Let's get it crackin'.
I'll get straight to the point with the following statements.
1) I believe everything on earth was created by a Master Designer, and further more I claim that is true.
Simple induction proof:
Let N be the set of all existing carbon based entities, sentient and non-sentient, both naturally occurring and man-made
Let the elements of N be ordered from the simplest carbon based molecular structure observable/unobservable to man to the most complex structure observable/unobservable to man
The zero element and the following sequence for the proof can be set arbitrarily in succession, for this process we will use wood based structures for this proof
Let N0 = walking cane, N1 = chair, N2 = cage, N3 = hut,...
We will subjectively show that for P(n) holds true for all elements in the set of n, specifically, that all elements in the set of P(n) is created by intelligent design, or mathetically, in terms of structural complexity, if P(n+1) > P(n), and P(n) was created by intelligent design, P(n+1) must also have been created by intelligent design, and b), we will show that P(n) is an additive function, ergo P(a+b) = P(a)+P(b)
2 part Basis step:
P(0) = walking cane which can be subjectively deemed as a creation of intelligent design
P(1) = chair which can be subjectively deemed to be more complex than the walking cane
This holds true since the chair can be subjectively deemed to be a creation of intelligent design as well, thus it holds true P(1)>P(0)->P(1)eP(n), e meaning "element of"
2) Let a=1 and b = 0
P(a+b) = P(1+0) = P(1)
However from step one we know P(1)eP(n)
Thus P(1+0) = P(1) + P(0) logically, because both are elements in the set P(n), or basically both are elements created by intelligent design
Induction step:
P(n+1) =P(n+1)>P(n)->P(n+1)eP(n)
......P(n+1) = P(n+1+0)
......P(n+1+0) = P(n+1) + P(0)
....P(0)eP(n)--->P(n+1)eP(n) for all N
did any of y'all ready this? I don't think any of y'all read this
this thread should have never gone passed this post
it states that because :man made chair and man is an intelligent designer then wood must have also been made by an intelligent designer
and everything in there is internally supported by subjective proofs filled with puffery