The idea of Masculinity: is it harmful or helpful to today's black male youth?


Sep 30, 2015
Masculinity issue is not just a black issue, I work with a white guy has a foreign wife, another white guy who went to Thailand to get married and his first wife was black. The comments made about them from white and black woman in my office are ridiculous...

Yet majority of them white women and black are single and one of them is married to a short cukhold. The married one stays talking about crushing on other dudes.

I don't even voice my opinion. Western women ain't shyt. Now a days I don't even differentiate.

At this point I'll take a african Russian or thai chick who is submissive over a westernized black or white women. PS I don't even like white or asian girls.
Dec 21, 2015
If this was true then why do so many black women complain about black males not knowing how to be "men"? Why do so many black men complain about black women being too masculine and domineering? Why have black women adopted this "independent strong black women who doesn't need a black man" mentality?

Yes, the gay agenda is very powerful and it's promoting homosexuality/transgenderism while attempting to influence people that gender roles are "unimportant". I agree with that. The black community is especially vulnerable to this agenda because of the destruction of the traditional family unit.

I never made the argument that just bringing up gender roles will fix anything. That's your argument. My argument would be that the recommitment to accept more traditional gender roles and rebuild the traditional black family(man+woman+children) would go a long way fix the community. Parents need to do more than just bring up the roles that males and females should play in the community, they need to be taught. Like you've admitted, society is now teaching people to reject traditional roles. Strong parenting can combat that tho.

Youre trying to bullshyt your way around the questions. I asked you,
Boys could fall into heels and skirts if they're taught/conditioned to think that it's ok for males to wear heels/skirts and that traditional gender roles should be rejected, couldn't they?

Of course boys will wear what their parents buy them. The point is that if a young boy is raised by a parent or parents that teach him that gender roles are unimportant, that it's ok for boys to wear girls clothes and that they'll even support him wearing girls clothes by buying them for him if he wants, that he could be encouraged to do so. Do you disagree with that?
People are opportunists and say whatever that will get them what they want. The strong independent black woman thing is a stereotype.
The gay agenda is just gay people investing in themselves instead of hiding themselves. Gay people not hiding under rocks and damning themselves isnt an agenda. I get that people aren't used to homosexuality being on front street like that, but the times are changing and no person can stop that. People who were born gay being gay out in the open isn't going to make someone who was born straight, less straight. You're just shifting the blame onto gays because it doesn't require any practical thought.

I'm not trying to bullshyt my way around your questions, your questions are loaded and I don't agree with their premise. You're asking me if black parents teaching their boys to wear skirts will make them wear skirts, when first, theres no study where I can say factually if indoctrination of social and gender beliefs that go against societies beliefs work on children, and also what black parent is taking their seemingly normal heterosexual black male child and telling them that they should wear skirts and girls clothes every day?? That's not even a realistic question you're asking me right now.
You're implying that if a parent isn't drilling male children with masculinity training, they're drilling them with femininity training. That doesn't make sense. A lack of masculinity isn't filled in with femininity. Parent's should do what they want, but those who act like their sons are going to turn into queens if their fathers aren't punching them in the chest and making them mow the lawn with tweezers are very strange in my opinion. Your son is male at the end of the day, and there's a limit to how much help they need from their parents to understand that lol. They don't wake up and forget that they are male.

edit; for example, there was a white boy born with a genital deformity and the doctor who was interested in nature vs nurture for transexuals decided to clip him and making him live out life as a female for his research. His parents tried to raise him like a girl 100%, and he was so miserable that he commited suicide. Your parents control what you wear but they can't control what you think. Your nature. So no, I don't think parents can make children enjoy gender bending.
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Jan 19, 2016
Being able to not depend on someone else and being self reliant. A woman never respects a dude who depends on her and has no ambition to better her situation
A man is someone who isnt afraid to approach a woman and doesnt care if she rejects him
A man is someone who has good game and a mouth piece when he talks to a woman
A man is someone who isnt afraid to fight
A man is someone who can provide,protect and defend his family in a time of crisis.
A man is someone who is there for his children

What I put in bold is debatable. Not sure if a mouthpiece makes a man a real man...but it helps to have a mouthpiece. Hell that would help anyone no matter the gender.


Dec 11, 2014
This is why I loved Star Trek: DS9

Sisko was the fukking man. A war hero, station commander, but also a great father. In many of the scenes with Jake, he is seen embellishing him in compassion and even kissing his son. On the other hand, he would be swift to give Gul Dukat that work when he stepped out of line. Always thought that was a good representation of manhood.


Aug 18, 2014
People are opportunists and say whatever that will get them what they want. The strong independent black woman thing is a stereotype.
The gay agenda is just gay people investing in themselves instead of hiding themselves. Gay people not hiding under rocks and damning themselves isnt an agenda. I get that people aren't used to homosexuality being on front street like that, but the times are changing and no person can stop that. People who were born gay being gay out in the open isn't going to make someone who was born straight, less straight. You're just shifting the blame onto gays because it doesn't require any practical thought.

I'm not trying to bullshyt my way around your questions, your questions are loaded and I don't agree with their premise. You're asking me if black parents teaching their boys to wear skirts will make them wear skirts, when first, theres no study where I can say factually if indoctrination of social and gender beliefs that go against societies beliefs work on children, and also what black parent is taking their seemingly normal heterosexual black male child and telling them that they should wear skirts and girls clothes every day?? That's not even a realistic question you're asking me right now.
You're implying that if a parent isn't drilling male children with masculinity training, they're drilling them with femininity training. That doesn't make sense. A lack of masculinity isn't filled in with femininity. Parent's should do what they want, but those who act like their sons are going to turn into queens if their fathers aren't punching them in the chest and making them mow the lawn with tweezers are very strange in my opinion. Your son is male at the end of the day, and there's a limit to how much help they need from their parents to understand that lol. They don't wake up and forget that they are male.

edit; for example, there was a white boy born with a genital deformity and the doctor who was interested in nature vs nurture for transexuals decided to clip him and making him live out life as a female for his research. His parents tried to raise him like a girl 100%, and he was so miserable that he commited suicide. Your parents control what you wear but they can't control what you think. Your nature. So no, I don't think parents can make children enjoy gender bending.
I fukkng love you right now tbh.
Aug 3, 2015
What is "being a man"? Are the standards of "being a man" harmful to black male youth or just black males overall? What are the terms associated with the idea of masculinity? do you feel any pressure if you do not conform to this idea of masculinity? what part does the media play into these things?

I just wanted to bring these issues out into the open and see if we can have an conversation, if you all want to.

Feminine men will lead to the downfall of the Afram community


YSL as a gang must end
Sep 7, 2013
What I put in bold is debatable. Not sure if a mouthpiece makes a man a real man...but it helps to have a mouthpiece. Hell that would help anyone no matter the gender.

Mostly everything posted in this thread are qualities that should apply to both genders, we're 15 pages in and there's still no clear answer as to what masculinity means.


Jan 19, 2016
Mostly everything posted in this thread are qualities that should apply to both genders, we're 15 pages in and there's still no clear answer as to what masculinity means.
I'm starting to think it's something people can't clearly and accurately explain and convey. I guess it's something we should know and people assume others should know. It's just a lot of gray area with topics like this. Especially with women's rights and feminism. Society is now geared where a woman doesn't necessarily need a man except to have a baby and even then there are sperm donor/bank and other options.

How y'all expect men to be the sole providers and be able to wine and dine and support a woman fully when they are making just as much money as men? It's like the system is set up to not favor men but still expect men to make tons of money and he be sole provider.

Maybe if people continue to have misogynist views....maybe we need to go back to the old days. It would make the playing ground more fair.


Jun 19, 2012
The 215
I'm starting to think it's something people can't clearly and accurately explain and convey. I guess it's something we should know and people assume others should know. It's just a lot of gray area with topics like this. Especially with women's rights and feminism. Society is now geared where a woman doesn't necessarily need a man except to have a baby and even then there are sperm donor/bank and other options.

How y'all expect men to be the sole providers and be able to wine and dine and support a woman fully when they are making just as much money as men? It's like the system is set up to not favor men but still expect men to make tons of money and he be sole provider.

Maybe if people continue to have misogynist views....maybe we need to go back to the old days. It would make the playing ground more fair.
Exactly even though the clown you quoted just a joker style troll with no actual views. fukk is his take on masculinity? He don't have one but want to talk about everybody else's view on it. People should know the differences. We all know the things that inside even if you don't say them on here or IRL that make you feel like less of a man/woman but some wanna act brand new about it.

Also you wanted to disagree about mouthpiece but come on fam when do girls use their mouthpiece collectively in trying to get guys? They don't they use their clothes and body most of the time so what is debatable about it? If they used their mouthpiece as a whole maybe they'd have less problems as a group.


YSL as a gang must end
Sep 7, 2013
Exactly even though the clown you quoted just a joker style troll with no actual views. fukk is his take on masculinity? He don't have one but want to talk about everybody else's view on it. People should know the differences. We all know the things that inside even if you don't say them on here or IRL that make you feel like less of a man/woman but some wanna act brand new about it.

Also you wanted to disagree about mouthpiece but come on fam when do girls use their mouthpiece collectively in trying to get guys? They don't they use their clothes and body most of the time so what is debatable about it? If they used their mouthpiece as a whole maybe they'd have less problems as a group.

If you know what something means you should be able to articulate it with words. And use the mention feature next time ho ass nikka, that's not very masculine of you.


Talk No Jutsu
Sep 30, 2014
I'm starting to think it's something people can't clearly and accurately explain and convey. I guess it's something we should know and people assume others should know. It's just a lot of gray area with topics like this. Especially with women's rights and feminism. Society is now geared where a woman doesn't necessarily need a man except to have a baby and even then there are sperm donor/bank and other options.

How y'all expect men to be the sole providers and be able to wine and dine and support a woman fully when they are making just as much money as men? It's like the system is set up to not favor men but still expect men to make tons of money and he be sole provider.

Maybe if people continue to have misogynist views....maybe we need to go back to the old days. It would make the playing ground more fair.

why should the system "favor" men and not the rest of society(women)? Why is it that a women must "need" a man? why does the idea of an women who can support herself a threat to you?


Jan 19, 2016
Exactly even though the clown you quoted just a joker style troll with no actual views. fukk is his take on masculinity? He don't have one but want to talk about everybody else's view on it. People should know the differences. We all know the things that inside even if you don't say them on here or IRL that make you feel like less of a man/woman but some wanna act brand new about it.

Also you wanted to disagree about mouthpiece but come on fam when do girls use their mouthpiece collectively in trying to get guys? They don't they use their clothes and body most of the time so what is debatable about it? If they used their mouthpiece as a whole maybe they'd have less problems as a group.
I feel u but we as people especially folks who are intelligent and well versed should be able to articulate what they are thinking. But again there is a lot of gray area with discussion subjects like this. Even tho generally men want feminine women and women want very masculine men....I seen very butch and aggressive women pull men and effeminate males like Prince pull tons of women. So all y'all who saying a man has to be so strong, masculine and able to fight to get a woman aren't exactly correct.