Asura, y’all.
Zoro has been wilding out lately.
...and my DUDE Luffy’s really getting ready to handle an Emperor 1v1
Sanji needs to put that raid suit back on and get up to that rooftop to make a clutch move YESTERDAY... I’m reading the manga again from Alabasta on and I’m just getting back into Enies Lobby. I miss how goated Sanji used to be pre time skip inbetween his Mr. Prince alias in Alabasta, saving Nami from Enel in Skypiea, and his fights on the Sea Train. Yeah, Sanji still simped, but he put in work during fights and he came in the clutch when they really needed him.
One of my few complaints with the series post time skip is how the Strawhats themselves don’t get that many super down fights anymore (besides Luffy) because the story is so crowded with all these other characters running around.
Really hoping they don’t offscreen too many of the fights down in the Onigashima building.
I’m also seconding the notion that Law is going to sacrifice himself for Luffy at some point. Im thinking that either Kinemon and/or Law will be dead by the end of the arc.