself induced with haki, and then got cut in half by his sword, only to reveal later his body was somehow never reattached by Law since Punk hazard and he never noticed something wrong with it. Keep in mind Kinemon was already in bad shape from his earlier fight against Kaido. Orochi and Kanjuro too were worse than cockroaches during this raid, never seemed to die for good. When you see things like this it's hard to buy that a random explosion and a finger pistol was enough to kill a scabbard honestly.
As for Kaido and Big mom I find it weird that they just disappeared like that, it's been a week since they fell into the lava, their crew are nowhere to be seen too. Big mom crew fell from the waterfall and never got back up, Kaido's whole crew was unconscious, were they imprisoned ? We don't know. They're just gone somehow. I feel like this arc's ending was hella rushed to get to the next part since it was running for so long.
Maybe I'm paranoid, but the feeling of a rush end to the arc and the monthlong break makes me a little nervous about Oda's health. The announcement was madd sudden.
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