enjoy the backstories.. keep whining like a whore

enjoy the backstories.. keep whining like a whore
They have already show post reverie scenes at FI and its not destoryed nor an attack mentioned.Works out timeline wise too if all the key characters were at reverie when it happened. That'd be a big moment.
Oden was a literal God damn I cant wait to see Orochi and how he betrays him plus how the scabbards get recruited. I have no issues if this flashback lasts 30 chapters
I think 10 is too short but around 20 would be good too we gotta remember this is the same man connected to the poneglyphs and the history of the world plus hes been on the ship of the 2 highest bounty pirates ever as well as being the only known person to injure Kaidonothing wrong with a good flashback but let's not get crazy
Oden is cool and all but I would like to get back to the Kaido fight at some point. No need for the flashback to last more than 10 chapters IMO.