Exactly! How many off panel fights are we gonna get? And maybe it's just me, but I'd rather see Usopp, Frank, Sanji, Nami and Chopper each get a one on one that tests their new powers than watch Kyros, Rebecca, Bartolomeo and a bunch of new characters get the major fights. Law is the exception for me. This manga is about Luffy and the Strawhats, but they've pretty much gotten curb stomped every step of the way. I don't mind them taking L's, it makes sense, but they're not even putting up a fight (except for my dude Sanji, he got beat to hell but he still shined). I wanna see some damned full fight scenes, Zoro is fighting a living building right now...I wanna see that ish soon! Cats want flashbacks for Law and even Bellamy? Nah man, let's get some brawls in and worry about more flashbacks later. We already got the Tontatta history, Rebecca's life story, Kyros' life story, Don Chinjao's background, how the kingdom fell to Dofla and a brief history of that seer chick too.