Like where joel is right after his daughter died
Grounded is tough you legit have to conserve your ammo cuz who knows if you’ll ever find more

Like where joel is right after his daughter died
Grounded is tough you legit have to conserve your ammo cuz who knows if you’ll ever find more
Why you choose to start over that far back?Where did it put you?
Like where joel is right after his daughter died
Grounded is tough you legit have to conserve your ammo cuz who knows if you’ll ever find more
Took the dive since I was bored Sunday evening. Not worth 70 if you already played the remaster (bought OG and Remastered), but I can appreciate the work they put into it. I can tell it was more than a copy paste job, and the work went to make the environment(s) feel much more natural. Nothing so far has stuck out or felt gamey. The gunplay feels better, but at the end of the day it’s the same game. Worth full price if someone hasn’t played Remastered (whether they played OG or not).
Otherwise I’d say it’s worth copping on a good sale. Great work. I wish they expanded on the game in some way, but I can understand their decision a little more with my hands on the game
I can’t fault this take at all. I was definitely planning on waiting until this was on PS+thanks for the info, but I cannot justify copping this game for a 3rd time across three consoles.
Just beat it on survivor. Haven't played Left Behind again yet. Definitely still feels like a PS3 game in many ways, but overall this was a really good experience going through a classic game with all this new fidelity. It literally feels like youre playing through a real life scenario sometimes. If you on the fence I would definitely wait for a sale cause theres going to be one inevitably in 1-2 months cause its definitely worth playing again.
Yeah, you’re reminded of the ps3-ness of it once you play TLOU P2 again after. The controls, mechanics. And animations of part 2 are just in a completely different league. Graphically the experience is pretty seamless now jumping from one into two, it feels like one big game but you really feel the difference when you get going.
It 100% makes sense why they didn’t add the p2, prone, jump, and dodge stuff, they would have had to add another two years of dev time for the game and its really not worth it in the end. The game does what it needs to do which is just bring it in line aesthetically and accesibility wise for new gamers and for PC.
Feel like they should have just waited until early next year and launched it at 50 dollars or bundled for 70 with part 2. I’m sure there will be some type of directors cut for part 2 but im not really sure what they can add outside of dualsense support and extra unlockables. Everything else is already in the game.
ExactlyY'all some bytches. Crying over cacs in a gameI ROFL'D when Joel died.