It's just usually weird to me because the same people usually build you up first.I'm kind of the same I absorb it and grow from it, if you do manage to hurt me it'll be short lived and i'll bounce back more confident and defiant, my significant other would have to come up with new insults everyday if they wanted to have any type of chance of having any worthwhile emotional hold over me.
And same if you insult me after that I cut you off emotionally nothing positive nor negative matters from you, because my opinion of you has changed and I no longer expect anything of substance to come from the lips from which you speak.
The one who made the comments about my skin tone and suggesting I lost weight always told me how beautiful I was before that. His own sister said in front of me to him that I was the best looking girl he had at that time. This was over 10 years ago. But during this time is when I had the fall out with a lot of my family (during the Myspace age) because so many people convinced I was going to be famous, I had a lot of shyt going on. My mom used to say my boyfriend (the one who made those comments) was jealous of me. One of the things I was doing and receiving accolades for, he wanted to do and I thought that by me getting on, I could put him. So I'm not sure if he was saying that to me because he was humbling me for the attention I was getting or he just wasn't aware of how insensitive it came across. But I haven't forgot about it and I'm sure if I bring it up to him today, he'd pretend he doesn't remember saying either of those things.