Uchiha God
So you shyt on the game = unbias
You like the game = bias

You like the game = bias

You can make a good point for things like How Joel’s death and the ending were executed, but everything else was nit picky as fukk, dude read the leaks and went into the game wanting to hate it, you could tell that by his streams when he was throwing a tantrum every 10 minutesAngry Jose review was on point and bodied this game...
Seems like all the unbias reviewers agree, the story and writing of this game is shyt...
Bias=Likes the game
Unbiased=Doesn't like the game
When Tommy first pulls up to Ellie’s house and is voicing his concerns about going after the WLF, he’s partially speaking for his wife (Maria), who, understandably, didn’t want him to go and get himself killed nor did she want to leave Jackson weaker/unprotected by sending people in what could be a suicide mission. Ellie even days “is this you talking or her?” Also, Tommy knows Joel didn’t exactly live an exemplary life, furthermore, Tommy served with the fireflies, he has training and wanted to do things with precision/more information. But as that conversation progresses it becomes clear that nothing will stop Ellie, so he sets out by himself (taking one of the horses that Ellie and Dina were planning on using) hoping that he can finish things before Ellie goes and gets herself killed or at least that’ll hinder Ellie’s departure enough to buy himself time to get it done.
Now all you b*stards know how I felt when people kept shytting on Mass Effect Andromeda because it didn’t meet their wet dream of a game they thought it was going to be.
This is what happens when you take gaming too seriously. For or against this game people way too invested![]()
That's a cheap assumption inline with labeling people incels I see a lot from folk that like this game...You can make a good point for things like How Joel’s death and the ending were executed, but everything else was nit picky as fukk, dude read the leaks and went into the game wanting to hate it, you could tell that by his streams when he was throwing a tantrum every 10 minutes
I swearYou knew that when ppl were sending real death threats over leaks of a digital cac dying
I never got into ME, but the biggest and most complaints I saw about Andromeda were shyt quality of the actual game, like glitches and whatnot. I know a lot of ppl were pissed off at how 3 ended, and they ended up adding some shyt or changing it or something
Just because he hated the leaks doesn't in anyway imply that tainted his view on the game and was waiting to hate on it...Leak or no leak, he would of hated the story regardless and that is painfully clear...Dude genuinely loved the first game, one of only 4 games that he's ever given a 10 to, he also raved about the DLC which was all Ellie...
Among AAA titles released in the last 3 years this is probably on the mid to bottom tier in terms of story. Comparing this to the Witcher 3 or RDR2 and saying this belongs on gaming story mount rushmore is a joke
The message of the game is dumb and can't even jive with the gameplay
If you want to make someone feel bad about killing and revenge you need to at least include a pacifism option in playthrough even Kojima got this message off in MGS without it looking stupid.
Ellie killed so many people just to kill Abby and then she stops because one more person would be continuing the cycle of revenge like all the dogs and human beings she killed beforehand don't have people who cared about them.
Didn't even do a good job of demonizing Joel since people are still all in over hating Abby even at the finale. At least include a flashback of Joel during his time as a ambusher or something but no all they got is Joel killing some stupid ass surgeon who pulled a knife on him so he could kill a young girl for a "chance" at a vaccine
Then they ruin Ellie for the purposes of the plot to progress. Sony should definitely be most mad about this
This franchise got ruined in 2 games
Make Tommy's character inconsistent af one minute he's like nah fukk revenge and then a couple of years later he's like wtf we gotta kill this girl. No reasoning needed apparently
Its too much and its stuff like that along with all the boring characters peppered throughout the story that just make this story so much worse than the first games.
Gameplay is immaculate but the story is severely lacking