I saw The Imitation Game yesterday. As of right now, thats my leader for Best Picture. I still need to watch another 6 or so of the nominations tho. Doesnt appear to be a thread created on this movie, so I'll make one later.
We should do a "Film Room Oscars" or whatever where we have a thread with poll dedicated to each category (all the good categories, at least) and everyone in the film room votes for who they feel should win the oscar in that category. Then we close the polls like the day before the Oscars or whatever and we can compare our collective winners against what the academy ends up voting for. I think itd be fun. Thoughts?
@MartyMcFly @NobodyReally @Jax @hexagram23
I also have another idea. Its called "Movie Night in the Film Room" (working title) where every week we select a movie we're gonna watch. We give it a couple days for everyone to watch the movie, then we all reconvene in the thread to post our thoughts/analysis or whatever else we wanna say. It wouldnt be for new movies tho...it would be for classics that have open ended interpretations. I got this idea over xmas break after we were discussing Eternal Sunshine and Vanilla Sky. It would be interesting to get a bunch of people together and hear everyones take on some of those real interpretive like movies.
damn breh you've only seen 2 of the 8? got some work to do
i liked that flick i just think it had the potential to be so much better than it was if they explored more of turing's character