Watch The LeftoversOh yeah, and for all the praise Pike gets (she was excellent), I was more impressed by the actress who played the sister. I don't know if it was because I was already expecting it from Pike, but she filled that role in perfectly. I tell you right now, she's the only c00n I'll ever hang with (her name is Carrie c00n).
Also, I'm surprised no one (until now) has made this yet:
I'm conflicted about this movie, and will for that reason call it 'alright'. That's not to say it's just alright because I'd say for the most part the movie works brilliantly. Except for the times it doesn't, and it hurts the movie. For one thing, I would've been in love with the ending if they had sold me on it. The movie did not. Even though all the ingredients are there. The obvious undertone about people's obsession with playing the part society wants to see them in, rather than being true to who they are. The whole thing about Nick's dream of becoming a father being such a big motivator for his decision to stay with her in the end. But the movie failed to sell me on Nick wanting to be a father so bad because he was a sack of lies when he told that to his sister, so I didn't buy it and was surprised to see I apparently had to buy it at the end. The same goes for the undertone, we see Nick playing the role because he needs to for the media, and in the end, to draw Amy back. But the movie doesn't sell me on Nick actually accepting to be that person for her. Obviously because she's crazy and he's dead scared of her, but that brings us back to the point that there's no other reason the movie can make me buy him sticking with her. Perhaps if they had shown Nick to be a little more crazier, a little more attracted to the fact his wife did all this for him, I could've bought it. I would've bought it, but as it is now, I just can't.
And in there lies another issue I have with the movie, which is Fincher's clinical direction. I'd say for a dark comedy/thriller Fincher hits all the right beats because he knows his craft, but he was dangerously close to missing the point completely in some cases because stylistically he refused to embrace the craziness. The cold style worked when it's still a mystery of whether he killed his wife or not. When the mid-turn twist happens and things get crazier, the cold style starts to work against it. In fact, during the scenes of Amy at her most batshyt, it only seemed as if the Reznor/Ross score addressed the insanity of it all because tonally Fincher didn't shoot it any different than the rest of the movie. I found it very noticeable too during the actual murder scene which looked (deliberately?) sloppily edited, almost as if Fincher realized only in the editing room that he filmed it too straight and it needed to be more raw. It left me with the same feeling I had after his The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo remake, that Fincher is still a man who's attracted to the dark edges of mankind, but slowly getting less able to convey that on screen.
Um, you wasn't SUPPOSED to buy it. That was the PRECISE point. Nick is full of shyt, and the whole "I wanna be a son to his child" was a pile of shyt that his sister saw through and bullshyt and keep it real and stated he was still in LOVE with that psycho bytch. It wasn't that he was even scared of her! Part of her actually wanted to still be with that lunatic, the same reason why she went back to him. The whole last discussion when she revealed she was pregnant made that all clear.
So you think he really wanted to end up with her?Um, you wasn't SUPPOSED to buy it. That was the PRECISE point. Nick is full of shyt, and the whole "I wanna be a son to his child" was a pile of shyt that his sister saw through and bullshyt and keep it real and stated he was still in LOVE with that psycho bytch. It wasn't that he was even scared of her! Part of her actually wanted to still be with that lunatic, the same reason why she went back to him. The whole last discussion when she revealed she was pregnant made that all clear.
So you think he really wanted to end up with her?
I kind of thought he got trapped but ease elaborate
some of the dialogue wasespecially when it showed them first meeting
and Ratajkowski's t*ts..
Having never read the book...the flashbacks to when they met felt like some fairytale shyt to me. Felt weird, and I never really bought it.
I half thought it was intentional and I wasn't supposed to believe it. Knew I was watching a mindfukk movie, though, so maybe I was just in overdrive trying to read into shyt.
Um, you wasn't SUPPOSED to buy it. That was the PRECISE point. Nick is full of shyt, and the whole "I wanna be a son to his child" was a pile of shyt that his sister saw through and bullshyt and keep it real and stated he was still in LOVE with that psycho bytch. It wasn't that he was even scared of her! Part of her actually wanted to still be with that lunatic, the same reason why she went back to him. The whole last discussion when she revealed she was pregnant made that all clear.
but that brings us back to the point that there's no other reason the movie can make me buy him sticking with her. Perhaps if they had shown Nick to be a little more crazier, a little more attracted to the fact his wife did all this for him, I could've bought it. I would've bought it, but as it is now, I just can't.