We'll just have to agree to disagree breh.
This is to the collective you and not you,...
Are You a producer turned rapper, and not an emcee first and foremost above any and everything, type then,......?
In response to this culturally in the pillar of emcee'n as law in hip hop.
You can't negatively skill critique down south or any other region or Stan a culturally wack or skill deficient wack rapper and then give praise to rappers who were wack from the Mecca just because.
If you not juju, fame, or diamond d level of emcee aspiring to finesse levels of emcee'n and beyond,...just drop the mic, you in the way.
Go do sumfin else,....fa real.
Stop clogg'n up pillars cause you don't wanna apply YOURSELF AND IMPROVE YOUR SKILLS.
If not,....
you food for a nikka like me and I do run down on food just because I know you not supposed to be out there.
Only reason why these huff ass rappers are around is because I just ain't stomped on them just yet,...
It will happen tho,...
Anyway,....wack producers wanna be rap ruined rap.
No yo producer ass can not rap as good as talent and you only getting over because of sentimentalism to the do it yourself gateway aspect that was marketed to home recording studios which is also killing music as a draw.
All because of wack producer who wanna rap.
nikka, wack producer wanna be rapper stfu,... FA real.
Go make my beats fakkit,....
If not this fl and protools play like SF and I still ain't met no producer or nikkaz who could beat me in a damn videogame yet.
Art Barr