Okay, so we agree we can't know. The problem I see is how you can suppose one option is more likely than the other when you have no idea how likely both occurrences are? Would you not agree that some observed order could come about without some guiding entity ... regardless of how rare or unlikely it is?
If the force keeping the pig on the ground was negated or removed, then for all intents and purposes the pig would fly. Again, under the right conditions.
I'm confused. You seem to be contradicting yourself by saying, in the earlier example, you would start by assuming laptops were created by chance ... but with the scientific method you start by assuming nothing. Maybe there was a typo there.
But if ID is saying what you seem to be saying, then it's not reaching a logical conclusion. It's jumping to a conclusion. You're saying that if one proposed answer is improbable, then the alternative must necessarily be true. That complexity implies design, therefore it was designed. What's scientific about that?
1) You are 100% right, we can't know for sure, we can only come to a logical conclusion via probability. In regards to both occurrences being likely, there is only randomness and order, similar as to a computer byte is either a 0 or a 1. It's either one or the other breh, either it's random or it's order. Varying degrees of order is still order, a one drop rule so to speak. And actually, we can calculate how likely randomness is to create a functional entity (random walk/probability via statistics). Yes, you're right, there's always the probability that order could come about without some guiding entity, however, the likelihood of that probability is so small it's not logical to consider that as a viable answer. Again, it takes more faith to believe against ID than to believe in it, but I am not here to tell you what you should believe, just pointing out the empirical facts.
2) Hmm lack of gravity is not self-propulsion breh, but yes, pigs would float in that case, not sure flying is the correct term
3) Maybe a misunderstanding, if I assume nothing, that means I assume it's by chance. I mean it's here, so obviously by SOME method it got here, so the correct assumption is to assume it's just there randomly, anything more would be a BELIEF. Then with frequentist statistics via observation and probability, we can deduce if it came from outer space, under the earth or from the ocean, or if it was designer to be the way it was and where it was. Chance = randomness = no assumption
4) Complexity implies design because complexity makes it highly improbable that randomness is true. The science is in the odds, in the probabilities breh. The math came to that conclusion, not me
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