Then I would definitely stay. You said there was unlimited OT, so you don't have pay cap for now and that's something you can take advantage of. You could do like 3 months of OT, chill, rinse and repeat. If there was no OT and you knew for a fact you pay wouldn't increase, then I would say leave.
Yea, I was thinking about that. I get a pay raise in January corresponding with my new responsibilities (just got promoted).
With my new position, I would work a few 12 hour days a week

With that said, the only restriction, obviously, is don't work more than 6 consecutive days. My boss gave the ok on
60+ hour weeks if I can piece it together. 20+ hours of overtime

but till the OT kicks in, I would only make a few dollars more than minimum wage

OT is where the serious bread comes from. The new place is talmbout 7-5 five days a week, but its customer service. And based on what I see, mostly white people

Obviously I have nothing against that especially if
the pay right, but I'm basically trying to convince myself to nix this easy money I could be getting