Do you have the brass knuckle e-books? If not, pm your email and I will buy you two of your choice. Here are the books he has to's about money. I've been poor and haven't had any money of my own the majority of my adult life. Late bloomer. Finished college late. Didnt know what i was doing. Just having my real out of college job at 30. It's just killed my confidence with women to the point I don't even bother trying anymore.
Which sucks...women obviously like me and think I'm good looking but I just turn em away and end conversations with them as quickly as possible irl. As well im still overcoming some very tough self esteem issues ive had since i was younger It's a shame. I just want my luck to change.!compare/c1duq
I have the first and second books. I think it will help you start getting your money up. You can reach out to dude for questions as well.
Never been in love or have had anything close to a real relationship. Destined to be alone. Whatever. Sometimes I feel like Dr. Manhattan from the watchmen. Aching to leave this planet. Aching to leave the fecundity of society...tired of being caught in the tangled Web of these people's lives I don't really care for.
You're not ready yet. You're putting out bad energy and you only attract what you put out. If you have self esteem issues do you really think a relationship is going to help them? NOPE! It's not your partner's job to make you feel secure. Just work on you, you have plenty of time for love.