Had to do a full-on analysis of this chapter because
Anyways let's go into Big Mom and Kaido. What relationship do they have? Now I've heard theories as simple as saying they were just allies to he is the father of Oven
Personally I think it's fairly obvious if you read the chapter again (specifically the part where the marines are talking) that they were under the same pirate crew back in the day, and that pirate crew is the Rocks pirate crew (we'll get into that in a bit tho). But anyways during this time they were under the Rocks pirate crew, Big Mom had done something major for him. If you were to ask me I'd say she saved his life with her Soul fruit powers but we'll have to wait and see (maybe she did something to cause his immortality) okay okay I'll stop.
Now we see that marines have tapped into the convo Kaido and Big Mom are having, they obviously don't care because they can't do anything about it tbh because it's Kaido and Big Mom for christ sake, but what really intrigues me is how Akainu specifically mentions the Wano country forces. Just how strong are these forces? Personally I believe that the marines will somehow play a role in Wano from the ending scene, but we'll get into that later.
Really there isn't much to say about the part of the chapter with the Marines at Red Port except the convo about Rocks. We see a lot of marines we've seen before, one of them being Vice Admiral Gion who was originally chosen as Admiral but lost her spot to Green Bull, another one being Vice Admiral Tokikake who was also originally chosen as Admiral but lost his spot to Fujitora. There's one admiral who we don't know that many people have described as a fat Elvis Presley. Now onto the Rocks situation. Now it's pretty obvious that both Kaido and Big Mom were once under Rocks as Hina states "Speaking of Big Mom and Kaido..." and then references Rocks. Now the way I see it, they was really the Monster Trio of their time (Rocks, Kaido, and Big Mom). Now if that's the case that makes you really wonder just how powerful Rocks was to be able to keep the likes of young Kaido and Big Mom under his/her wing like that. Now taking that into consideration it makes you really wonder how powerful Garp was in his old days to defeat such a person.As for who Rocks is specifically, although the Shakki convo in chapter 498 obviously shows she was a part of the Rocks crew, I doubt she was Rocks, but I don't know we'll have to see.
Now with the scene at the Reverie. There isn't much in between the lines except that on page 9 the Five Elders or the Gorosei are described to be above the celestial dragons. Now this kind of contradicts what we've seen in the past from Doflamingo was able to put out him leaving the shichibukai to the world through CP0 and the Gorosei stated they had no power over him. As Lucci came into the mix one thing to notice about him is that he is just as evil if not even more evil than he was back in Enies Lobby. There's been a constant theme that almost every villain luffy has defeated and has come back up again into the story became friends with him in a way. The fact that this didn't happen with Lucci makes me think that there could be a potential Luffy vs Lucci pt.2 a couple of years from now. Also random fact but CP0 is called Cipher Pol Aigis Zero in reference to the shield in greek mythology known as Aegis. It was considered the shield of the gods which makes sense with CP0 as they are the shield of the celestial dragons and as Lucci stated "The celestial dragons are the gods who created this world". What's also interesting is that corazon called those who inherited the will of D as "the enemy of god".
There isn't anything to say about Mjosgard Donquixote, it's cool to see how much he's grown from the seeing him in the flashback. I don't know what Otohime did to that nikka to make change him but something seem a little suspect tbh. You mean to tell me she spent time alone wit that nikka and somehow he's all like "Otohime opened up my eyes"

"she made me human"

. Plus she always seemed mad suspect tbh always caping for humans and even caping for a celestial dragon even after they done enslaved thousands of fishmen

. Prolly went to Mariejois just to be with Celestial Zaddy

. Tbh that's prolly why Hody Jones offed her bedwenching ass.
All jokes aside let's get to this Shanks shyt. People have been wondering how shanks was able to get into Mariejois and see the Gorosei so easily. One crazy theory is that he either is or was an informant of the world government much like corazon was. Now no one has evidence for this but if this were to be true, it'd prolly be the anime bombshell of the century and since Luffy does plan on taking on Shanks one day there'd be the reason to do so. As for who Shanks is talking about, people are saying it's Blackbeard, but I doubt it. Remember that Blackbeard showed he had the powers of the Yami Yami no Mi and Whitebeard's fruit to the whole world at Marineford, so they know of his presence. Other people are saying that Shanks is referring to the Lurking Legend that Oda teased earlier this year for Wano
Oda Teases A New Legend Coming in Wano Arc | Anime Hound
Now who is that Lurking Legend? This is where this whole chapter (even though it is fairly packed) comes full circle. The lurking legend IMO is Rocks. Not only does Kaido and Big Mom seem to be allying with each other, but Rocks could potentially join them as well at Wano. Oda did claim that Marineford would look cute compared to Wano, so it's only fitting that potentially the greatest monster trio to ever exist rejoin for a war that would could destroy the world. And as the Gorosei will soon hear with, we'll potentially get the Marines in the mix as well.
That's all I gotta say about this chapter, if you've come this far thanks for reading and get ready for Wano