Laughing at you n*ggaz like “ha ha ha”
In fairness everyone always things it's going to be different. Not saying it won't be but I'm just saying...............
That said, there are several in-town neighborhoods and those purchase buy general residents are already happening. I just sold my house in SW ATL for full price. If someone isn't already looking at those areas that have homes they are already a bit behind. Trying to wade into the areas that need a total face lift is risky like you mentioned.
Just throwing my perspective in as an older native and having just sold out of the area.
You used to stay in the SWATS too?

Where you was at breh? I was in Adams Park for the longest, my folks still own the home we lived in over there
@CashmereEsquire I'm interested to see how the Beltline truly impacts the Westside...my grandparents stay near the West End in Westview and that area over there, has been dilapidated for the longest. It has potential like many of the areas you named but I'm skeptical of what kind of change to expect.