Yup...and while we're stuck playing weak teams , randoms like Minnesota and Rutgers have to play Michigan and Ohio State on the road in 1 season, or face off with a slate of PSU, Nebraska, Michigan, Wisconsin, and OSU in consecutive weeks
The B1G has no concept of competitive balance
Seriously, name me ONE good decision theyve made
- "leaders and legends"despite 99% negative feedback. Just give us Big 10 East / West
- adding 2 extra unnecessary programs, insignificant in football and basketball
- not exercising pressure to keep pace with the SEC
- sht scheduling
- terrible bowl game distribution
- focusing on a Tv Network while SEC focusing on being NFL Lite
- Being THE MAJOR BLOCK on a college football playoff until now, it shouldve been installed LONG AGO, but Jim Delany and OSU's Gordon Gee made sure to swat it aside.
- dragging its feet on change
Big 10 =
In desperate need of new management
What about the fact that the Big Ten isn't allowed to schedule night games in November? Why let all the other conferences get the prime time publicity.
URban Meyer is trying to force the Big Ten to schedule more night games and less noon games to help with recruiting.