Essential The Locker Room's Random Thoughts


Apr 18, 2013
I swear life is trolling me hard right now...

So I have to submit revised reports to the Feds pursuant to revisions they required after my agency made the initial submissions on time.

So they grant us an extension to submit those revised reports

I submit everything except one last report pretty early into the extension period...everything's going smooth af.

On the last day of the extension period I try logging into the database to submit the LAST report

Suddenly my credentials don't work :why:

My program officers are out of office :why:

I get reinstated into the database with new credentials AFTER the extension period ends :why:

So now I get an automated message from the database saying that I'm up shyt's creek for this little ass form I had to fill out but couldn't because the fukking janky ass database wouldn't let me on during the closeout period :francis:

Luckily I'm on good terms with these guys and they know me by name and face and since I've done a lot of work following my unexpected promotion, (see thread here ) I hope they will at least grant me a day just to fill out this form.

shyt I already left two voicemails and sent two emails with the info they need...its just that it needs to be officially submitted through the database.

Oh and just to cover my ass, I figured that I'd attempt to log in using the old credentials just so I could screenshoot the error message as proof that I wasn't telling :duck: (not that they wouldn't believe me but still) and the fukking credentials work...they fukking work AFTER THE EXTENSION PERIOD ENDS NOT DURING BUT AFTER :why:

Cory MBA

Bigger Picture
May 4, 2012
I swear life is trolling me hard right now...

So I have to submit revised reports to the Feds pursuant to revisions they required after my agency made the initial submissions on time.

So they grant us an extension to submit those revised reports

I submit everything except one last report pretty early into the extension period...everything's going smooth af.

On the last day of the extension period I try logging into the database to submit the LAST report

Suddenly my credentials don't work :why:

My program officers are out of office :why:

I get reinstated into the database with new credentials AFTER the extension period ends :why:

So now I get an automated message from the database saying that I'm up shyt's creek for this little ass form I had to fill out but couldn't because the fukking janky ass database wouldn't let me on during the closeout period :francis:

Luckily I'm on good terms with these guys and they know me by name and face and since I've done a lot of work following my unexpected promotion, (see thread here ) I hope they will at least grant me a day just to fill out this form.

shyt I already left two voicemails and sent two emails with the info they need...its just that it needs to be officially submitted through the database.

Oh and just to cover my ass, I figured that I'd attempt to log in using the old credentials just so I could screenshoot the error message as proof that I wasn't telling :duck: (not that they wouldn't believe me but still) and the fukking credentials work...they fukking work AFTER THE EXTENSION PERIOD ENDS NOT DURING BUT AFTER :why:


Sep 26, 2013
Today is the day. Been gearing up for this for ages now, told myself shyt would change after this.

Piano exam, grade 5. After this, I'm more likely to be able to teach at least grade 1. I'm on my way there in a little bit. I'm gonna pass - but I want the distinction.
Let's hope I don't fukk it up :youngsabo:
Easy pass :manny:

Slight fukk up on the sight-reading though :patrice:

I'm pretty close to a distinction though, I'm teetering on that border. I'm happy :ahh:

Might go out and have a few drinks, need a trim though, I'm looking real :flabbynsick: right now :scusthov:


Apr 18, 2013
How long did you have to submit those reports? Wait until the last minute brehs.
I'm glad someone picked up on that, I had a month but I was working on other projects so it is on me that I didn't utilize my time better. Still though, if I have up until the 25th I should be able to work on the 24th.


Jun 23, 2012
I'm glad someone picked up on that, I had a month but I was working on other projects so it is on me that I didn't utilize my time better. Still though, if I have up until the 25th I should be able to work on the 24th.
I bet next time you'll have it ready on the 23rd.


Ruined Childhood
May 22, 2014
Nightmare Blvd
Rant... :wow:

Been on a Dr. Umar tip re-watching his videos on Youtube for the past couple days and I must say....
Death to all your PAWG worshipers!!!!!!!!! :bustback:(but you already knew my stance on the issue:youngsabo:)

You (some) self-hatred nikkas need to take a few minutes and watch this. :sas2:
Heal thy hurt your mother did to you and stop taking it out on our sistas :ohlawd:
LOL @ the thought of being with a White woman and not realizing her brother or cousin could be a Dylann Roof :beli:
But you don't care because you just want that White approval and acceptance from massa :mjcry:
And to think your girl's great, great, great, great grandfather were slave owners to YOUR people :wow:
LOL @ being pro-Black and wanting to attend a Black community event but get mad cuz your white girl is not welcomed. We don't want you either nikka :heh: You betrayed us and we can't trust you!

LOL @ thought of bringing massa's daughter into a pro-Black group who are trying to find solutions to White supremacy.

But y'all don't care until shyt hits the fan.
What if a race war really pops off and it's our people on one side and the Whites on the other.... Which one are you going to choose? :sas1:
We don't want you nikka because you're a sellout and betrayed us! :what:
And you think you're safe running to the White side as if they're going to protect your Black ass :russ:
Peter, Billy Bob and his White militia crew giving you the :mjpls:and ready to kill anything not white on sight. fukkin' idiots!

I'm convinced the majority of our people are lost. Not everyone is going to make it but I stand with our brothers and sisters who are AWAKE. Let our brothers and sisters who just... don't... get... it.... go and be one with massa... No sense of trying to convince them our history.
Disappointed in my brehs :wow:

The more and more I become enlightened, awake, read deeper on our history... I really hate INTERRACIAL dating (goes for our Black women too).

Brehs not realizing the Black family became separated due to WHITE people! (i.e. welfare system which is how many of our women developed "I don't need a man" attitude which turns you off which in turn you seek your oppressor but you're not educating yourself to understand the DEEP ROOTED history of why our women got that attitude in the FIRST place!)

How are we going to stop White supremacy and this war when you rather join the Whites because you think it's better over there? Just like a slave who stood near his massa on the plantation for comfort instead of revolting with his people.
shyts hella sad :wow:

Parading your White women around your fam like she some damn prize while your grandparents look with hurt knowing what her ancestors did to their parents and parent's parents... :mjcry:
Can't trust you nikkas. :francis:

You're not our on team. It's the ultimate betrayal. Your brother-in-law could be Dylann Roof. Your girls distant relatives living in bumblefukk hickville could be Dylann Roof and once they find out she's messing with you :francis:
You can't come back to us for help and safety :ufdup:

So many quality sistas out there but because of past experiences with them you decide ALL are like them without giving new ones a chance.

Is it really worth it to go to your oppressor? Are you okay sleeping with your PAWG knowing her cousin Lil' Billy doesn't like you is plotting something demonic against you? Knowing all your White "queen" needs to do is pick up that phone to call 911 on your ass if you mess up and now its you v.s. the police (good luck with that).

I don't get it brehs :mjcry:
On that note... Black Queens :blessed:
Happy Friday :youngsabo:

Sensitive Blake Griffin

May 1, 2012
mm popped a xanax after a long ass week a work. Any of my xanny brehs notice soft drinks taste incredible? Was wondering if everyone experiences that