There are alot of heel draws...Andre, the Rock, Flair, 4 Horsemen, Freebirds,
Where are the numbers backing him selling way more merchandise and PPVs than The Rock? Having grown up in that era I find it really hard to believe. I remember The Rock being the top guy for longer than Austin was.
I'm not saying a heel can't be a draw, or that Vader for example didn't draw money..but to try to argue they were pushed as a bigger star in WCW than Sting is pure ignorance. To use title reigns as an argument is even more ignorant.
Vader ran WCW for a minute. .why do u think the WWF snatched him like that. What are u talking about? Then they did the weird Hogan feuds for 2 years to iffy results post initial Flair match.
I don't have the old observers on me but Austin was the number one merchandise seller of all time. He even doubled the nWo in shirt sells.Where are the numbers backing him selling way more merchandise and PPVs than The Rock? Having grown up in that era I find it really hard to believe. I remember The Rock being the top guy for longer than Austin was.
WWF and WCW signed a lot of each others what that they signed Vader? That argument really holds no water.
Vader didn;t run shyt. Being the champ doesn't mean you the top guy. Phil Brooks was WWE champ for over a year.. there was never one moment in time where he was on the same show as John Cena and they didn't present Cena as a bigger star. Cena was always the top guy, no matter what. When HHH had title reigns during the Attitude era, everyone knew the top guy was still either Rock or Austin. Every feud Sting was in was the biggest one on the show whether he had the strap or not.
I'm not saying Vader wasn't ONE of the top guys. He was their top heel for a few years, but Sting was pushed as THE GUY. There's a reason that on TV they actually came out and called him "the franchise of WCW".
I don't think u were watching that stuff during that time. Vader and Flair towards Starrcade wasn't the top program? That's crazy. Career vs title.
False. You can debate if Rock or Austin was bigger all you want.No one in the Attitude Era drew more than the Rock in 2000..he eclipsed every Austin PPV there ever was and he passed him ratings wise in the fall of 99 during a depush for the Cripple H/ Austin program. No one in wrestling history was mainstream in pro wrestling than the Rock in 2000...not Hogan...not Austin..not anyone. He was everywhere and he brought ratings up every where he went. None of that weird Thunder in Paradise or Nash Bridges...guy was so over fans were chanting his name during WCW PPV main events in 99....alot of shyt they give Austin credit for on the money sheets is Rock related but they didn't want verify the Rock as a draw until post Backlash.