I hear you, and I want that too, but I guess with things like this we'll never really know. This whole thing is so political, it really bothers me when folks start talking about 'merit' in regards to people of color and their films because it doesn't come up the same way when we're talking about other films that get political votes.
Very true. And if it had gotten a best director and best actor nod I don't think anyone would be having this conversation
Yeah. Either/or would have been fine as well.
Like was said earlier, I hate it even more when they try to right a wrong by giving consideration to an undeserving film.
I like if a great black film gets ignored this year...the last thing I want is a not-as-great black film to get a ton of praise next year. Because then the general public will see a not-so-great black film getting all these accolades and think since its the most acclaimed film, that its the best we have to offer. So now people will say, "I've seen the most critically acclaimed black film...and it really wasnt that great" which is really unfair...because they're right, it wasnt that great. The problem is that film shoulda never been the most critically acclaimed black film to begin with.
I havent seen Selma yet. I'll watch it today, hopefully. Then I can actually contribute to this discussion on whether or not the film was snubbed, and for what reasons.