You do realize that they were in the middle of a blizzard with a horde breaking into the place they were hiding at. Hell the horde chased them all the way back to the mansion. All 3 of them would've died there if they didn't go to the mansion. Plus Joel is soft af from no action happening around Jackson. You can read the logs that date back nearly a year and Ellie's Journal, they barely find any infected on their patrols to the point where Ellie calls them boring. Why do you think Dina and Ellie are just chilling smoking weed during one? Because nothing ever happens
So Joel is gonna go along with what a kid says instead of his own experiences
Did we forget that Sam and Henry left Ellie and Joel for dead once they hopped the fence? Joel was pretty pissed
did you guys play the game or watch Youtube videos. Owen stops Manny and Jordan from killing both of them because "They're not who we came for" and "They didn't do anything wrong". Abby gets mad and tells them that they're done then they leave. It doesn't even matter if they were alive or not. Dina and Jesse were able to find them and Tommy was able to track the WLF crew days after it happened. The only way for them to get away clean would be for them to kill all five of them, which wasn't happening.
I hear this thrown around but years of surviving thrown out the window for 4 years of comfort is just a bad reason.
They could have rectified this easy by throwing in a few lines from Joel questioning why and what they were doing setup there and a scene when them being on guard or checking out things when entering the building.
Instead that just waltz in mad comfortable and then get ambushed.
I made all the same "excuses" and reasons for that scene too. But eventually I was just like nah it was bad especially it being both Tommy and joel.