is nap an electoral politics reductionist?
I'm certain you don't know what that word means either. And calling someone autistic isn't an insult - there are plenty of "autists" who have made far, far more out of their lives than you ever will.
Long posts pushing race issues proves that I deprioritize race issues? Try and make that make sense.
You're self referential in a degree that would only be typified by mental illnessYou're babbling. Why would I ask for the definition of a word if I already know what it means? Why would I be scrambling to find evidence against myself?
You're the one who brought "class reductionism" into the conversation, it's your job to use it correctly and to find the examples of me doing it. Neither of which you've been able to do.
lol, so is anyone who defends Biden a straight racist,
considering how many times he's pushed racist positions or defended racists? By your argument, howw could he call segregationist "heroes" and refer to Strorm Thurmond as a great man "like Robert E. Lee" if he wasn't feeling the same way? You know, since you believe guilt by association is valid.
Joe Biden's Praise for Segregationists Spans Decades | JFP Mobile | Jackson, Mississippi
Joe Biden under fire for segregationist senators remarks - BBC News
The Democrat is facing backlash for recalling his "civil" working relationship with
Joe Biden loses support of top campaign fundraiser in Bay Area after comments on segregationists and Hyde amendment
Former Vice President Joe Biden loses support of top bundler after segregationist comments and flip-flop on Hyde
Here’s How Deep Biden’s Busing Problem Runs
And why the Democrats can’t use it against
Joe Biden didn’t just compromise with segregationists. He fought for their cause in schools, experts say.
Joe Biden helped give America the language that is still used to oppose school integration today, legislative and education history experts
Joe Biden’s Political Amnesia Goes Way Beyond Anita Hill
Digital culture won’t let him re-write decades of dubious political
Biden's resurfaced 2007 comments on Iowa, race, education spark backlash
Former Vice President Joe Biden, the leading Democrat in the 2020 White House race, is facing new pushback this week after a series of quotes from 2007 resurfaced online in which he said Iowa had better schools than Washington, D.C., while mentioning their differences in
Biden: ‘Unlike the African American Community,’ The Latino Community Is ‘Diverse’ | National Review
Biden was responding to a question on whether he would slow deportations of Cuban asylum
Joe Biden worried in 1977 that certain de-segregation policies would cause his children to grow up 'in a racial jungle'
"Unless we do something about this, my children are going to grow up in a jungle, the jungle being a racial jungle," Biden
Joe Biden’s Stunningly Racist Answer on the Legacy of Slavery Has Been Overlooked
When asked about the legacy of slavery, Joe Biden lectured black people on their parenting
It's mind blowing that you can claim supporting Bernie proves I don't care about race issues,
Biden has shown he's been fairly good on race issues and certainly hasn't downplayed race issues in favor of generic class framing...which is why Bernie lost the black vote.when the alternative option was far worse on race issues. That's logical nonsence.
You can't call people class reductionists solely because they're socialists. That's disrespectful to the entire history of our civil rights heroes, the vast majority of which has FAR more in common with Bernie than with Biden.
after 2016...yeah. I nap an electoral politics reductionist?
this is why people dont take your political stances seriously, and your attacks are empty. you attack people for being insufficiently pro black or whatever but you yourself do not in any meaningful way practice or endorse things that would help black people. you endorse elections for elections sake. your way allows for capitalism and colonialism to continue exploiting black folk here and worldwide. you are actually a part of the problem instead of the solution for the kind of black-positive world you claim to seek.after 2016...yeah. I guess.
I can't change being black, so I'm not going to change my devotion and preference for winning elections come down to people who can't bend on running the fukking bag upthis is why people dont take your political stances seriously, and your attacks are empty. you attack people for being insufficiently pro black or whatever but you yourself do not in any meaningful way practice or endorse things that would help black people.
blah blah blah capitalism and tired boring grad students. We get how we got here, now it's time to get out of this endorse elections for elections sake. your way allows for capitalism and colonialism to continue exploiting black folk here and worldwide. you are actually a part of the problem instead of the solution for the kind of black-positive world you claim to seek.
he yells at democrats for not doing what he says and thinks
You know you'd knowSo he’s never been elected to anything?
lol, so is anyone who defends Biden a straight racist, considering how many times he's pushed racist positions or defended racists? By your argument, how could he call segregationist "heroes" and refer to Strorm Thurmond as a great man "like Robert E. Lee" if he wasn't feeling the same way? You know, since you believe guilt by association is valid.
No evidence of this, especially in the last 15 years
"There's less than 1 percent of the population of Iowa that is African American. There is probably less than 4 or 5 percent that are minorities. What is in Washington? So look, it goes back to what you start off with, what you're dealing with....half this education gap exists before the kid steps foot in the classroom."
"I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that's a storybook, man."
"We were a slave state that fought beside the North. That's only because we couldn't figure out how to get to the south there were a couple of other states in the way."
The AI just scours black Twitter operatives and uses phrases like that without a second thought.What do you think class reductionism means, Nap?
"I have some friends on the far left, and they can justify to me the murder of a white deaf mute for a nickel by five colored guys. They say the black men had been oppressed and so on. But they can't justify some Alabama farmers tar and feathering an old colored woman. I suspect the ACLU would leap to defend the five black guys. But no one would go down to help the rednecks....They are both products of an environment. The truth is somewhere between the two poles. And rednecks are usually people with very real concerns, people who lack the education and skills to express themselves quietly and articulately."
"The new integration plans being offered are really just quota systems to assure a certain number of blacks, Chicanos, or whatever in each school. That, to me, is the most racist concept you can come up with. Who the hell do we think we are, that the only way a black man or woman can learn is if they rub shoulders with my white child?"
"I think the concept of busing … that we are going to integrate people so that they all have the same access and they learn to grow up with one another and all the rest, is a rejection of the whole movement of black pride."
"But I do not buy the concept, popular in the 60's, which said: 'we have suppressed the black man for 300 years, and the white man is now far ahead in the 'race' for everything our society offers. In order to even the score, we must now give the black man a head start, or even hold the white man back to even the 'race.' I don't buy that. I don't feel responsible for the sins of my father and grandfather. I feel responsible for what the situation is today, for the sins of my own generation. And I'll be damned if I feel responsible to pay for what happened 300 years ago."
Like the Helms gambit, [Biden’s provision] would still gut Title VI of the Civil Rights Act. But this time, a number of liberal senators that had opposed Helms’s amendment now supported Biden: Warren Magnuson and Scoop Jackson of Washington, where Seattle faced impending integration orders; and Thomas Eagleton and Stuart Symington of Missouri, where Kansas City confronted a similar fate. Mike Mansfield, the majority leader from Montana, also jumped on board. Watching his liberal colleagues defect, Republican Jacob Javits of New York mused, “They’re scared to death on busing.” The Senate approved Biden’s amendment. Biden had managed to turn a 48-43 loss for the anti-busing forces into a 50-43 victory.
The NAACP called Biden’s proposal “an anti-black amendment.” The Senate’s sole African-American member, Ed Brooke, called it “the greatest symbolic defeat for civil rights since 1964.” But Biden helped his fellow liberals reconcile themselves to the wrong side of history by recasting integrationists as the real racists.
"Unless we do something about this, my children are going to grow up in a jungle, the jungle being a racial jungle with tensions having built so high that it is going to explode at some point."
"'One of the reasons I asked to join the Judiciary Committee, was so that I could work more closely with the attorney general and solicitor general and thereby put a stop to busing,'
"I voted against them because we seem to disagree over an issue of great concern to me and the citizens of Delaware. The issue is forced busing. I oppose it. The citizens of Delaware oppose it. And, if my instincts are correct, the people in this nation oppose it.'"
"He's an opponent without hate, a friend without treachery, a statesman without pretense, a victim without any murmuring, a public official without vice, a private citizen without wrong, a neighbor, as you all know, without hypocrisy, a man without guilt. A senator whom future senators can study with profit for as long as there is an America."
"It was said of Stonewall Jackson, 'He is an avalanche from an unexpected quarter, a thunderbolt from a clear sky, and yet his character will make him a stone wall more than any man I've ever known,'" Biden said, reciting a quote that a 1920 book attributes to lecturer, and Stonewall Jackson's aide, James Power Smith.
"And Mr. Chairman," Biden continued, "When you stand on the floor of the Senate, and you point your finger, and you raise your voice, it's like a bolt from a clear sky. And when you speak, everyone listens. And as all of my colleagues have said here today, he truly does stand like a stonewall; he is the rockbed of integrity of the United States Congress."
"offered the crowd a bit of absolution, telling them that they had confronted their racial problems and dealt with them and, while everything was perhaps not perfect, apologies were no longer needed....'A black man has a better chance in Birmingham than in Philadelphia or New York,'" Biden said.
“Quite frankly, the president’s plan is not tough enough, bold enough, or imaginative enough to meet the crisis at hand. In a nutshell, the president’s plan does not include enough police officers to catch the violent thugs, enough prosecutors to convict them, enough judges to sentence them, or enough prison cells to put them away for a long time.”
“We have predators on our streets that society has in fact, in part because of its neglect, created. They are beyond the pale many of those people, beyond the pale. And it’s a sad commentary on society. We have no choice but to take them out of society.”
“The consensus is A), we must take back the streets. It doesn’t matter whether or not the person that is accosting your son or daughter or my son or daughter, my wife, your husband, my mother, your parents, it doesn’t matter whether or not they were deprived as a youth. It doesn’t matter whether or not they had no background that enabled them to become socialized into the fabric of society. It doesn’t matter whether or not they’re the victims of society. The end result is they’re about to knock my mother on the head with a lead pipe, shoot my sister, beat up my wife, take on my sons. I’m the guy that said rehabilitation, when it occurs, we don’t understand it and notice it and even when we notice it and we know it occurs, we don’t know why,” he said. “So you cannot make rehabilitation a condition for release.”
this is why people dont take your political stances seriously, and your attacks are empty. you attack people for being insufficiently pro black or whatever but you yourself do not in any meaningful way practice or endorse things that would help black people. you endorse elections for elections sake. your way allows for capitalism and colonialism to continue exploiting black folk here and worldwide. you are actually a part of the problem instead of the solution for the kind of black-positive world you claim to seek.
Thankfully, no one with enough brainpower to read all that bullshyt you just typed would ever be swayed by it - most of the time you didn't even address what I said. But I just want to quote this one part about Biden's lack of racism cause it was so fukking funny.
And the historical shyt before that that Biden was involved in was really, really bad.
voted to allow racially-segregated private schools to keep their tax-exempt status. How the hell does that help Black kids in any way whatsoever?
With the help of segregationists, Biden won the bussing fight. And throughout the 1980s, he continued to praise segregationists and celebrate the work they did together.
But yeah, supporting Joe Biden is how I'll prove I care about race issues.
You haven't offered ONE actual piece of evidence, not even ONE quote from me, showing that I'm a class reductionist. You just hate that I share the socialist leaning of the vast majority of Civil Rights heroes.