let me address each question in order - you asked me 4 questions (bolded).
A) This is a bizarre question, assuming you are black, you're wanting me to tell YOU what YOU'RE buying? I have no way of knowing that unless you tell me
I get what you're trying to ask - so here you are:
B) Investing our ourselves, our own community, keeping the black dollar IN our communities
this has been discussed literally hundreds of times on this very forum and Dr Boyce Watkins speaks on this at least once a week
and by the way, where are you getting that black people spend less than 500 dollars a year on apparel? there are dudes here with 500 dollars worth of shoes on reading this right now 
C) Sure. You initially responded to my argument that the only reason Africans come over here and surpass us, is because of our
OWN cultural practices.
this is
"what I am even talking about"
D) I haven't conducted any research, literally everything I've said has been said by others in this very discussion, I just have no tact and am very straight forward
Also you cats keep throwing out this "data" on college and that's fine, but if you ever took
probability and statistics in college
you know that "data" is fishy...for example look at college completion rates from 2017:
College completion rates vary by race and ethnicity, report finds
^^^ i'm not using this to support any argument I'm making, I'm simply showing you that statistics can be used to show just about anything positively or negatively
throwing out college data doesn't address or speak to cultural attitudes toward education either. they are two completely different topics of discussion
You think african americans have the same
cultural attitudes toward higher learning as Indians? japanese?