"The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies" Official Thread (spoilers allowed)


Los Ingobernables de Sala de Cine
May 21, 2013
Took the risk and went to the midnight premiere, mostly because I found out the theater was holding a separate The Hobbit IMAX marathon so I figured that's where all the die-hard nerds would be at and the HFR 3D screening would be nerd free. There still were a couple of nerds who desperately tried to get an applause going at the end in typical standom fashion but luckily everybody else ignored them.

Anyway, I've officially determined that after seeing the entire trilogy in HFR, it's a gimmick best killed off right here and now, because outside of wide shots it simply doesn't look right.

The movie itself can be best summed up as pure trash. It's the shortest LOTR movie of all and that's including the fifteen minutes it stole from The Desolation Of Smaug's ending and six epilogues, including a completely forced LOTR tie-in for Legolas even though the LOTR events don't take place for oh, another couple of decades.

Lots of screentime also goes to the character of Alfrid, the most annoying 'comic relief' character since Jar-Jar Binks, who is incredibly cowardish and untrustworthy and yet continuously gets asked by main characters to do important things.

Gandalf might appear in the movie by rare occasion as well. In fact, Gandalf would make a pretty good name for a legendary Pokémon.

The Orcs are killing us all? Let's hold a battle cry! Now they're back to being fodder! Ignore that earlier dialogue talking about Orcs are trained purely for battle, will you?

Which four dwarves are going after the big bad guy again? Oh, it's Thorin, Death Flag and those other two.

I like how in their big fight Azog swings around a large rock on a chain that seems to incapacitate his movements more than it ever threatens Thorin. Talk about effective weaponry, especially since Azog's other arm is too occupied being a sword.

The elven king has a late heel to face turn so poorly handled that I fully expect him to headline the next Monday Night Raw.

Suggested alternative movie title? Plot Eagles 2: Return Of The Eagle Ex Machina!


Gettin' It In
May 23, 2012


May 11, 2012
Took the risk and went to the midnight premiere, mostly because I found out the theater was holding a separate The Hobbit IMAX marathon so I figured that's where all the die-hard nerds would be at and the HFR 3D screening would be nerd free. There still were a couple of nerds who desperately tried to get an applause going at the end in typical standom fashion but luckily everybody else ignored them.

Anyway, I've officially determined that after seeing the entire trilogy in HFR, it's a gimmick best killed off right here and now, because outside of wide shots it simply doesn't look right.

The movie itself can be best summed up as pure trash. It's the shortest LOTR movie of all and that's including the fifteen minutes it stole from The Desolation Of Smaug's ending and six epilogues, including a completely forced LOTR tie-in for Legolas even though the LOTR events don't take place for oh, another couple of decades.

Lots of screentime also goes to the character of Alfrid, the most annoying 'comic relief' character since Jar-Jar Binks, who is incredibly cowardish and untrustworthy and yet continuously gets asked by main characters to do important things.

Gandalf might appear in the movie by rare occasion as well. In fact, Gandalf would make a pretty good name for a legendary Pokémon.

The Orcs are killing us all? Let's hold a battle cry! Now they're back to being fodder! Ignore that earlier dialogue talking about Orcs are trained purely for battle, will you?

Which four dwarves are going after the big bad guy again? Oh, it's Thorin, Death Flag and those other two.

I like how in their big fight Azog swings around a large rock on a chain that seems to incapacitate his movements more than it ever threatens Thorin. Talk about effective weaponry, especially since Azog's other arm is too occupied being a sword.

The elven king has a late heel to face turn so poorly handled that I fully expect him to headline the next Monday Night Raw.

Suggested alternative movie title? Plot Eagles 2: Return Of The Eagle Ex Machina!
don't you dare call these movies LOTR :ufdup:

that trilogy is sacred

hobbit is a cash grab

i think you meant to say "middle earth"


The official Chaplain of the Coli
May 18, 2012
Straight thuggin in this one man. Now, let get the negatives 1st. That frame rate stuff at times make the running and action scene look straight corny. I've seen these movies in the Imax so I hadn't notice it as much. But I did at this theatre.

Alfred- New character that's a lame. Like a White version Kel from Goodbuger. Just a bad choice at comic relief.

The dragon
This niguh Biblo doesn't kill the dragon?:stopitslime: Tolkien, you dropped the ball on that one. All that work, and Bilbo doesn't go down as a hero for killing the dragon

Bilbo- In the 1st movie that nigguh was straight thuggin. You would think since this is the last movie that he would go out like a goon but he doesn't.

Postives- This movie is dark. None of that happy, Indiana Jones adventure stuff from the last one. This movie is Dej Loaf, catching :dead:. Heads chopped off. Niguhs dead in the streets. :mjcry:Not sure how long the war lasts. But that mug went by so quick. You got some dope battles. From Wizards. To those ugly monster vs. the dwarfs.

Movie wise, this ain't about Biblo. It's really Thorin (head of the dwarves movie). They spend the most time developing his character.

My only real problem with the battle scenes is that they used the same formula sometimes. Just when a character is about to die, you know somebody is going to save them. And they do it over and over again where it becomes too redundant.

I may have to put this above Cap. 2. There were def. minor lull parts. But overall this was a straight up war movie.[/spoiler]


May 11, 2012
it was OK

it was a really ugly film at some points.. i saw it in 3D HFR imax and the daytime scenes were so fuzzy and washed out it felt like watching a VHS on a big screen :scust:

smaug was in this for 10 min.. shoulda just killed him in pt 2. those scenes were just green screen crazy.. too much CGI in this trilogy overall compared to LOTR the goat

and that whole 50 min scene with the orc and elves that wasn't in the book :camby:

i enjoyed any scene with gandalf. i'd watch a whole spinoff of just gandalf

and the few scenes that made it feel like LOTR i enjoyed

but in all this trilogy is barely above the star wars prequels as far as quality


Gettin' It In
May 23, 2012
Nerds been gettin mad since the movie isnt at all like the book, so its whatever, maybe thats why ive been enjoying the movie's so much


Sep 5, 2014
Cornfields, cows, & an one stoplight town
Went to the marathon yesterday, which was long as fukk because the first movie is 3hrs and 2 min. :dahell: By the time we got to the last one, we were tired as hell, so maybe that affected my perspective of the last movie.

Overall, I say it was OK. I think The Battle of the Five Armies lacked the emotional depth and poignancy of the LOTR flicks. It's clear though that Jackson cares deeply about the story. I disagree with people saying this is just a cash grab. Yes, it probably is a cash grab, but it also seems like the director and all involved really love this story, and want to play in this world as long as possible. I do think this story could have been told over two movies, and not three. The battle scenes in this last one were good, but went on for too long. Long battles are fun when you really are invested in all of the characters fighting. In this one, I wasn't. Some of the more sentimental moments seemed tacked on or drawn out of nothing, just to play up the sentimentality of the story. :shaq2:But it felt false because we didn't really know some of these people well like we did in LOTR.

I'd give it a 3 out of 5 stars.:ld:

Drew Wonder

May 10, 2012
I thought it was dope, and the best of the Hobbit trilogy

No, it's not seeing any of the original films in any way, but I don't think it was meant to. The Hobbit book itself is very lightweight compared to the LOTR book. If you view these films as pure action/adventure stories and not the epic Oscar movies like the original trilogy its easier to enjoy them more

Yes, it was overstuffed again and there was too much CGI but I think this one felt the most comfortable with what it was as far as a straight up action film, whereas the first two tried to match the depth of the original films and failed because there's really not enough to work with when you stretch one book into three movies.

But yeah, I liked it, felt it was very entertaining and ended up tying into LOTR very well. It's also probably the most accessible film of all the LOTR films as far as something that a person who has no knowledge or interests in the books could enjoy on a pure entertainment level

Best scenes:
Thorin vs. the Pale Orc
Sauron, Elron and Galadriel rescuing Gandalf
Bard killing Smaug
Thorin finally coming to his senses, leading the Dwarves to battle
Worst scenes:
Any scene with the dude who dressed up as a woman
Legolas doing the Super Mario on those falling rocks