The Last of Us Part II Spoiler Discussion Thread


Oct 15, 2015
More than half the people i watched play this game on YouTube has

Call Abby all kinds of derogatory, and/or insensitive names.

bytched and complained about Abby as soon as Day 1 Seattle starts "no, no, i'm not playing as her, no"

Put the controller down when they had to play as Abby, and beat Ellie, and let Ellie kill Abby on that part. This is some corny shyt to me. They wouldn't do that if they weren't streaming.

Definitely don't watch that clown ass Angry Joe and his boys play this game. I swear he doesn't have an original opinion of any game he plays. He just goes with whatever crowd he thinks would give him more views. He didn't know who the firefly's were in TLOU. And he so called loved/is a fan of the game. Also if you're a reviewer who also cares about TLOU series. Wouldn't you not voluntarily look at the leaks before the game release. :mindblown:
After the leaks, when many were complaining. He basically comes out with a "this sucks, it's bad, don't buy this game" video. :mindblown:

Bottom line, Angry Joe was never a fan of the series. Everyone else was, and he jumped on the bandwagon. As he always do.

There are legit gamers who dislike the game, and voice their opinions. Those people are fine in my book. But there are way too many so called "gamers" on YouTube who are really just trying to get in on trends, canceled culture, and what not.
Yeah , i seen people on twitch who once they finished the game ...and said that they actually like the story...most of the chatroom goes against them.
So , i imagine some streamers try not to go against their viewers just so they dont lose them.


Oct 14, 2012
More than half the people i watched play this game on YouTube has

Call Abby all kinds of derogatory, and/or insensitive names.

bytched and complained about Abby as soon as Day 1 Seattle starts "no, no, i'm not playing as her, no"

Put the controller down when they had to play as Abby, and beat Ellie, and let Ellie kill Abby on that part. This is some corny shyt to me. They wouldn't do that if they weren't streaming.

Definitely don't watch that clown ass Angry Joe and his boys play this game. I swear he doesn't have an original opinion of any game he plays. He just goes with whatever crowd he thinks would give him more views. He didn't know who the firefly's were in TLOU. And he so called loved/is a fan of the game. Also if you're a reviewer who also cares about TLOU series. Wouldn't you not voluntarily look at the leaks before the game release. :mindblown:
After the leaks, when many were complaining. He basically comes out with a "this sucks, it's bad, don't buy this game" video. :mindblown:

Bottom line, Angry Joe was never a fan of the series. Everyone else was, and he jumped on the bandwagon. As he always do.

There are legit gamers who dislike the game, and voice their opinions. Those people are fine in my book. But there are way too many so called "gamers" on YouTube who are really just trying to get in on trends, canceled culture, and what not.

angry Joe irritates me usually anyway, but dude has been a complete fukking man baby about this game since he read the leaks, throwing his pad down and storming out of the room shaking his head as soon as he comes across something he dosnt like in the game, or shouting over cutscenes that if it was him he wouldn’t react that what :mjlol:

He is literally the physical form of all of the people who read the leaks and convinced themselves they were never going to give anything in the game a chance because it isn’t the plot they wanted


Walker Lexus Ranger
Jun 9, 2012
It would have been real simple to create time if they wanted to, they just didn't want that because they wanted what was going to happen to be a surprise to the average players. Just like they made sure that tommy and joel didn't call out each others name the whole time until they got to the point they had to make a choice. My point isn't that they didn't have enough time, but that they should have made time so that tommy or joel did show some kind of their personal character traits that keep them alive thus far.
They could have but that's not realistic either.

Sometimes shyt happens and you don't have time to do anything but react. That's not a flaw in writing to me, that's realistic. I don't want a story where every scenario is perfectly laid out to get the best out of a character. We're in a post apocalyptic world, personally I like the idea of anything can happen anytime. It feels more real.

But I will say your criticism is valid, it's just my opinion on it.


Walker Lexus Ranger
Jun 9, 2012
Dude lets put this shyt aside as men. The majority gamers and YouTubers are saying exactly what we've all been saying. The game should've been delayed for a 2021 release. I'm really skeptical of how they're going to bounce back from this with Neil going this agenda route with games.

You don't know that. So all the reviewers for major outlets opinions don't count, but the Youtuber's who make a living of being upset at SJW nonsense do? A lot of these Youtubers entire fanbase is built off reactions like this. Not to mention once it became a news story others hopped on board for the clicks. Then once that builds momentum people are scared to even say they like the game cause the other side is so emotionally wrapped up in it they will attack you for it. I posted a Youtube comment that I enjoyed it and don't see the big deal and they SWARMED me. Their fragile minds could not coincide with the fact that someone genuinely enjoyed the game. Not only that they think you must be stupid, or a shill if you liked it. Every positive video or stream about this game has a few dedicated individuals in the comments throwing out accusations and mentioning intelligence. It's exhausting and over the years people like me have learned it's not worth it to argue with people like you.
I find it ironic that the people who think there is an outrage cancel culture do the same exact thing. Throw a little fit about some nonsense and then try to tear a company down cause they disagree with them. I feel like the "stop the SJW stuff" crowd has more outbursts of fake outrage than the actual SJWs, which is a twist of irony given their world view.
It's always these "everyone's an SJW" clowns that bring up IQ when people disagree with them too. Which is ironic because a big indicator of a low IQ, is constantly mentioning your own IQ :mjgrin: (not saying this is you you didn't mention it to my knowledge)

You have no clue if this is the vocal minority or not. It is exhausting arguing with the "everything is an SJW agenda, all the art I love is ruined" crowd. It's like arguing with a Trump supporter. Even if you prove them wrong they laugh and strut away like you're an idiot. Trust me there are many people out there that enjoyed the game flaws and all and not everyone takes the time to debate with people like I do. I loved the game but I didn't leave a 9 out of 10 review on Metacritic, I would wager most people who buy and play games don't either. Only those emotionally invested and motivated enough will leave a review. All it takes is one quick scan through those reviews to see they are mostly nonsense. I would wager if they had a system to prove you owned the game to leave a review that score would be much higher.

A GIANT portion of the people upset were mad because of the leaks and didn't actually play it through too. People are allowed to not like the game but the hyperbole from the people who echo your sentiment is just ridiculous.

You so desperately want this to be a colossal failure for the ages but I just don't think it is. This game had an average user score of 3.2, 5 hours after release with 6k negative reviews. Like I mean come on. There was a concerted effort by people who read the leaks to review bomb the game and try to influence the masses.

You can dislike a game and not give it a 0 out of 10. ZERO????? You give a game like a flappy bird knock off a zero not a game like this. I can't take people like that seriously. Even with a garbage story any intellectually honest person can appreciate the effort put into a game like this. 0 would indicate no redeeming qualities at all.

This is what I was talking about in the other thread, where this crowd puts a lot of effort into confirming to themselves they are the majority. That's why they are so vocal across the internet and it becomes like a hive mind thing. "Obviously we are right because there is more of us" if you went by internet comments you would think America is 98% Trump supporters, but guess what it's not. They are just screaming the loudest.


Walker Lexus Ranger
Jun 9, 2012
Remember when Joel and Henry tried to kill each other but all Henry had to say was "he's not one of the bad guys" for Joel to trust him and work together.

30 seconds after meeting complete strangers who attacked and pointed guns at them, Joel was working with them, they could've been anyone out to get him. Goes both ways too Henry trusted him just cause he was with a kid.

My point is Joel is willing to work side by side with a stranger he doesn't know to survive in this world. Especially considering now they have a safe compound and his job is literally to clear infected from the perimeter and find survivors to build the community.

The Mad Titan

May 27, 2012
Remember when Joel and Henry tried to kill each other but all Henry had to say was "he's not one of the bad guys" for Joel to trust him and work together.

30 seconds after meeting complete strangers who attacked and pointed guns at them, Joel was working with them, they could've been anyone out to get him. Goes both ways too Henry trusted him just cause he was with a kid.

My point is Joel is willing to work side by side with a stranger he doesn't know to survive in this world. Especially considering now they have a safe compound and his job is literally to clear infected from the perimeter and find survivors to build the community.

That made sense, there was enough dialogue between the two and similarities with the kids and henry's actions and behavior to make it work. It didn't take long, and it was a couple of lines that make it clear that henry and his brother probably aren't bad people.... and even after agreeing to work with henry it was clear he didn't completely trust him until much later, That's part of what makes the 1st one so good to me.. character and story wise. There was a lot of attention to small things like that. With abby it was "whelp.... it's an emergency guess we'll go back to there camp and see whats up"

Anyway to me, knowing what this whole joel abby and tommy meet up would lead too, if there was any part of the game that I'd want to make sure all characters behaved the way most are use to and nothing seemed off at all... it would have been this. But like was mentioned they really wanted that shock of "joel getting killed" to grab you out the blue, and I feel like they got lost in that.

old pig

Nov 12, 2017
elephant in the room but the only reason joel ain’t trust henry and sam is bcuz they were black...white man w/ his white son and joel woulda bent backwards for them...I suspect he even allowed sam to get bit bcuz he was responsible for keeping the hunters and the infected @ bay w/ the sniper rifle...the plan was for henry to go wake sam up in the morning and get bit too so he could kill them both...ellie messed up his plan when she ran in the room to wake sam up for breakfast tho

Animal House

May 28, 2012
More than half the people i watched play this game on YouTube has:

Called Abby all kinds of derogatory, and/or insensitive names.

bytched and complained about Abby as soon as Day 1 Seattle starts "no, no, i'm not playing as her, no"

Put the controller down when they had to play as Abby, and beat Ellie, and let Ellie kill Abby on that part. This is some corny shyt to me. They wouldn't do that if they weren't streaming.

Definitely don't watch that clown ass Angry Joe and his boys play this game. I swear he doesn't have an original opinion of any game he plays. He just goes with whatever crowd he thinks would give him more views. He didn't know who the firefly's were in TLOU. And he so called loved/was a fan of the game. Also, if you're a reviewer who cares about TLOU series. Wouldn't you not voluntarily look at the leaks before the game's release. :mindblown:
After the leaks, when many were complaining. He basically comes out with a "this sucks, it's bad, don't buy this game" video. :mindblown:

Bottom line, Angry Joe was never a fan of the series. Everyone else was, and he jumped on the bandwagon. As he always do.

There are legit gamers who dislike the game, and voice their opinions. Those people are fine in my book. But there are way too many so called "gamers" on YouTube who are really just trying to get in on trends, canceled culture, and what not.
Yeah you right and I’m probably one the few people who went in played the game unbiased to the things going on and I personally feel like it’s a good game and should be played instead of watched. There is a lot to consume while playing, there were a few missteps in the presentation and character motivations, so the least the player can do is try to feel what the developers were trying to do.

the wave of hate I see is players saying what they wanted ND to make vs the developer.

Black Bolt

Dec 26, 2015
Finished this shyt, 7/10

1st half with is a chore to play through Ellie, painfully tedious

It got semi interesting in the 2nd half with Abby & Lev. Both far more interesting characters & better pacing.

The ending was so trash, and the moral dilemmas it tries to present are trite and resolved with absolutely no nuance ‘ Must revenge Joel, at all costs! :angry:‘ (even tho all the fukk ups were from...). Lowkey she was trying to get in Abby’s box as obsessed as she was.

I have no idea what the neckbeards got upset about tho, was it the gay relationship or the poor ending? I only played this to see what the fuss was about and left underwhelmed

If Naughty Dog put as much effort into innovating gameplay mechanics as they do everything else they’d be goats. As is tho, meh.
I won’t be crass and call it a well polished turd because that’d be unfair, but grading it against its apparent peers (specifically GoW & Sekiro, both games which balance gameplay, graphics and story at a high level) it flatters to deceive

All that said, I’d welcome an Abby & Lev spin-off or even Lev on his own. Away from the zombie shyt, retcon them into a different era
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