The General Mills Chronicles.

General Mills

More often than not I tend to take that L.
May 1, 2012
Piffsburgh, PA
My nikkas. . We get to this house and its straight out of the 60's. . Felt like I was on the set of.


One thing these cacs could do was :cook: GHATDAM IN HEAVEN AND ON EARTH AT THE SAME DAMN TIME! They brought out a full spread of food brehs!

mashed potatoes
fried chicken
corn on the cob
homemade rolls
shepherds pie
green beens

etc. . . .

Us 5 were wary walking into the house. . Then the smell hit me first. . My knees straight buckled and I was. :leon: My other brehs then smelled the goodness and their fear and wariness turned into glee. We walk into the kitchen. Mrs. Locke was standing there with her apron on and a table of food. . I was :inlove: All of us did 8 weeks of bootcamp and we were now eating the same military food at A-School. This was our first home cooked meal in over 3 months.

Mrs. Locke - Dig in boys. :smugfavre:

Us - YES MAA'M!! :drool:

We sat down and we :eat: Afterwards I was so fullll and my tummy was looking like I had hit my 5th Trimester. :noah: I was waddling to the bathroom to relieve some pressure when the Locke's young 5 year old creepy son materializes out of fukking thin air. .

He is just standing in the hallway looking at me. .


Then he blurts out. . Hey. . Be very careful.:shaq:

General Mills

More often than not I tend to take that L.
May 1, 2012
Piffsburgh, PA
Me - wwwwhat did you say? :dwillhuh:

Creepy Kid - I just want to make sure I told you to be careful. :steviej:

Me - Ok. . . . thanks. . Then I scurried quickly past him. . Careful to not touch him. :sadbron: Then slammed the bathroom door and locked that bytch. . fukk!

I am shook brehs. .Now I am wondering if I murked myself by eating their food! I had just took a big shyt. Blew the whole back off the commode. I kneeled down next to that stinky bowl and :lawd::blessed: to God for forgiveness and asked for him to deliver me and my brehs safely from this predicament. I was positive I just ran into a demonic supernatural entity. :to:

I ran back and told the fellas what just happened. The food euphoria was wearing off. Another breh said that the lil boy told him the EXACT same thing! :sadbron: "We are at war for our souls boys" I told them. Make sure you are prayed up. We are standing watch tonight. :beli:

After a prolonged pray session by the whole creepy family. . And a late dessert of peach cobbler and ice cream. :youngsabo: We turned in. . .

We decided to split up the watch times. We wanted one of us to be on high alert at all times in case Beelzebub tried to murk us in our sleep. We also all stashed butter knives and forks from the dining room and had them on our persons. One of the brehs had a wicked lil black pocket knife. We decided whoever was on watch they would also have that. I prayed over the knife unbeknownst to the fellas. I wanted us to have a holy weapon in our midst's. It worked for John Constantine.


Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.