The Mueller Testimony Thread


Apr 30, 2012
lol. "Hacking elections" mean hacking vote boxes, all that other shyt you tamlbowt happens everyday
What the fukk are you talking about? No one said the election was definitively hacked.

The DNC was hacked and the information gained from that was weaponized and given to the Trump campaign and used by Russian intellectuals to exert undue influence on the 2016 election.

Are you fukking dumb?

Funny how the russian officers are known by your dumb azz while the owner of Wikileak refused to mention who gave him the documents
Funny how the location of servers are known, but the hacker that's the focus of Mueller report, alleged timeline of the hack and when he actually meets Wikileaks personal is inconsistent with when Wikileaks released the info
The Russian officers are known by the FBI and DOJ not me. Did you not read any of the Mueller report?

If you didn’t, stop quoting me and get the fukk out of my face.
Apr 30, 2012
What the fukk are you talking about? No one said the election was definitively hacked.
The DNC was hacked and the information gained from that was weaponized and given to the Trump campaign and used by Russian intellectuals to exert undue influence on the 2016 election.
Are you fukking dumb?

The Russian officers are known by the FBI and DOJ not me. Did you not read any of the Mueller report?
If you didn’t, stop quoting me and get the fukk out of my face.
You can't only blame politicians when you have citizens like this clown. Question whether I read a report that I could reference brehs

If the election boxes weren't hacked, then you complaining about what happened to DNC computers is idiotic because it has nothing to do with the election results
Citizens either believed what was on wikileaks OR they didn't..just like everyday on social media

If what was on wiwkileaks wasn't shady, then the Dems wouldn't have nothing to worry about. But just like the wikileaks docs referenced, post election, to save face Dem leadership will use Russian hacks as cause for election lost

Thus cowards like you want to push Russia narrative so to avoid having to hold your fav Dems accountable for losing a winnable election

Black Panther

Long Live The King
Nov 20, 2016
I'd like to give some of my observations, based on Mueller's testimony yesterday, as well as taking the entire Mueller investigation into account.

  1. I'm now certain that Trump will not be impeached. There was a time where it was feasible (and should have happened), but if Pelosi had reservations about bringing impeachment charges from Day 1 of being SOTH, she has even less motivation to bring charges now. Do I want Trump to be impeached? 200%. But my sense of logic tells me Congress won't bust a grape against Trump. We need to vote his stank ass out of office. :kanyebp:

  2. Congress will not move to indict Trump after he leaves office. Even if this was established to be possible via Mueller's testimony, this is no panacea for impeachment hopefuls.

  3. Independents (defined as those who are dissatisfied with both Dems and Rethugs) should actually be enamored with Mueller's performance before both committees. Mueller managed to stick to his report without being a political football for either side. The best thing to come out of Mueller's testimony is that he's not covering for anyone.

  4. It's funny how some posters (who are--allegedly--not partisan) are jeering at others because Dems didn't get a big win today.
    Yeah, no sh*t, nobody did. :russ: Does make you wonder why they're conveniently leaving out that Rethugs didn't get any big wins either... :bpthink:

    I think people have become so entrenched in partisan propaganda (myself included :bphubie: ) that they can't see Dems are just as disappointed with today's testimony as Rethugs are. :bpfacepalm:

  5. I maintain the assertion that Trump and the Russians clearly wanted to work together, but either missed chances to truly coordinate, or were stymied by government officials protecting them from their own stupidity. I do not think that the origins of the investigation were dubious just because it showed that Trump didn't successfully collude. The investigation needed to happen.

  6. "Investigating the Investigators" is f*cking stupid and a huge slippery slope.

    Where does it end? What if those investigators, in the process of their investigation, do something illegal or immoral?

    Do we need to investigate the investigators that are investigating the investigators? :denzelcmonson:
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Joe Sixpack

Build and Destroy
May 11, 2012
Rotten Apple
The Partisan shyt is so bad I don’t know how it ever changes..

When you live to see a President who openly utilized and requested help from a sworn enemy of the US and one side does absolutely nothing because the President is a Republican you know that this system is totally gone. The Republicans don't give a fukk who it is as long as that dude has an R in front they don’t give a fukk. It could be anybody. They don’t care. That Mitch McConnell don’t give a fukk if Osama Bin Laden was a Republican he ridin with him regardless..