I’m mostly Amhara but I also have Oromo and Eritrean ancestry.
If language is the only point of contention then that’s a silly reason to raise so much hell. To say Ethiopianism is Amhara Assimilation ignores the acknowledgements made to the contributors of Ethiopian Culture at large. I agree that Ethiopianism needs some redefining and even deeper defining but to me it’s impractical for Oromos to want the whole country to speak its language and adopt its flag since Amharic was the lingua franca for so long that it’s the one common language other than English that everyone can use to communicate.
Moreover, to argue that Oromos have always had a claim on Addis ignores the fact that Oromos themselves migrated to that region from the south and it was already a part of the Ethiopian Empire prior to their arrival. In fact, the Oromo migration coincided with the Ahmed Gragn invasion that nearly destroyed Ethiopia.
I’m not saying that the Oromo people and other groups haven’t been wronged or that there aren’t real issues that need to be resolved. But to be against this government yet subscribe to its most destructive trait makes then no different in my eyes. When the arbinoch fought Il Duce’s troops in guerilla warfare it wasn’t for any particular tribe but for the whole nation. The greater issue at hand is politics and governance in Ethiopia. Rather than arguing on the position of principles it’s arguments over tribe.
shyts shameful to me.