I'm like 95% sure it was the Russians.
Nall JFK was actually friendly with Russia and actually went behind intelligence back to communicate with the Russian president at the time. It was Lyndon Johnson the mafia and CIA
I'm like 95% sure it was the Russians.
Nall JFK was actually friendly with Russia and actually went behind intelligence back to communicate with the Russian president at the time. It was Lyndon Johnson the mafia and CIA
It's highly unlikely that the USSR was involved in the assassination of JFK.I'm like 95% sure it was the Russians.
on some netflix doc, some lady said she was shown the original zapruder film of the driver turning around and blowing JFK's brains out
and claims the zapruder film we've all seen was edited
maybeNot that I wanna go down any crazy rabbit holes, but his wife was seated next to him when he died. If the driver turned around and shot him, she would have seen it and mentioned it
No she was specifically saying that she was shown doctored/edited Zapruder videos. She was shown two videos, in one driver turns around and blasts JFK and second video is a regular Zapruder but it has a floating tree.on some netflix doc, some lady said she was shown the original zapruder film of the driver turning around and blowing JFK's brains out
and claims the zapruder film we've all seen was edited
No she was specifically saying that she was shown doctored/edited Zapruder videos. She was shown two videos, in one driver turns around and blasts JFK and second video is a regular Zapruder but it has a floating tree.
Her hypothesis is that she was shown those videos either to fukk with her head or to make her seem crazy and invalidate the rest of the conversation she had with that person.
It's from American Conspiracy: The Octopus Murders and the lady in question is journalist Cheri Seymour. She was talking to Robert Booth Nichols who showed her edited Zapruder videos.
He was a CIA operative and also in a few movies so I doubt it would be hard for him to get his hands on a doctored Zapruder video. Also he had two different videos, so even if you are to believe one of them is real, he would still have to have a well edited fake one 20 years agoright.
that's just her hypothesis tho, where the hell is this dude getting a video edited that well like 20 years ago tho or whenever she was investigating shyt with him is the question.
Oh definitely, Michael Riconosciuto is the worst of them all because he's obviously mentally unstable but has some real info which you don't know if he's using for attention or using to drag people down a rabbit hole on purpose.i'm not saying one way or the other, i thought that documentary was definitely more meant to show you how fukked up going down the conspiracy rabbit hole with people that have a couple things that turn out to be truthful and then start fukking with people can be.