All depends on the seller when it comes to shipping. Some are ridiculous, others good. You're able to find out the cost of shipping before you purchase anything tho. It is like a PM system when it comes to buying records on discogs. There is a lot of record stores selling vinyl so it is best to stick with them. It is the regular dudes just selling there private record collections that kill you on shipping for the most part.
I don't know what it is about Germany, but I almost buy everything I can from there. There postal service is like UPS, most of the sellers have there shipping cost included in the price of the record. Seriously, I get my records from Germany faster then from the US. It is mind boggling.
Just try to buy your records from people with 98 to 100 percent positive rating(With at least a 100 P's) and you will never go wrong. I have bought at least 40 records off Discogs and never had a problem.