Now here's what I don't want or at least I'd feel funny about it if it happens: What if Selma wins best picture now? The academy isn't deaf or blind and they've no doubt heard all of this from yesterday and even today as it continues. They've got PR people feeding them articles about it being the whitest oscars ever (meaning they'll overcompensate next year, bet that) and all the outrage over Selma not getting any director or best actor love at the least. It's comparable (but not exactly the same) to the backlash that happened when Affleck didn't get a best director nod for Argo and people were confused as hell and Argo ended up getting best picture. Now was that due to the backlash or because they genuinely felt it was the best movie of the bunch nominated? We'll never know although we can speculate, but what if Selma has the same journey? I'm not saying I want it to happen or even think it will but someone on the train this was reading the paper and of course there was an article about it taking the academy to task.
I wanted Life of Pi to win