Based on the box office numbers of these films and cultural impacts they had, its not a reach that your average mllienial has invested time into this franchise.
When Endgame became the #1 highest grossing film of all time nobody was talking about "its for kids"
When grown black folk were going to theaters in costume, debating AA vs African cultural divide and grown black celebrities refrencing Wakanda like its a real place, nobody was saying "its for kids "
With peaceful protests turning into chaos around the U.S., Atlanta rapper T.I. refers to the city as 'Wakanda' as a way to quell civil unrest.
People hype up Captain America 2 for being an action spy thriller where Winter Soldier murks people left and right. Totally a kid flick
. Please tell me what the hell was a kid supposed to get out of 60+ year old TV refrences in Wanadavision or whatever tf the Eternals were going for.
This whole superhero movie wave is pretty much something that grew out of millenials who were intrested in gritty realistic takes on the kiddy superhero cartoons from our childhood. Thats why The Dark Knight is so beloved.
This isn't Spongebob or some shyt. It's all good when they're breaking records for it but when the content gets stale now people wanna be "b b but its for kids"
Mario gets that excuse, not this