Essential The Official "All Things One Piece" Thread (The Final Saga Has Started))


The Chosen 1
May 2, 2012
Damn, this Chapter has a shytload of content.

Part 1
Chapter 700: His own pace (referring to Luffy's)
Caribou got curious and returned... only to find the soldiers looking for him. He hides from them.

As the world tumbles in chaos, several of Doflamingo's clients tries to reach him.
One of his client is in middle of a civil war, and if they can't get the weapons from Doflamingo, they will lose.
Bonny is wearing a coat that covers all her body (to hide?), reading all this in a newspaper.
Many others around the world read the news, wondering what Dofla is up to... and if there are more information about this.
Included are some random pirates, thugs on streets... and Jinbe.

Meanwhile in Captain Kid's hideout in the New World..
Apooo (probably) yells out why their alliance is already revealed, and who the hell this news reporter Abusa is.
Apparently this news reporter is known for reporting multiple scoops in the recent times... (a contact in the underworld?)
Kid assumes Luffy & Law is also after a Yonkou, just like they are, and wonders who they are after!

Part 2
Meanwhile in Dressrosa, the loli is sitting staring at countless den-den mushi ringing for the retired king.
Doflamingo is on the phone with Law. "It's me. I quit Shichibukai"
Luffy jumps on the phone and yes "Hello! Hello! This is Monkey D Luffy, the man who will be the pirate king!"
He then tells him they'll return Ceasar since it's a promise, but if you're Ceasar's boss who did all those horrible things to the kids and Brownbeard, he'll come kick his ass if he ever does it again. lol
Dofla ignores the threat, and asks where Luffy, the brother of Ace... has been for the past two years.
Luffy replies it's a secret he's not supposed to tell.
Dofla tells him he has something in his possession that Luffy wants.
Luffy assumes he has some delicious meat. Of course.
Law stops Luffy, warning him to not let him control the conversation at his pace.

Law tells Dofla to cut the chatter, and that he will return Caesar as promised.
Dofla first confirms his "business partner"'s saftey by listening to Caesar's voice.
Law tells him the exchange will be done eight hours from now, at the southern beach of Green Bit, located north of Dressrosa.
They will leave him there at 3PM, he can come recover him after that. There will be no contact.
Dofla says that's a shame, he would have liked a drink or two with Law all grown up.. but Luffy cuts the phone.
Luffy says Dofla was about to control the conversation at his pace again, while his eyes are still meat-on-bones.

Sanji is worried Dofla will bring his whole crew, but Law says that doesn't matter.
This whole returning Caesar business is really just to buy time.
The plan is to use this time to attack the SMILE factories on Dressrosa, but there is one problem... Law doesn't know where the factory is.
That was one crucial information he could not obtain, the factory may be hidden somewhere.
Law claims he has never been to Dressrosa.

Luffy is already thinking about the adventures on Dressrosa, and wants to also go to Wano soon after.
Law warns him they need to make plans, they can't just show up there, but Luffy is already not listening, he and the Strawhat crew are already on to talking about breakfast.
Law is sucked into the conversation, saying he's not fond of bread.... only to catch himself getting sucked into Luffy's "pace". LOL

Part 3
Kinemon can't tell the crew WHY he was being chased, but originally he set out to find the place known as Zoe (Zou/Zoe)
Law is surprised to hear this, going there was his next objective after destroying the factory on SMILE. His crew are waiting there (Bepo "AIAI!")
Kine,pm wants to ask them if they can tag along but is hesitent from asking, but Luffy immediately says they'll go along all the way to Wano.
Law: Hey! Wait, hold on there!

Three samurai and Momo.. the four of them were sailing for Zoe, but got lost on the sea.
Two samurai (including Kin) and Momo made it to Dressrosa. But they were chased by Doflamingo and Momo ended up sneaking onto a ship full of ill children.
The other samurai Kanjuro sacrificed himself to allow Kinemon to chase the ship, and is held at Dressrosa still.
Luffy & co are moved by the tale, and swears to go rescue Kanjuro, while Law desperately tries to convince them to stay on the plan.

Meanwhile, at New World Marine HQ...
Commodore Brannew is explaining the importance of Shichibukai to board full of marine officials,
The current seven were...
"Hawkeye" Mihawk - the world's greatest swordsman
"Ten-yasha (Heavenly Devil)" Donquioxte Doflamingo - King of Dressrosa and Charisma of evil
"The Tyrant" Bertholomew Kuma - The Human weapon of the marines
"Pirate Empress" Boa Hancock - Current Empress of Amazon Lily
"Surgeon of Death" Trafalga Law - The mastermind behind the Rocky Port incident
"Clown of thousand coins" Buggy - the leader of the Pirate Ditachment Organiztion and a living legend
Plus the aforementioned man... making it seven. (Looks like Brannew was talking about the mysterious seventh shichibukai before we were cut to thsi scene)

But that all changed this morning as Dofla suddenly quit the Shichibukai.
This will cause an unbalance in the world order! Sakazuki tells Brannew he is aware of all this.
He won't let Law or the Straw Hats have their way. He got the report from Smoker in G-5, and already dispatched Fujitora.

Part 4
Meanwhile in Dressrosa..
The crowd outside the palace are begging for their king to not abandon his throne
Baby 5 is looking for master Trevor, and asks the loli where he is. She doesn't know.
The old man and woman of Dofla's crew are wondering what the master is planning to do, while the fat man is flexing saying he'll take on any marines that come.
Trevor finds Baby 5, and approaches her. Trevor is a slimy, ugly man. He is both slimy in appearance and attitude, which Baby 5 cannot stand. She tells him Dofla is calling for him, to bring him "the goods". (revealed at later...)
Trevor jokes about Baby 5 picking the wrong men, and she should marry him instead
To which Baby 5 goes into her usual "he needs me!" behavior, which the geezer duo puts a stop to.

Dofla is talking to a man named Diamante, the "hero" of the colosseum.
He commends his work at making the colosseum a success. Diamante tells Dofla the credit is all yours, as a charismatic king.
But Dofla insists Diamante is the hero of the colosseum, and the credit is his.
Dofla almost takes back what he said after Diamante replies again he isn't worth, but Diamante stops him in his tract "Well in THAT case, I shall admit. I AM the hero of the colosseum!!"

While the two are having this rediculous conversation, the slime-man Trevor appears to bring him "the goods".A small treasure chest.
Dofla says if the Straw Hat finds out about this, he will do everything in his power to obtain it.
His "alliance" will be nothing but a shackle to him.
Dofla entrusts "it" to Diamante, to which Diamante refuses saying he is not worthy.
Dofla insiists. Diamante insists. Dofla almost gives up, when Diamante cuts him short "OK I ADMIT I'M A GENIUS!"

What's inside the treasure chest is Ace's Mera-mera fruit.
Dofla laughs, the Straw Hat wouldn't want anyone else having this fruit, now would he? Fuffuffu!

Meanwhile, the Straw Hats arrive at Dressrosa - the island of Love and Passion.
The island is surrounded by massive boulders,
"We're here! Dressrosa!"


Aug 4, 2012
I knew the mera mera no mi would play a role at some point, but definitely not through dofla.


May 23, 2012
Does it bother anyone else how much cover love the slimer cat is getting? Terrible villain...and one I don't care to see return.

Fujitora? New character? Gotta be a beast by how quickly that convo was deaded by Akainu name dropping.

Buggy on that come up! But who's the 7th Shichibukai now? Am I wrong or did he resign, so it must be someone else?

There's so much here...Finally Law's crew is another future stop.
Kidd's alliance is gunning for someone (Kaidou? I bet they gun for Big Mom instead).
Random Jinbei sighting.
Possible openings for 2 new Shichibukai (how many of the supernovas are unaccounted for?)
Another samurai plot and more Wano talk.

Most importantly though...Ace's DF...Luffy really is gon' want that.

Random: The first time in the series that I can recall "one piece" being used to describe anything other than the holy grail...One Piece of meat...If Luffy were the PK, that's exactly what he'd be describing in code on his execution day haha.

wise prophet

All Star
May 2, 2012
Bonney somehow escaped. :leon:

Akainu cameo. :lawd: :lawd:

I have to wonder tho after reading some shyt...did Ace have some sort of connection to Doflamingo? Remember that before Ace joined Whitebeard he was captain of the Spade Pirates. We see in this chapter that Doflamingo has seats based on cards and before that Law was going to have the Heart seat. Ace's hat also had a smiley that had a similar appearance to Doflamingo's. Now the Don got Ace's fruit. Would not be surprised to see some sort of relationship revealed in the future.

wise prophet

All Star
May 2, 2012
I think Aohige from APforums mentioned that the reporter Abusa who unveiled the Kid alliance may be actually be Absalom, Moria's henchman who's able to become invisible. :whoo:

The page with Kid's hideout shows a ship escaping. It looks like the Thriller Bark escape ship. :whoo:


May 3, 2012
Yeah, Blackbeard quit at Marineford and went Emperor status right? So the 7th unnamed one is someone new...I assume.


You're right! It's been so long since I've heard about BB that I completely forgot...

I have no idea, then. I'd guess it's someone we know already, though.


The Chosen 1
May 2, 2012
Does it bother anyone else how much cover love the slimer cat is getting? Terrible villain...and one I don't care to see return.

Fujitora? New character? Gotta be a beast by how quickly that convo was deaded by Akainu name dropping.

I'm guessing Fujitora is a new Admiral.

I don't see anybody below Admiral-level being a threat to the alliance. After all, Law da gawd already took down two Vice Admirals at Punk Hazard.

He Who Posts Well

May 27, 2012
Does it bother anyone else how much cover love the slimer cat is getting? Terrible villain...and one I don't care to see return.

I'm tired of seeing dude on the cover of each issue. Honestly, I thought he'd be dead after all the abuse he received and that haki gigaton punch by Big Mom's lackey. Unfortunately, no one ever dies in One Piece.