@Raava @Amy Traphouse and all my Houston brehs and brehettes the squall line is coming through. Temps are about to drop 30 degrees in 20 minutes. Pouring rain over.
I love it it will feel like Christmas.
@Raava @Amy Traphouse and all my Houston brehs and brehettes the squall line is coming through. Temps are about to drop 30 degrees in 20 minutes. Pouring rain over.
Spoke too soon, the wind is hitting hard outside now.Rain is tapering off. Just cold air now.
I love it it will feel like Christmas.
I told you to weight trainYou know my skinny bones are going to be chilled to the core. Wind gusts are going to blow my ass away.
You need the psVR, move controllers, and a ps camera.so I wanna get the playstation vr thingy for my husband but idk what i'm supposed to get. it says that there's a full system and then there's a headset. I don't want to ask my brother because I think he'll tell him and I want it to be a surprise. I guess I could just call the stores and ask.
PSVR Launches 10/13/2016 at $399so I wanna get the playstation vr thingy for my husband but idk what i'm supposed to get. it says that there's a full system and then there's a headset. I don't want to ask my brother because I think he'll tell him and I want it to be a surprise. I guess I could just call the stores and ask.
That's the point...This actually makes me want to go deaf.