lol. aight breh, entertain us.
I'm starting to think a lot of historical events are planned/scripted.IMO, Oswald was a agent/ was Jack Ruby.
Jack Ruby running up on Oswald in the police station was staged IMO.That was his "out".Dude gets shot in the stomach and thrown in the back of a paddy wagon?
Ruby goes to prison and supposedly dies of cancer.That might be bullshyt, to
I think it was all one big stage show played out in front of us.Get a few actors(Oswalds wife, doctors at parkland hospital, and the Connally's etc)
people think the Kennedy's are anti "Illuminati" but they're part of the ruling elite, to.JFK could be chilling on a island right now.Same thing goes for his son who went "missing" back in 1999.
They've been faking events for years.More recently, I believe the Boston Bombings, Columbine, Sandy Hook, Aurora Shooting etc etc where all fake.They're not called the masters of tricknology for nothing