I'm going to think of movies or TV shows that accurately capture that kind of scene, like doing coke and partying
Spent A LOT of time in those kinds of rooms, (well not in Bel Air) it will sound maybe less than believable from some annoymous poster but I really was like 17-19 doing that in hotel rooms, houses, with escorts and girls from school, watching girls take off their clothes and sniff coke, in the harsh light of a hotel bathroom
and as an adult, my homies live like this, 4:00 AM with club girls and strippers, I got sober a long time ago, but I am still around.
No one sounds that eloquent at 3:00 AM, or smooth, but no one says stuff like "have you ever done cocaine" either, it's chaotic, and loud, a lot of yelling, a lot of cross cutting talking, interspersed conversations, everyone working an angle, aren't really conversations, just random observations or fake arguments about nothing, girls shrieking about one thing or another, people hooking up through alcohol and process of elimination, lots of drama
Usually me in the corner with some girl, or else I'm long gone. But, in writing all that, it's not an easy thing to capture. And, this scene was less people and a much bigger house, which makes it all kind of easier, and it felt seductive in terms of style, and looks, but the action felt very off. What I rarely see in movies is how predictable that scene is, despite all the noise and chaos.