What makes you think Kuma is some sort of pushover?Nah...the timeskip was a waste of time if the crew still can't beat somebody like Kuma.
What makes you think Kuma is some sort of pushover?Nah...the timeskip was a waste of time if the crew still can't beat somebody like Kuma.
What makes you think Kuma is some sort of pushover?
What makes you think the Strawhats are pushovers?
Kuma couldn't even beat Ivankov but he's gonna beat Luffy or even the whole post-timeskip Strawhat crew?![]()
Dog Kuma didn't even attack him once. This was fully controlled Kuma too. I assume its going to be revealed that he was fighting programming and he didn't want to attack his gay homie from the Revolutionary army better yet a Navy. He could have Paw smacked that tranny to bolivia literally.
Luffy better not solo Doflamingo or else it's straight
And I think it's pretty apparent Law is important to this series as a endgame character being Luffy's rival/main ally/friend. Luffy=Law in terms of power right now. Together they'll most likely put the beats on Doffy but I wouldn't be surprised if it's a stalemate and by the end Kado comes busting through to beat on a exhausted Doffy
Also I hope the crews in the new world don't get nerfed to match up with SH's noncombatants
Can't trust anyone besides Luffy or Zoro in a fight and you already know loverboy gonna beout
What would happen before the timeskip =/= What would happen now
There are lots of people that would give the pre-skip crew the work that they'd be able to beat now. The crew right now is massively more powerful than they were back then.
True the crew is more powerful now but Doflamingo is the real test to see if they can beat any real high level dudes. Beating up some fishmen on steroids was not a real test IMO. Oda has to show us something before we see the Strawhats going against Yonko/Admiral level characters.
And you give Mihawk too much credit...Crocodile stopped one of his sword attacks like it was nothing during the Marineford War.
I'd put Doflamingo, Kuma and Crocodile ahead of Mihawk.
The style makes fights shyt applies to Luffy during the Enel fight yeah but Enel ain't the end all be all. Him and Kizaru should be wrecking shyt but of course there's haki to even the playing field.I just don't think that's how this manga works. Styles make fights in OP which makes it damn near impossible to power rank all of the characters. Enel imo was one of the most overpowered characters in the first half of the series, but Luffy matched up with him perfectly and since Enel never clashed with anyone else it's impossible to really guess where he'd fall with the others.