Brehs...we're not out the woods yet. This is huge news. The KOch's are trying to bust up the movie union, that would push the state farther left:
Group backed by Koch brothers targets Georgia’s movie tax breaks
Americans for Prosperity, a group backed by the billionaire Koch brothers, has launched a nationwide fight against corporate tax incentives and is taking aim at film tax credits in Georgia and other states.
Thirty-five states have film tax programs, and almost every major-studio movie budget includes a line for subsidies, reports The Wall Street Journal.
Americans for Prosperity, a group backed by the billionaire Koch brothers, is taking aim…
Robert Burnside
Americans for Prosperity has been part of successful efforts to push back movie industry credits in some states, but failed in recent years to get anywhere in Georgia.
This legislative session the group started lobbying to convince Georgia politicians that the state’s credits should be rolled back, the WSJ reports.
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An Americans for Prosperity lobbyist in Atlanta said the group plans to build legislative and grass-roots support this year, and then back specific legislation next year, the paper adds.