there's so much stuff that should have been explained... like the entire time carol went back to hala and destroyed the hivemind. it still doesnt explain how a destruction of an AI can cause an entire sun to burn out and the waters to dry out... they SHOULD have explained that...
the after credits scene... I felt sorry for monica seeing her mom that was dead like it was a bad dream and it wasnt your mom but she's a mutant and your stuck in the xmen universe

The whole musical section fukk CRINGY ASF...

jesus christ it was so cringe...The whole alien race sings to communicate???? and CAROL CANT SING FOR shyt!!! THAT WAS ACTUALLY BRIE LARSON TRYING???!!?
Kamala during the whole movie felt like a fanboy that was transported inside the MCU living out her dreams...

She was a highlight I can admit that. I still dont know why her mother calls her Beta...
Nick Fury at least gave the Skrulls a new world he came through on his promise...

and the Kree fanatics fukked it all up...
The young avengers mid credit scene idk if Im really hyped for that...

that whole musical dancing stuff could have been AXED and replaced with something way better... like they was actually half mer-people cousins of namor or something considering their planet was like 99% water