The Honorable President Barack Obama Lectures TLR on Lack of Black Male Voter Enthusiasm for Kamala

High Art

👑King of The Salon👑
Mar 11, 2022
Myself and my own.
Dems make promises, but dont have enough seats to get things done

While shytting on ppl at the same time

While giving money to war
My whole issue is, if you're trying to convince someone, especially when they have shown signs that they are unhappy with you, talking down to them and insulting them is not going to bring them over. It will only confirm in their minds how much contempt you have for them and make them see you as no different than the other option which is supposed to be or is actually bad. It's the most common sense that even a child understands but these dems do not.

Formerly Black Trash

Philosopher, Connoisseur, Future Legend
Aug 2, 2015
And very few Black people are actually confused about that.

It’s an obvious point, but Black men have every right to feel keep angry about this voting coverage that pathologizes and blames the small numbers of black folks who are disillusioned and uninspired by the Dems rather than the large numbers of rabidly racist White people inspired by Trump and propelling him to victory.

The other thing is it’s not Black men’s fault that Dems need their turn out and at least 85-90 percent of their votes. That burden needs to be spread around, and if Dems want it higher then Black people should be able to request specific policy items.

Is it c00nish to support a political movement with openly white supremacist aims? Absolutely. But it’s also c00nish to hector and lecture Black men for being uncomfortable with a dynamic that would shame a fukkin pimp.

If the argument is: “that dude is going to kill you and your family! Come with me and I’ll keep you safe - thought I’ll rape you here and there, and house you in a shed and you’ll have to sleep in your own excrement” then we’re in a failed state.
The other point is, it doesn't matter

If we're this close in an election, with everything Trump has done, and the Dems are still unwilling to concede anything, even if they do win this election

A Republican will win another one, and at that point its probably over

Dems are still running with the same shytty playback
Rolling out Obama to lecture Black voters in 2024 is delusional

Ppl are enabling them at this point by not calling them out
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All Star
May 20, 2012
And very few Black people are actually confused about that.

It’s an obvious point, but Black men have every right to feel keep angry about this voting coverage that pathologizes and blames the small numbers of black folks who are disillusioned and uninspired by the Dems rather than the large numbers of rabidly racist White people inspired by Trump and propelling him to victory.

The other thing is it’s not Black men’s fault that Dems need their turn out and at least 85-90 percent of their votes. That burden needs to be spread around, and if Dems want it higher then Black people should be able to request specific policy items.

Is it c00nish to support a political movement with openly white supremacist aims? Absolutely. But it’s also c00nish to hector and lecture Black men for being uncomfortable with a dynamic that would shame a fukkin pimp.

If the argument is: “that dude is going to kill you and your family! Come with me and I’ll keep you safe - thought I’ll rape you here and there, and house you in a shed and you’ll have to sleep in your own excrement” then we’re in a failed state.
Yeah...I can't argue with that at all...the 2 party system is designed to make black folks make a quick decision when there is no good answer aka better of 2 evils

With that being said I'm a realist ..I deal with reality... RIGHT NOW there is a party actively trying disenfranchise black people going up to the Supreme I choose the other party and Kamala Harris :manny:

2 Up 2 Down

May 4, 2012
Sentence says it all. We’ve gotten to the point where we have to be enthusiastic and hopeful about the opportunity to pull supposed leftists to the left. I hope Trump drops dead. I hope anyone into the end if the world to being on the rapture drops dead. But I also despise what the Dem party stands for at this point.
It's been that way since before I was born. Dems are mostly center slightly left of center.
People were able to pull Biden left on some issues and it'll happen even more with people in general realizing we need more leftist policies.


Nov 1, 2015

Black Men have voted for the Democratic Party 80%-95% since 1972 and rightfully so because the party has delivered policy that benefits them. That doesn’t mean we don’t have expectations for better policy and governance. The idea that large numbers of Black men are supporting Trump is a false flag as strategy to disrupt. Black men want to be heard. Don’t scapegoat us for the lack of support from White women. We only have a little more than 50% of their vote. Misogyny exists and is preventing support of Kamala Harris but any politician out there would welcome the 85% of the Black men vote. Appeal to their self determination don’t condescend to an important party demographic.

They don’t need a large number. They need just a few. And there are a few who are white supremacy in black face or listening to Jill Stein (the Amazon guy). The Republicans Party ARE investing and targeting areas to flip a few black men. It has happened in the Ogden and Davis County areas of Utah. They drop a bit to this guy or that guy and the next thing you know they have Black men (and a few Black women) showing up to vote against DEI and calling it racists. It is happening. I’ve seen it. They also got Black people on board with the anti-CRT hoopla by doing the same thing. If they are successful, all of these men will be tossed out with the baby and the bath water.

You are correct, only a few percentage points will swing this election. The best messaging to one of your most loyal demographic groups is not condescension. It’s reinforcing the reason they vote for your party in the first place. To single out Black men NOT voting for the party is to ignore where we have lost support in larger measure with Latinos, White men, young voters, and White women.

What policy?

Good Question.
Democrats’ Policies Beneficial for the Black Community

-Childcare: Child Tax Credit ( $3000 proposed being raised to $6000)
-Creation of Medicare and Medicaid. Healthcare safety net for middle/working class and underserved.
-ACA/Obamacare: millions of Black Americans with access to healthcare, protection against discrimination practices denying coverage.
-Protection of Reproductive Rights for Women
-Elder care that allows family members to care for an elder and receive payments for their work and care. Build Back Better legislation ( Proposed addition to Medicare)
-Reduction of Prescription Drug prices.
-$35/month insulin. With Blacks disproportionately suffering with diabetes at 12%

-Civil Rights Bill that ended Jim Crow laws and segregation
-Voters Right Bill protecting the rights to vote
-Civil Rights Housing Bill ending housing discrimination.
-James Byrd Hate Crime Bill
-Emmit Till Anti Lynching Act
-Proposed George Floyd Criminal Justice Reform Bill
-Proposed John Lewis Voting Right Bill -The most Black judges nominated and seated after generations of exclusion.
-The First Black woman on the Supreme Court.

-Creation of Social Security. Economic safety net after years of working towards retirement.
-Raising the minimum wage.
-Labor Law codifying collective bargaining, living wage, 8 hour/work day, 5 day work week. Support of Unions. (Trump in Elon interview praised union busting)
-The Community Development Legislation combating banking discrimination and funding business capital for Blacks discriminated against and refused lending.
-Creation of Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs)in underserved communities without banking institutions funding Black entrepreneurs, economic development, and creating jobs.
-Community Development Block Grants that funds cities for operations and infrastructure
-Biden Infrastructure Bill
-Infrastructure Bill which requires participation of Black contractors on ALL federal projects
-Infrastructure Bill replacing lead pipes in Black communities disproportionately with a poisoned water supply. Milwaukee is replacing its entire network.
-First Time homebuyers subsidies to be increased in a Harris Administration to $25,000
-FHA loans to combat Banking discrimination that denies Black mortgages.
-Funding through the Farm Bill for grocery stores in food deserts: bringing economic development in Black communities and supporting Black businesses.
-$2 Billion to Black farmers discriminated against by the USDA.(Republicans sued to block it because of their judges)
-Economic Empowerment Zones created by President Obama to bring economic development in poor Black communities
(Republicans continued the program to use the zones as tax right offs without any development create blight.)
-The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. An agency designed to regulate corporate fraud and corporate greed that purposely inflate prices for profit.
-Manufacturing Jobs created with the return of manufacturing plants with tax credits incitnives first source hiring from Black communities lowering Black unemployment.

-Student Loan forgiveness
-Increase of the Pell Grants, 68% of which go to Black students.
-$15 Billion to HBCUs
-Protecting public school funding. Stopping the siphoning off of public schools funding to private schools.

Let’s talk about these white men though .. they are the ones powering Trump into office, and they aren’t held accountable at all. It’s as if people have just accepted that there’s a swath of white men we should just expect to be terrible.

Nobody is scapegoating Black men. I need you all stop & actually listen to what is happening. U have a number of Black men who stated loudly and often they were not voting for Kamala.

We will show up for her. The only demographic that partners with Black woman to vote for Democrats in record numbers is us. These other fools are running an op. We’re not distracted tho.


Trump got 12% of the Black vote in 2020.
There's NO WAY he's gaining on that percentage.
He won't have a noticeable increase in Black men

When that day comes, the GOP will get the same percentage of Black vote they've been getting

Trump- 12%
GW Bush- 9%
GHW Bush-11%
Reagan- 10%

The Dems don't offer Black men anything. Full stop.

We are just saying enough is enough.

To post tweets in this format, more info here:


May 28, 2012

NY Times pollin estimates for Black voters for Kamala. 78%.... :francis: Was in 90% range for Hilary and Biden. Got damn no wonder Barack felt he had to make that patronizin ass statement. The backlash been loud though seen mad viral social media posts of Black people men and even some Black women criticizin him and his statement


70% of Black men for Kamala
83% of Black women for Kamala

Barack seen internal numbers and he shot himself in his foot wit his public response all he could think was blame Black men :francis:
Black people waking up :blessed: But is it too late? :lupe:
Breaking kayfabe
I would agree if thry were ejecting a white woman.

Play the game. Why do we not do this? Jews would vote for a Jew. Chinese for a Chinese, Latino for a Latino. Those communities understand that wealth and power is through community.

We fukked up, period. And we can’t seem to admit that and make changes. This is for both genders. We fukked.
Dems make promises, but dont have enough seats to get things done

While shytting on ppl at the same time

While giving money to war
Every Dem POTUS since Ford had both houses of Congress for a 2 year period. This is more excuses.
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May 25, 2022
Black Self-Sufficiency
Why don’t he go lecture to white women like this?

Yea, I am not listening to a Homosexual talk about manhood and how we should redefine it. He should stick to speaking on what he actually knows, like life as a member of the LGBTQ+

"In 1996, Boykin revealed his sexual orientation in the book One More River to Cross: Black & Gay in America."



May 28, 2012
Yea, I am not listening to a Homosexual talk about manhood and how we should redefine it. He should stick to speaking on what he actually knows, like life as a member of the LGBTQ+

"In 1996, Boykin revealed his sexual orientation in the book One More River to Cross: Black & Gay in America."
Oh damn, he's really gay? I was just dissing him for his bytchassness :russ:

If the kitten heel fits:manny:


May 25, 2022
Black Self-Sufficiency
Are you holding other races accountable for their votes
Black men are not gatekeepers to elections being won
I tell you what
It’s a bunch of opps on this forum and every last one is showing naked ass in this thread
The majority of you nikkas are cosplaying or low self esteem having ass nikkas with crooked hairlines
Y’all writing the most self hate manifesto’s I’ve ever read in life
You nikkas ain’t for the people and you damn sure ain’t proud black men
This talking point tells me all I need to know on you weirdos
Worried about a small, negligible pocket of undecided black voters
When the majority are still voting for this racially ambiguous bytch that has a shytty track record before and after becoming VP
Y’all won’t have the same energy for others
I even read a brain dead bytch nikka questioning clear data from when Trump was first elected
W-Well clearly white men and women won’t vote for him again
nikka is you 6
All these other muthafukkas playing in yall faces
Asians don’t vote and if they do, it’s for republicans
Just like them eses and camel jockeys
Act like other races, nationalities and ethnicities aren’t more conservative
But no it’s always the black boogeymen that want to see the world burn
None of you nikkas are serious and are some of the biggest clowns on earth
Again, this is yall playground to talk that bullshyt yall bird chests don’t say outside this Al Gore Internet
Though I don't support how it is said, I had to laugh and agree because...
