The Most Successful Ethnic Group in America May Surprise You...


All Star
Nov 9, 2017
When ever I see AAs talking about these "elite" arrogant Africans they are 98% of the times talking about Nigerians. Amongst actual Africans Nigerians are known as scammers lol. From % stand up Nigerian Immigrants make up the bulk of Africans who are allowed to come to the US which is already a tiny number (compared to other places where a Country like Mexico alone gets more visas than the entire African Continent).

Nigerians arent used as the official model, but they are used to play Blacks against each other. Where whites will be on some "Tyrone, Why can't you be more like Tunde :troll:"
Who exactly are these Africans who know Nigerians as "scammers"? :patrice:
Can you name the countries so we can discuss further?


Nov 30, 2015
Yeah they dominated my engineering classes too. And they didn't have a cheating culture like a lit of Indians had either
plus whites

Even in nursing, I was shocked at the amount of resources these cacs had. Had a lot of them on the brink of not graduating in the 5th semester cause the instructors didn't use test bank at all. :pachaha:

Kyle C. Barker

Migos VERZUZ Mahalia Jackson
Feb 5, 2015
plus whites

Even in nursing, I was shocked at the amount of resources these cacs had. Had a lot of them on the brink of not graduating in the 5th semester cause the instructors didn't use test bank at all. :pachaha:

I feel you, but at the same time I totally expect that sort of behaviour from cacs :pachaha:

Booker T Garvey

Aug 17, 2014
I tend to use "Black" synonymously with "AADOS".

Addressing your post:
(1) What are Black people spending their money on?
(2) What do you mean by "investing in ourselves"?

In other words, what are you even talking about? You boiled Black culture down to 'coveting name-brand products', not necessarily buying name brand products; and you stated we don't emphasize education. Black people spend less than $500 annually on apparel (low-income Blacks). In addition, more Blacks graduate college today than in previous years.

Where is your point that Black culture is the cause of our decline in the U.S. shown in your research? You never really made a point just restated a common talking point that has been reverberated through the years by White people that want to gloss over the more pressing reasons as to why Blacks, on average, fail in America.

let me address each question in order - you asked me 4 questions (bolded).

A) This is a bizarre question, assuming you are black, you're wanting me to tell YOU what YOU'RE buying? I have no way of knowing that unless you tell me
I get what you're trying to ask - so here you are:

B) Investing our ourselves, our own community, keeping the black dollar IN our communities
this has been discussed literally hundreds of times on this very forum and Dr Boyce Watkins speaks on this at least once a week

and by the way, where are you getting that black people spend less than 500 dollars a year on apparel? there are dudes here with 500 dollars worth of shoes on reading this right now :what:

C) Sure. You initially responded to my argument that the only reason Africans come over here and surpass us, is because of our OWN cultural practices.
this is "what I am even talking about" :thumbsup:

D) I haven't conducted any research, literally everything I've said has been said by others in this very discussion, I just have no tact and am very straight forward :pachaha:

Also you cats keep throwing out this "data" on college and that's fine, but if you ever took probability and statistics in college
you know that "data" is fishy...for example look at college completion rates from 2017:

College completion rates vary by race and ethnicity, report finds


^^^ i'm not using this to support any argument I'm making, I'm simply showing you that statistics can be used to show just about anything positively or negatively

throwing out college data doesn't address or speak to cultural attitudes toward education either. they are two completely different topics of discussion

You think african americans have the same cultural attitudes toward higher learning as Indians? japanese?

Kyle C. Barker

Migos VERZUZ Mahalia Jackson
Feb 5, 2015
Yeah, only people who think Asians are "smart" are people who don't actually work in these technical fields lol. All these folks are normal ass hell and there are many cases of Asians getting by on the stereotype that they are insanely smart. Hell I don't blame em at this point if people pretty much always assume you know what you are talking about.

So true. 15 years in the field and I can't think of one that has legit impressed me.


All Star
Aug 12, 2017
let me address each question in order - you asked me 4 questions (bolded).

A) This is a bizarre question, assuming you are black, you're wanting me to tell YOU what YOU'RE buying? I have no way of knowing that unless you tell me
I get what you're trying to ask - so here you are:

B) Investing our ourselves, our own community, keeping the black dollar IN our communities
this has been discussed literally hundreds of times on this very forum and Dr Boyce Watkins speaks on this at least once a week

and by the way, where are you getting that black people spend less than 500 dollars a year on apparel? there are dudes here with 500 dollars worth of shoes on reading this right now :what:

C) Sure. You initially responded to my argument that the only reason Africans come over here and surpass us, is because of our OWN cultural practices.
this is "what I am even talking about" :thumbsup:

D) I haven't conducted any research, literally everything I've said has been said by others in this very discussion, I just have no tact and am very straight forward :pachaha:

Also you cats keep throwing out this "data" on college and that's fine, but if you ever took probability and statistics in college
you know that "data" is fishy...for example look at college completion rates from 2017:

College completion rates vary by race and ethnicity, report finds


^^^ i'm not using this to support any argument I'm making, I'm simply showing you that statistics can be used to show just about anything positively or negatively

throwing out college data doesn't address or speak to cultural attitudes toward education either. they are two completely different topics of discussion

You think african americans have the same cultural attitudes toward higher learning as Indians? japanese?

(A) Blackmeninamerica is not a credible site. And Boyce Watkins is not a credible person. I've created a thread or so on Boyce Watkins showing his complete incompetence when it comes to investing.

(B) Black banks aren't the gateway towards Black prosperity either. The community earns way too little money to sufficiently help a Black bank operate. I don't know whether you know it or not, but the expansion and contraction of deposits is primarily due to the fractional reserve system. 'Fractional reserve system' being a regulation imposed on the banks by the Federal Reserve stating it (the bank) must hold, with the Federal Reserve, a certain percentage of the deposits within their bank. I.E., you deposit $10, and the bank must hold $2 (or 20%) with the Federal Reserve, but can borrow $3-8 to a business for instance (hypothetical scenario).

When banks run low on their reserve requirements, they could borrow from the nearest reserve bank, or the bank could just not loan money outward (the banks primary source of income), and sell its own securities off. This impacts the bank in a negative way. And, I haven't even touched on the government increasing interest rates which negatively impact banks where they have to borrow from each other. Black banks don't have enough capital to borrow from one another as is because they are trying to stay afloat. The Black community simply doesn't have the capital in today's landscape.

Boyce Watkins is a PhD on paper, but he doesn't exemplify any skill or wisdom when it comes to talking about finance. He is an incompetent.

(D) India doesn't even hold those cultural attitudes which is why their country is lagging behind the developed world. You speak as if Indians, and these other groups, have exceptional value systems without acknowledging the fact that these people come from impoverished countries. If their value systems were so exceptional, why are they fleeing and begging to come to countries like the U.S. or Canada?

As for where I got the information on Black people spending less than $500 annually on apparel:

Booker T Garvey

Aug 17, 2014
(A) Blackmeninamerica is not a credible site. And Boyce Watkins is not a credible person. I've created a thread or so on Boyce Watkins showing his complete incompetence when it comes to investing.

(B) Black banks aren't the gateway towards Black prosperity either. The community earns way too little money to sufficiently help a Black bank operate. I don't know whether you know it or not, but the expansion and contraction of deposits is primarily due to the fractional reserve system. 'Fractional reserve system' being a regulation imposed on the banks by the Federal Reserve stating it (the bank) must hold, with the Federal Reserve, a certain percentage of the deposits within their bank. I.E., you deposit $10, and the bank must hold $2 (or 20%) with the Federal Reserve, but can borrow $3-8 to a business for instance (hypothetical scenario).

When banks run low on their reserve requirements, they could borrow from the nearest reserve bank, or the bank could just not loan money outward (the banks primary source of income), and sell its own securities off. This impacts the bank in a negative way. And, I haven't even touched on the government increasing interest rates which negatively impact banks where they have to borrow from each other. Black banks don't have enough capital to borrow from one another as is because they are trying to stay afloat. The Black community simply doesn't have the capital in today's landscape.

Boyce Watkins is a PhD on paper, but he doesn't exemplify any skill or wisdom when it comes to talking about finance. He is an incompetent.

(D) India doesn't even hold those cultural attitudes which is why their country is lagging behind the developed world. You speak as if Indians, and these other groups, have exceptional value systems without acknowledging the fact that these people come from impoverished countries. If their value systems were so exceptional, why are they fleeing and begging to come to countries like the U.S. or Canada?

As for where I got the information on Black people spending less than $500 annually on apparel:

Income and spending patterns among Black households : Beyond the Numbers: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

- You're conflating your opinions of boyce watkins with reality; as it stands the man is a certified finance expert whether we like him or not, he knows what he's talking about.

- Not really sure where the topic of black banks came from; but when I spoke on investing in black businesses and infrastructures
i'm saying that we do what arabs, asians, whites/jews do in their communities all the time and have for decades.
and again, people were saying this in the 90's, i'm not saying anything different

- Indians run the medical and information technology fields.
their countries are another topic altogether, but their cultural attitudes toward educational excellence is undeniable

- I'm telling you right now, with Jordans and Yeezy's going for 250-400 dollars a pop
arguing that low income african americans only spend 500 a year on clothes is so laughable that I can't believe you threw that argument out there.


All Star
Aug 12, 2017
- You're conflating your opinions of boyce watkins with reality; as it stands the man is a certified finance expert whether we like him or not, he knows what he's talking about.

- Not really sure where the topic of black banks came from; but when I spoke on investing in black businesses and infrastructures
i'm saying that we do what arabs, asians, whites/jews do in their communities all the time and have for decades.
and again, people were saying this in the 90's, i'm not saying anything different

- Indians run the medical and information technology fields.
their countries are another topic altogether, but their cultural attitudes toward educational excellence is undeniable

- I'm telling you right now, with Jordans and Yeezy's going for 250-400 dollars a pop
arguing that low income african americans only spend 500 a year on clothes is so laughable that I can't believe you threw that argument out there.

  • It has been proven that Boyce Watkins is an incompetent. He was never given a tenured professorship due to his own incompetence.
  • The topic of Black banks is central to Black business development. All of those groups of people you listed utilized the banking system to create their businesses.
  • Indians don't run the medical and information technology fields. They are employees. Employees don't run a damn thing.
  • That argument is backed by government data on Black spending habits. You're conflating your anecdotal evidence for facts that simply aren't true when looking at the wider picture. Maybe you should stop stereotyping your people.

Booker T Garvey

Aug 17, 2014
  • It has been proven that Boyce Watkins is an incompetent. He was never given a tenured professorship due to his own incompetence.
  • The topic of Black banks is central to Black business development. All of those groups of people you listed utilized the banking system to create their businesses.
  • Indians don't run the medical and information technology fields. They are employees. Employees don't run a damn thing.
  • That argument is backed by government data on Black spending habits. You're conflating your anecdotal evidence for facts that simply aren't true when looking at the wider picture. Maybe you should stop stereotyping your people.

- again, on paper, the man is an expert on the topic. This is undeniable. I don't like him either, but facts are facts.

- I agree with this point about banks, but obviously black businesses exist, we should be doing business with them and in return, they should be doing the same, and so forth and so forth
also, black banks and credit unions do exist

- Again for the third time, their cultural attitudes toward education is the topic. There is also an influx of indian doctors and IT professionals here in the U.S.
Arguing that they don't own hospitals nor do they own Google is a seperate discussion altogether.
Also, is Lebron James and Black Panther any less significant because they don't own the NBA or Hollywood?

- Not really caring about how what I said made you feel. Arguing that black folks living in poverty only spend 500 dollars on clothes a year is a flat out lie.
In fact, the only place an argument like that would be taken seriously IS an online message board.


All Star
Aug 12, 2017
- Not really caring about how what I said made you feel. Arguing that black folks living in poverty only spend 500 dollars on clothes a year is a flat out lie.
In fact, the only place an argument like that would be taken seriously IS an online message board.

So I am supposed to believe a guy that has admitted he's done zero research into this topic as opposed to the government which conducted a 3 year research into the spending habits of 11,000 Black people? :mjlol:

Booker T Garvey

Aug 17, 2014
So I am supposed to believe a guy that has admitted he's done zero research into this topic as opposed to the government which conducted a 3 year research into the spending habits of 11,000 Black people? :mjlol:

:patrice: i'm speaking on what I know breh. 500 dollars a year on clothes? in 2018?

we were spending that on starter jackets and cross colours every few months in the 90's breh.

if you had said 5,000 dollars then that would be more believable.


All Star
Aug 12, 2017
:patrice: i'm speaking on what I know breh. 500 dollars a year on clothes? in 2018?

we were spending that on starter jackets and cross colours every few months in the 90's breh.

if you had said 5,000 dollars then that would be more believable.

But it's not me saying it, it is the government saying it.