lol @ ghetto d not being iconic. that's easily the most important album from the south.
they got props from chuck d. great. but i'd be more interesting to hear ho the whole staten island feels, aside from just a guy whose pushing 60 and was already bordlerline out of touch before outkast even came out.
like I said, stop googling quotes and get caught up with whats really going on.
I heard all of outkast albums except idlewild. that's all that matters. I don't have to study their credits. LOL. you sound like youre desperate to make some sort of point.
you guys are over-estimated the reach of scarface. prolly because yall are from the south.
the mainstream loves outkast actually.
as for general rap fans, they don't have outkast. they just don't care about them. theres nothing iconic about that. i'd rather be hated than be a group that's just around.
outkast is like a multi-niche group. they tapped into a bunch of niche audiences and got paid. but they never hit the core.
there was an uproar when prince & Michael Jackson died because mike is the most popular artist ever, and prince is somewhere in the top 10. outkast is not even in the same stratosphere.
how did outkast make pitch-perfect work? theyre one of the groups I'm getting at with this thread actually:
Are We Willing To Admit That Backpack/Conscious/Alternative Rappers Are Graded On A Curve?
you guys are overestimating the reach of scarface.
theres way too many serious rap fans, that are OF AGE that aren't familiar with his music like that.
I'm sorry but that's not iconic. hes like a kool g. rap.
an all-time legend that you can even refer to as a top 10 goat rapper. but NOT an icon.
and I guess I'm tougher on things like this.
I'm not sold on wutang as icons either. the logo is more iconic than they are, if we want to be real. and I'm saying that as someone who is from traditionally the 2nd biggest wutang city.