Make your own luck.
i watched that video one time in my life..... and saw that the driver was the one who shot him
i watched that video one time in my life..... and saw that the driver was the one who shot him
Dealey Plaza is a lot smaller in person than it looks on TV. A trained marksman like Oswald definitely could've made the shot.
Here's a picture I took standing right about where Kennedy got popped at. It's not that far from that 6th story window at all.
It looks closer in person too. Whether or not he acted alone was another story.
i think oswald acted alone.
to this day i can't watch the zapruder film without being like
think of how crazy that shyt must have been...seein the president's head blown wide open in broad daylight.
lee harvey oswald was a hell of a shot
jokes aside, The LBJ conspiracy theory has always been fascinating to me party because the assassination went down in LBJ's backyard.
i mean wtf is dude all the way on the left doing here?
anyway brehs? thoughts? not meant to be a conspiracy thread but what are your impressions 50 years after the fact/
the way the zionist bankers have the country on lock they don't want to be part of these conspiracy theories and encourage these other distracting conspiracy theories. they are ones behind all these other conspiracy theories.Whether Oswald was the shooter or one of multiple shooters is a distraction.
Pro Batista Cubans
All consistent players in the best theories about what really happened with the JFK assassination.
Mafia - colluding with the CIA on domestic operations since WWII according to Meyer Lansky, involved in JFK assassination according to multiple members, assorted links to both Kennedy brothers through their jumpoffs, pro-Batista, anti-Castro, lost billions in gambling revenue from Cuban Revolution and Bay of Pigs failure.
Allen Dulles - former CIA head & member of the Warren Commission
HW Bush - former CIA head and founder of Zapata (look it up), supposedly an oil company, but actually functioned as a CIA shell company involved in intelligence operations in the Gulf of Mexico from Texas to Cuba to Panama
LBJ - Texan, succeeded JFK, expanded Cold War
My theory is that a group of hawkish Cold Warriors (Think John McCain in Syria posing for photo ops with terrorist and trying to drag us into a conflict, but much more aggressive) colluded with the mob (gambling, resort money) and used CIA assets to do the hit: Oswald, Cubans.
Standard CIA behavior from the end of WWII through end of the Cold War. Not really that far fetched.
the way the zionist bankers have the country on lock they don't want to be part of these conspiracy theories and encourage these other distracting conspiracy theories. they are ones behind all these other conspiracy theories.
i know some of you jews and jew sympathizers on this forum don't like to hear it. but this country can't move forward without exposing the zionists in teh background pulling strings.
Now they're saying there was foul play![]()
As far as the Jews go, whoever is in charge of monetary policy and banking is going to be surrounded by conspiracy theories and corruption. Thats a large part of the reason Libertarian hucksters are demonizing the Fed. Cuz they want in on the racket.
None of this points to a real motive or how you would pull off a political assassination from an operational standpoint. None of the people theorized to be involved in the JFK assassination were Jewish and the mob didnt have any Jewish/ Israeli ties other than Meyer Lansky.
Yes, Lansky was a zionist. No, he didnt have the ability to turn the mob into a wing of the Pro-Israel lobby. He couldnt even stop himself from being extradited from Israel to the US to face tax evasion charges.
The Jews are an easy scapegoat for all the crimes of humanity throughout history. Spend too much time worrying about them and you ignore all of the non-Jewish criminality that built this country.
where you think the money for wars comes from...
who you think is financing the m.i.c.
everyone has a price. zinonists run gentiles today and have always been since biblical days.
a nicca like glen beck says zionists jews killed jesus which is fact and he's taken off air.
jesus is now a metaphor. jfk was jesus; he gave us a speech to warn you about these ppl. mlk jr was jesus. glen beck was jesus. i watched all his show and watched his last show as he tried to tell yall about these zionists but ppl didn't listen... you're waiting on another return of jesus?The American tax payer and to a lesser extent the average American drug user?
You cannot be credible on anything in any discussion by using Glen Beck (or the Bible as anything other than a loose catalog of history) as a reference point. Glen Beck is a morning drive time shock jock who figured out he could make more money by doing Libertard conspiracy programing instead of telling fart jokes in between records. He moved on to a format where he could make more millions from selling survival seeds and faux gold coins without the scrutiny and responsibility of being part of a semi-legit news organization.
Whats with Libertarians being susceptible to con-men like Ron & Rand Paul, Sarah Palin, Breitbart, Alex Jones and Glen Beck? What would it take for you realize that they're robbing you under the guise of informing you about people robbing you?