Traveling for work
Having to live with 2 employees for 19 days because hotel wifi is trash
Cold ass Chicago, Hot ass Texas, who the hell goes to Tennessee why?
Putting on a suit and tie every single day
They are probably going to not give us the amount of monitors I requested, fukk up my entire neck
Having to travel heavy hardware through ubers and some probably toyota rental that feels like the gas pedal is going to fall off at any moment
No p*ssy for 3 weeks
No stress relieving driving for 3 weeks, Come home to dead batteries
If I attempt to rage, now I'm the guy on steroids
Just 12 hour work days on a company wifi so I can't browse thecoli in the comfort of my home later on
Might pay up and vamp up the work to continue even on the weekends to see if we can finish this project early on