"Bad End Musical" is the title. I'm guessing 901 will be some kinda "Good End" but I'll also be disappointed. 900 had me expecting something of major significance but if this was a dream sequence then all we really got was BM eating cake. I'm also frustrated that Oven took out the entire Jinbei team with an attack he's thrown out twice with ease so far. But I'm guessing that at least everything from the pet cemetary appearing in her stomach on was a dream, that ish clearly ain't legit.
this cake is made out of the Mystical ingredients BMs crew been collecting from those other outer food based countries.
And when sanji got done with the cake and gave some people a taste it had people passing out.
Plus the cake was floating.
So if it's a dream. The cake is the clear reason why that is. It's so good that u begin to day dream
This cake is a mystical cake. And been hyped for 10 some odd chaps. So this just delivers on the quality of itit a the amazing skill of Sanji as a cook. That he can fix up a cake.
So I think this chap 900 did a good job